

Everyone became silent in the room. Jin couldn't help but cry endlessly. Jungkook unable to say anything, came closer and put Jin's head on his shoulder. The rest of the BTS members became speechless. Some stared at the laptop, some looked down don't know what to do.

Yoongi suddenly stands up and walked away. He cannot stand in a miserable situation for too long.

Jimin came closer and patted Jin's back slowly.

"I'm scared. Why me? Why this is happening to me? What did I do wrong to him? This is a trap!" Jin blowing up and angrily crying at the same time. Unable to believe what he just saw in the video.

Jimin couldn't help but cry together with him. Jungkook tried his best not to cry, holding his tear hard.

Hoseok's face became red. He sat alone in front of the laptop. He played the video again, trying to find any loopholes of the video. He can't believe want they just saw in the video. He trusts his hyung, but couldn't hide his disappointment. He wanted to find anything that could be used to encounter this, but none.

He repeated the video again and again. But it is still the same. The video showed Jin returned to his hotel room with only a pant covered his body and angrily threw his pyjama shirt on the carpet. That was the time when the camera caught a packet of GHB powder drug packet fallen from his shirt and flying under the table. It stayed there without anyone noticed it. Although it was hidden under the table, from the installed camera angle, it's clearly showed that there is a small drug packet in the room. A drug in a BTS member's room! It was still there even until the staff came in to uninstall the camera. Unnoticeable.

Namjoon scratched his head. He didn't know what should he do as a leader. If the video gets exposed, not only Jin, the rest of the BTS members will be affected. The worst part is, it happened in the US, a foreign country. People already created a lot of assumption on their fame in Hollywood. Thinking that BTS has become more distant and become too Americanized. Having this issue is enough to acknowledge their assumption and make the whole South Korea shock. They are someone people looked up to, they have a clean image, and their culture won't accept this kind of behaviour. Their reputation will definitely fall hard if this issue goes out. But the video clearly displayed a packet of the drug dropped from Jin's shirt. They cannot say it's a fake video or someone wanted to defame them when the video is genuine. The only thing they're fortunate now is, the video belongs to Big Hit, recorded in Big Hit's camera. It is safe as for now as long as no one disclosed it. But the hotel and some media already knew about this. Otherwise, how they dare to report about it? How long the video will stay safe with Big Hit? Will it be safe? Namjoon scratched his hair harder.

"I want to find that guy. Steve. I want to smack his face and break his leg!" said Taehyung while holding his anger.

"Right, we need to find that guy. We can't let them mess up with us like this," Hoseok added angrily.

Jin scared and feel pressured. Although he got extremely angry being framed over something he didn't do, he knew he shouldn't feel guilty either, but he doesn't know how to deal with this problem. He scared to be in this kind of situation. Will people care to know the truth? How and what he should do to convince them? Who gonna trust him? Who gonna stay with him? He knew, even before revealing the truth or investigating the issue, people will backslash them hard. Not only him, but his family, BTS members, the company and his fans gonna receive a lot of criticism. What will happen to BTS career? Their future? All their hard work will collapse. No matter how optimist he is, no matter how much he doesn't want to think about the negative consequences resulted from it, he cannot deny that everything is worrying and frightening. Scary to imagine. Too scared to face it. Life is uncertain. But he doesn't want to create wound to anyone's heart. He wanted to run. Run away from this nightmare.

Jimin looked at Jin with a soft gaze. He feels bad Jin got scolded by Big Hit staff and manager. Jin got extremely shocked looking at the video. Even Bang Sihyuk contacted him, scolding him, yet also assured him they will do something to rectify the issue. He knew Jin must be really pressured and he really needs people to support him. Although everyone trusts him, the issue is huge, that can make them trembling hard. Even the whole BTS members stand behind him, still cannot guarantee anything. He knew Jin feel terrible inside and still feel shocked, just like them. Jimin pretty sure, reporter already knew about this, but for some reason didn't cover the case as for now. Could be because their fan base is large and full of defensive people, or could be the media still requiring more information, or could be because this is a crime issue involving 2 countries. The media can get the backslash making the report without any proof and baseless rumours. But that does not mean, they can feel relaxed now. It is just playing with time. Now, who is the person involved in the drug issue is clear. They are the Billboard winner who got caught having a drug in his room and created trouble in the hotel.

Namjoon put his hand under his chin, looking at Jin, said "We really need to find that guy. Whether he is wrong or not, we need to find him. He is the key reason why the drug found in Jin hyung's shirt. We need to find out the truth. This issue is not about only about you, hyung. This is about BTS. Why he tried so hard to harm us? I doubt, when you were unconscious, it has something to do with him".

Taehyung added, "Yes, we should catch him. But what should we do without letting this news out?"

Before anyone reply to the question, Sejin returned to the room.

"We will find Steve. As for now, the hotel promises not to provide more information to the media anymore. They also have a reputation to take care of. We will try to contact the hotel to find anything if they are willing to help us. We will try as much as we can to not get involved with authority in this case. Now, just focus on the Chicago concert. Don't worry too much. Pull yourself together. Don't fight. Stay together and look after each other," said Sejin.

"Wait. Where is Yoongi?" asked Sejin again.

Everyone looked around before they realized Yoongi already left the room. Sejin called Yoongi. Afraid another trouble will be created. Fortunately, he picked up the call and told him he going back to his room to sleep. He was too tired for the concert, too tired to think about the problem. He wanted a break and go to his dream world, escape from the troublesome world.

Everyone returned to their room. Jungkook tried to cheering up Jin. He massages Jin's shoulder while walking to Jin's room.

"Don't worry too much, hyung. We will catch him. I will lend you my muscle to catch him. Cheer up, Worldwide Handsome," Jungkook transferred his strength and energy to Jin which make Jin flashed a little smile.