
BTTH: Emperor Yang

A transmigrator into the universe of «Battle Through the Heavens.» Without a system or overpowered cheats, but with good talent, steadily achieving their goals. Continue reading 300+ chapters for free at the link: https://ficcult.com/category/battle-through-the-heavens/battle-through-the-heavens-emperor-yang/

noslnosl00 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 31: Fierce Battle

In the world of magma.

The lava surged and boiled continuously, with chunks of rock constantly falling into it.

As the scales on the body of the Twin-Headed Fire Spirit Serpent began to glow one by one, its four eyes lit up with a crimson hue, fixating on the small, slippery figure. It paused momentarily, no longer pursuing forward.

Wei Yang also halted his movements.

Suddenly, deep red flames emerged from the magma, burning intensely. Quickly, they formed a vast sea of deep red fire, swirling above the lava lake.

The temperature in the area instantly became even more scorching and terrifying, as if the very air would be burned away.


The vast expanse of deep red flames abruptly began to riot, spinning rapidly and emitting intense howling sounds that echoed throughout the enormous underground world.

As the rotation of the sea of flames intensified, writhing movements appeared within, and over a dozen Twin-Headed Fire Spirit Serpents, entirely formed from flames, vividly materialized in the sea of fire.

These flame-formed Twin-Headed Fire Spirit Serpents appeared lifelike and brimming with intelligence, their sizes not much smaller than their original form.

Their bodies coiled, completely surrounding Wei Yang. The serpents' heads twisted, with their forked tongues flicking out, and dozens of triangular pupils glinted with ferocity and madness, locking onto Wei Yang.

A chilling aura of danger permeated the air.

"This fire control technique is too outrageous…" Wei Yang muttered, his body trembling slightly, his black wings slowly flapping, stirring waves of scorching air. His mouth opened wide as he swallowed hard.

He felt a tingling sensation on his scalp. Was this still a magical beast?

This fire control technique was better than many alchemists!

He was indeed waiting for the opponent's ultimate move, but this ultimate move made his scalp tingle, and his heart grew heavy.

At that moment, the over a dozen Twin-Headed Fire Spirit Serpents let out a simultaneous hiss, their sharp sounds echoing endlessly in this underground world, piercing to the extreme.

As the hissing began, the over a dozen serpents formed entirely of scorching deep red flames, looking like living creatures, coiled their bodies into a formation.

At the center of the formation was Wei Yang, with no escape.

Then, they surged towards Wei Yang with endless flames, a temperature terrifying enough to scorch the air itself, overwhelming him from all directions.

The enormous fire serpents, each over ten meters long, danced and attacked in the void, creating a spectacular yet terrifying scene.

The scene was extremely grand.

Of course, behind this grandeur was destruction, a crisis that could seriously injure even an ordinary Dou Wang (Battle King) expert.

"Damn it, I was too careless. I should have waited until I reached the peak of Dou Ling (Battle Spirit) to come. I didn't expect that after hiding for over eleven years, my steady godlike skill would be broken at this moment!"

Wei Yang looked at the Twin-Headed Fire Spirit Serpents attacking from all directions, his eyes showing shock and amazement.

"A peak fourth-rank magical beast, in this environment, using its innate fire control technique, can unleash power comparable to a mid-level Dou Wang… No, this might even touch the level of a high-level Dou Wang!"

"Since there's no way to avoid it, I'll face it head-on! Although I'm steady, it doesn't mean I'm weak!"

These thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant.

Externally, it was only a moment.

Wei Yang took a deep breath of scorching air, his body moved, springing upwards. The crimson Dou Qi covering his body deepened significantly. Simultaneously, he leaned forward, pressing his right palm fiercely towards the void in front of him.


A massive crimson lion, nearly eight meters long, appeared in the void, roaring angrily downward.


A wave of sound ripples quickly spread out, causing the vast sea of deep red flames below to pause slightly.

Immediately, the massive crimson lion charged out, heading fiercely towards the over a dozen Twin-Headed Fire Spirit Serpents.

The crimson lion and the over a dozen Twin-Headed Fire Spirit Serpents collided almost simultaneously at the center.

At the moment of impact.


With an earth-shattering explosion, a mushroom cloud of pure flames rose.

A ferocious energy ring expanded sharply, followed by more energy ripples spreading outward.

The lava lake, which had just slightly calmed down, once again surged with turbulent waves.

Wei Yang's black wings flapped wildly, and his figure retreated rapidly, leaving afterimages in the void. His Dou Qi also circulated madly within him, forming a thick layer of defense on his body surface.

But although he retreated quickly, the energy ripples spread even faster.

In an instant, they caught up to him. The afterimages he left in the void were visibly swept away by the ripples and destroyed.

"There's no time!"

At this moment, time seemed to slow down. Wei Yang's entire body bristled, his pupils reflecting the outline of the energy ripples.

He quickly curled his body, raising his hands to protect his head, while his black wings wrapped around his body.

Immediately, the energy ripples swept over.


Wei Yang felt as if he had been hit by a Taixu Ancient Dragon, his whole body like a cannonball, crashing fiercely into a distant rock wall.


The rock wall exploded, and Wei Yang was embedded into it.

"Brother Yang~"

From a distance, standing on the edge and watching all this, Ye Xian'er's eyes turned red, shouting.

The weakened energy ripples reached her, hitting her gray-white Dou Qi armor, causing her to quickly retreat until her back hit the rock wall, spreading countless spider web-like cracks before stopping.


From the bottom of the not-yet-dissipated mushroom cloud of flames, amidst the surging and falling lava, a painful, sharp hiss echoed.

Ye Xian'er glared furiously, gritting her teeth.

At this moment, the Twin-Headed Fire Spirit Serpent looked extremely miserable. Both heads were tattered, almost unrecognizable.

Its scales had fallen off in countless numbers, and the entire serpent body, which had seemed sculpted from fiery jade, now appeared bloody and mangled.

As the mushroom cloud of flames gradually dissipated and the falling lava rained down, its body fell powerlessly onto the magma.

Previously, to enhance its attack power for a fatal blow against the hateful human, one of the attacking serpents in the formation had naturally included itself.

This led to it being at the very center of the explosion.

The fact that it still had a whole corpse was due to its strong beastly body and its fire attribute.

Ye Xian'er glanced at the Twin-Headed Fire Spirit Serpent, soaking in the magma and unsure if it was alive or dead. She then looked worriedly in the direction of Wei Yang.

She wanted to go over, but unfortunately, she couldn't fly and could only watch anxiously.

After a moment.

Boom, the rock wall exploded, and a somewhat disheveled figure shot out, black wings spreading, hovering in the air.

Seeing this, Ye Xian'er's eyes lit up.


Wei Yang's face was pale, his chest heaving violently, gasping for breath. His clothes were torn, and his hair was messy, with his whole body feeling like it was falling apart, pain everywhere.

He moved his body slightly.


The pain made him gasp.

Recalling the recent situation, he glanced at the black wings behind him, breaking into a cold sweat, feeling a bit frightened.

Fortunately, the black wings were of high quality and withstood the brunt of the energy ripples; otherwise, he might have been severely injured.

Though he seemed disheveled, it was only minor injuries that would heal with some rest.

Wei Yang sensed the remaining Dou Qi in his body, and his technique began to operate automatically, absorbing the rich fire attribute energy from the outside to recover.

"Brother Yang~" Ye Xian'er stood in the distance, on tiptoe, waving and calling out.

"Coming," Wei Yang responded, his black wings flapping, flying towards her quickly.

(End of the chapter)

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