
VI. Confrontation

You both fell asleep peacefully..you woke up after sleeping..you looked around no Seokjin to be found but you heared the bathroom door open..it was Seokjin. "Baby! Your awake! I think we need to hurry we still have a plan for lunch right? At school? We dont want them to be sad..hehe" "Ahh, yeah sure i'll get ready" you stood up and walked to him and hugged him, "What did i do to deserve you Seokjin? Your too pretty for me to see, you make my eyes burn to sparkles when i see you" you told him "Your too precious Y/n, without you i cant live properly. If you leave i'll always get you back, no matter how hard it is. I'll get you back." "I wont ever leave you Jinnie,love you baby..now..i'll get dressed and we'll go to lunch" "Okay, go get dressed already..but you dont have other clothes." "True..but what am i going to wear then?" "You can borrow my hoodie and just use your jeans cause mines probably to big for you" "Oh okay thanks babe" "No problem" you both got dressed and went to his car he was driving and you were sitting on the passenger's seat..his hand on top of your hand. "Seokjin?" "Hmm?" "I need to tell you something important" "What is it baby?" I-i.." "Hmm?" "I know its early..but i'm ready to be your girlfriend already...you have shown me too much love just for a day. I hope you agree." He stopped the car and cupped your face "Oh Y/n! You made me so Happy!!! I'm your boyfriend now!!" He hugged you so tight "So..we gotta get going Jinnie..its almost lunch" "Yes Yes..we gotta go now." You both got to the canteen of the school, interwining both of your hands, girls were staring at both of u. You saw the 6 guys and Jisoo in a table.