
BTTH: Emperor Yang

A transmigrator into the universe of «Battle Through the Heavens.» Without a system or overpowered cheats, but with good talent, steadily achieving their goals. Continue reading 300+ chapters for free at the link: https://ficcult.com/category/battle-through-the-heavens/battle-through-the-heavens-emperor-yang/

noslnosl00 · 書籍·文学
50 Chs

Chapter 32: Defiant? Torture It!

Wei Yang landed, and just as he steadied himself, a soft, fragrant figure rushed toward him, throwing herself into his arms and holding him tightly.

Wei Yang winced internally, feeling a faint pain in his bones from the impact. He bit back any sound of discomfort and instead wrapped his arms around the girl.

«Brother Yang, are you okay? Are you badly hurt?» Ye Xian'er asked, her voice filled with worry as she examined him.

«No, no, I'm not hurt,» Wei Yang quickly reassured her.

«Brother Yang, I was so worried about you just now…» Xian'er's voice choked with emotion.

Seeing Xian'er crying in his arms, Wei Yang gently rubbed her head and softly comforted her, «Silly girl, I'm perfectly fine. I'm very strong, you know.»

«Mm.» Xian'er nodded vigorously, squeezing herself closer to him before lifting her head, her eyes still a bit red.

«You lied to me, Brother Yang. You said you needed my help, but you solved everything on your own,» she pouted, looking a bit dejected. «It's my fault for being useless and not being able to help you.»

«Who said that? Xian'er is very useful. Just wait a moment.» Wei Yang released her, despite her reluctance and confusion, and moved swiftly. His black wings unfolded, and he flew out.

Hovering over the lava lake, he looked down at the body soaked in magma. It was covered in blood and wounds, scales shattered, with bones showing in some places. The two-headed fire spirit snake lay there like a dead serpent, eyes closed.

Wei Yang extended his senses and soon detected a faint trace of life within it. The creature was secretly absorbing the surrounding magma's energy to recover.

«Hmph! As expected, it's not dead. As a beast raised in magma, its vitality is indeed tenacious,» Wei Yang sneered, unsurprised.

This was its domain, after all. In such an environment, its life force was incredibly strong. Moreover, both sides had used fire-based energy in their battle, and its fire resistance was high. So, it was not surprising that it was still alive.

In the original story, this creature managed to survive against Medusa herself a year later.

Who was Medusa? She was a peak Dou Huang expert! Perhaps Medusa was too focused on the heavenly flame at the time, so she didn't pay much attention to the two-headed fire spirit snake.

Still, the fact that it could survive an attack from Medusa was a testament to its strength.

If it had been in peak condition, it wouldn't have been so easy for Xiao Yan to sneak into the depths of the magma and successfully take the Green Lotus Throne.

Even with Yao Lao's possession, a battle would have severely weakened Yao Lao's already frail soul.

With these thoughts in mind, Wei Yang flashed to the snake's neck, wrapped his hand in Dou Qi, and grabbed it by its vital spot. Then, with a flap of his black wings, he lifted it from the magma, suspending it in the air.

Feeling its gaze, Wei Yang looked down, meeting the snake's four slightly open, weak, yet fierce eyes.

«Defiant, are we? Good. Let's see if you can keep it up,» Wei Yang smiled.

With a flap of his wings, he carried its massive body to a spot near Xian'er. With a wave of his hand, he slashed the nearby rock walls, creating a spacious platform.

He then tossed the snake onto it.

Boom! Boom! The two-headed fire spirit snake's body crashed onto the platform, raising a cloud of dust.

Half of its body and tail fell into the magma below, splashing huge waves of lava on either side.

At this moment, Ye Xian'er floated down gracefully, landing beside Wei Yang and holding his hand.

She glanced at the wretched yet still intimidating two-headed fire spirit snake, frowning and taking an involuntary step back. For a girl, snakes were naturally a bit repulsive.

«Brother Yang, is it dead?» Xian'er asked.

«Not yet. This two-headed fire spirit snake has a very strong life force, especially in this environment,» Wei Yang smiled, kicking one of its heads lightly.

The snake's eyes opened slightly again, staring at Wei Yang with a mix of defiance and hidden fear.

Magical beasts adhered to the law of the jungle. If you were stronger and defeated it, it would fear you. If you subdued it, it might even serve you.

«Are we going to kill it now?» Xian'er asked.

The snake seemed to understand, its pupils shrinking, eyes widening slightly.

«No,» Wei Yang shook his head. «The heavenly flame we're looking for is at the bottom of this magma lake. But we don't know how deep it is or how vast… Plus, there might be turbulent currents down there. If I go searching, it'll be like looking for a needle in a haystack.»

He looked into the snake's eyes, «This creature surely knows the location of the heavenly flame. If it is willing to guide us, finding it will be much easier.»

After a moment of eye contact, the snake closed its eyes again, showing defiance.

«Damn it, Brother Yang, you beat it up so badly, and it still won't submit,» Xian'er said angrily.

In her mind, anything involving Brother Yang was of utmost importance, especially since this snake had just injured him.

She bore a grudge against the creature.

Seeing its stubbornness, Xian'er grew more irritated.

Wei Yang chuckled, «Xian'er, if it won't submit, it's up to you now. Poison it! Don't kill it, just torment it until it agrees to guide us.»

«Okay,» Xian'er nodded, rubbing her hands together eagerly.

Her eyes twinkled as she eyed the snake, already thinking of the best poison to use.

Sensing their malicious intent, the snake felt a chill and opened its eyes wider, watching them warily.

«Got it, let's try this one,» Xian'er clapped her hands, moving to the side. She took out several bottles and herbs from her storage ring, crouching down to mix them.

She was an expert in poisons.

Wei Yang laughed, giving the snake a pitying look before sitting down to meditate and recover.

After a while, Xian'er approached with several jade bottles, and Wei Yang opened his eyes.

«Brother Yang, I'm ready. I prepared several non-lethal but very painful poisons,» Xian'er said confidently, holding up the bottles. «I hope it can last long enough for me to test them all.»

Wei Yang chuckled.

The snake, however, showed clear fear in its four eyes.

«Let's start with this one,» Xian'er chose a bottle, pouring a green liquid with a faint, strange smell onto one of the snake's wounds.

Wei Yang and Xian'er watched curiously.

The snake's eyes were fixed on them too.

Eight eyes met, and the air was still.

Soon, the snake reacted…

(The chapter ends here)

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