

Our Mc was lokw you or me was he an orphan no was he hated no he was your joe smhoe walking down the sidewalk when evrything change and now he lives his life. In a MHA AU so if sone things dont add up thats why. *NO GACHA* *NO STORE* *Curse Words Should be Beep out* *Chapters Min. of 1000 Words* *Chapter Upload Once A Week Min.*

PUGMECH · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Chp. 6, Monkey Buisness

Okay so maybe a new thing I just learned, setting up a fake ID in a super-powered society is kind of easy especially with a really smart creature helping you. So yeah, Neze set it up it was pretty easy barely an inconvenience.

Anyways this is my ID

[Name: Xander, Null

Age: 22

Date of Birth: July, 15, 2***

Job: Vice-Principal/Pro-Hero

Hero-Alias: Super Monkey

Quirk: Classified (A/N: The name itself is not 'classified' it's just not listed kind of like All Might's quirk) ]

Of course, this ID is my hero license for the PSHC to see. My civilian ID will just have my name, age, and date of birth. Anyways apparently, Nezu never needed a Vice-Principal though before he was the principal the previous one had one so he still kept that room clean just in case. (A/N: PSHC=Public Safety Hero Comision)

So, I have an office-ready I just need to go over some notes that Nezu gave me to prepare myself for the job as a Vice-Principal. Now I am not going to lie it's kind of difficult but I can bear through it it's the equivalent of some hard homework a teacher assigned me. Anyways I discovered something about the room there was a hidden door that led to a small home.

The previous principal showed most of the hard work to the vice-principal so. He made a room to rest in just in case he lingered for too long and was too tired to go back home. It has a living room/kitchen a bathroom and a bedroom it's a tiny home.

All it needed was some redecorating from me and I will be ready to move in. It also has a quick way to escape apparently. The previous vice-principal was known for being anywhere at school at any point some thought it was his quirk.

In reality, he set up secret passageways to every part of the school using a tube system kind of like the one in the Kid-Danger TV show I used to watch.

Anyways that is super useful maybe I can extend them to other areas around the city. I mean not to brag but I am a genius now so I just need to experiment and boom! Tube system all around the city maybe even expanding all over Japan.

Not that I need them to move around fast since hello! I can fly but it can come in handy when I need to move under the radar. Plus, you have to admit it is pretty cool using one of these. So now that I have put more work on my plate I need to head out and buy some things for training Izuku.

Now while yes Izuku passed cleaning the beach it was super close. Since he is the protagonist but since I am now giving him the R-NGY to boost his strength overall he will be able to clean the beach faster.

What is R-NGY you might ask well it's what I call the red portal juice. I know very creative since its red and all and it boost you which is why I added the NGY part. Anyways I am getting of topic now where was I. Right Izuku's training plan.

I can also give him some specialized equipment to train his body even more let's see. Maybe In can get weighted clothes for him to build even more muscle mass.

Then again, he also needs to strengthen his bones so maybe. I can get some calcium supplements and do some things like in the movies where they purposely break their bones in the right places to make them stronger.

Also, since this is anime world as long as I know what I am doing it should work. Then with this part of the plan in place Izuku would be able to handle the initial recoil of OFA. Since he still would use 100% when he inevitably destroys the Zero-Pointer.

Also, I need to work on his confidence since that will impact him greatly. Since being timid might be "cute" and all but it can also show weakness. Now I know he gets serious when he fights but it would be nice if he doesn't get flustered or scared easily.

Plus, I can also train his mind since that is one of his main advantages over others since he can dissect a quirk in minutes if not seconds. He just subconsciously holds back since whenever he did that people got creep out.

But that is why I want to help him since yes, I know most quirks weakness. But those would be obvious ones like water would put out fire and etc. What I want to learn are some random quirks out there like what if they had a paralyzing quirk like stain how would I be able to take them out.

That is where he cannot just help me but other heroes out there. I mean do you know how OP is when you can see what an enemy's weakness in games now imagine that in real life. That is why any gamer even with just that skill can be OP.

I am getting of topic aren't I. Anyways so yeah train Izuku before he gets "trained" by All Might. Then come in when he is being train and actually help him even more. Then I can go and train my powers even more against the number one hero. To see how strong, I am relatively now.

Then I can go out and stop some bloons and try and discovered how to unlock more towers I really would like banana farms. I wonder how that tower would work would I actually place it down or would it turn into a passive income I just have.

Stop! Don't go and thinking random what ifs we will cross that bridge when we get to it. So, I just need to go and get some supplies for training. But I can't go out in my "Hero-Outfit" plus I can't take this costume off I already tried that it doesn't come off.

I am an idiot I aren't I. I then change my tower to a dart monkey.

