
VII. Congratulations

Jisoo waved at the both of you, she looked at both of your hands, yours and Seokjin's..interwined. Jisoo smirked. "YAH! Looks like your getting your boy now huh? I'm happy for the both of you!" Jisoo said happily "Y/n, you know that Seokjin-" Taehyung was cut of by Jin "Yah Taehyung-ah! I'll be embarraresed cause of you infront of my girlfriend!" Seokjin said annoying to Taehyung "Say it Tae..i'd like to know things about this alpaca right next to me, continue please." "Hahaha its good you know Y/n i like your girlfriend hyung! She's kind! "I know thats why she's mine" Seokjin kisses your cheek "AYYYIIEE!!!" All of them teased "YAH! Stop it!! Tell me Tae! Or else..." "Okay okay! Seokjin always tells us that..your the one for him always since you moved..that your too pretty to live, your such a badass and he wants you to be like that forever, hopes to be his. So Y/n take care of our hyung." "No worries i will. I'll make him proud of me." You smirked "A-are you teasing me in public?!?" Seokjin whispered to you but loud enough for the others to hear. "I am..is it wrong to?" "Wait, have you both done it? Maybe not cause its only been like 4 hours haha!" Namjoon said "Well...we kinda did?" You told them "WHAT?! You're both kidding right?! Jesus..did u use protection?!" Hoseok whispered so no other peopel can hear. "U-uh..no?" Seokjin confessed.."You fuckin kidding me?!? Well..Y/n better get on those pills, ur too young so.." Yoongi said "Hyung! Words! Stop!" Jungkook warned Yoongi "YAH! I'm older than you so shut up baby!" "Okay okay!!!! Enough! You're both crazy!!" Jimin said annoyingly..

To be continued...