A light flash around me and I am now a monkey I am not naked I at least have the clothes I had before well all this happened and when I was still human. I missed this blue hoodie I always had in with my favorite shirt and jeans. Now my shoes change since well my feet are a bit different but they still are my adidas shoes.

Anyways enough with checking myself out I can now go out without being recognized I think since people here are pretty dumb. So, they won't think I was that new hero they would think I was a random person who has a monkey quirk.

Now you might think but they would think you were Super-Monkey since well you are a monkey well. People here are REALLY dumb I mean they go near villain attacks instead of running away. So, if they die, I say it's all because of survival of the fittest also known as Darwinism.

Anyways I got my list ready now because when I go to the store, I always forget one thing I needed to buy. Thank BOB that Nezu gave me a phone so all I need to do is search the nearest workout store or something similar.


Finally, I got what I needed from my list. Now I just need to go back and build up what I had in mind I should have enough supplies to build it plus some extra stuff to make this work. I already have some plans draw up so if this doesn't work out it's completely my fault.


Okay I finished it now what is this it you may ask well let me show you. It's my R-NGY collector/dispenser and holder so what I did was build more or less a giant keg or water tank.

Then I connected it to a sub pipe system from the tube system which will pop up into a red portal and suck up as much of the portal as possible while still being unnoticeable.

So, when I extend the tube system so will the range of my R-NGY collector will grow as well which gives me a reason to increase the range of the tube system.

Man, I am beat building this was already a pain well at least I got some food I do wonder what I got since I just told the cashier to surprise me. I then open my takeout bag and open it I then see a takeout box and I then lift it up when I saw something underneath it.

It was a bunch of bananas I … should I be made this is speciesist or maybe racist or even quirkiest since they thought I was a quirked human. I mean I am not going to complain its food but really.

I then grab the bananas when I hear something

[Banana Farm Unlocked]

[Banana Farm Paths Unlocked]


Finally, a way to make more money or should I say coins. Then a screen pops up in front of me.

[Message From BOB]

Huh I wonder why he sent a message didn't he say we will leave our separate ways? I then click on the screen.

[Hey, BOB here so yeah, I already made this message when I gave you the powers since it will have taken too long to explain everything of your new powers. So, I sent messages when you unlock certain towers. Anyways here is what I have to say well I can't call you mortal anymore now can I. Okay so the banana farm work by placing down a singular farm IRL and you can choose if that farm can do three things either 1.) Real Money 2.) Monkey Coins 3.) XP. So, I did this so you don't get too OP too quickly. The farm works by giving you a set amount each day so for example it can give you 80$ per day it differs from money and XP though. Also, you need to be near the towers to collect the gains unless you have a monkey farmer near the towers. The path tree has some extra stuff in it like you can choose to have more towers down. Or you can choose the time it takes to give you the amount so instead of once per day its two times a day or once each 12 hours instead of 24 hours. I hope that your adventures are fruitful pun intended I have to go another mortal has died but I will just send them to a world with a suitable power instead of talking your kind always talks too much.]

I guess that's fair it would be boring to watch someone who is OP off the bat unless it's like one punch man. Oh, wait there is more.

[Oh yeah towers will cost money to be able to use them don't worry it's only a one-time purchase then it's unlocked forever. I gave you the Dart monkey for free since you need a civilian form plus when you upgrade it you can choose to "hide" the upgrades. You can do that for all the towers since when you "Hide" an upgrade it reverts the look to the base but still retains the powers from the said upgrade. Anyways sorry for not explaining as a gift of sorts to balance this I will let you have the banana farm free of charge though when you want to place another one down it will cost money to place more.]

[Banan Farm x1 Available]

I then place the farm on my desk it is a miniature version from the game it's cute. Anyways I then set it to XP so I then can unlock more farms. Let me just make sure how much XP it will cost to unlock more. I then open the banana farm path.

[Banana Farm

Description: Generates Bananas each round that convert into game money to spend on more stuff

Path 1: Increased Production

Description: Grows 2 Banana Bunches per round

XP Cost: 500

Path 2: Long Life Bananas

Description: Bananas Last 30 seconds before rotting instead of 15

XP Cost: 500

Path 3: EZ Collect

Description: The collect radius of Bananas is larger and uncollected Bananas auto-collect for half Value. Monkey bank will glow when full and ready to collect

XP Cost: 500

Upgrade 1: Faster Income

Description: Instead of once a day it gives money two times a day

XP Cost: 1,000

Upgrade 2: Another Farm

Description: You can now purchase another farm

XP Cost: 500

Upgrade 3: Monkey Farmer

Description: Slaves… I mean free labor from your fellow kind place near the farms and it will automatically collect the money. It cost real money to buy them about 20,000 yen or 176 dollars.

XP Cost: 2000]

The first thing I will unlock will be the other farm then set that to XP until I unlock the either the next farm or the faster income. Then I will set one farm to monkey coins and then unlock things for the super monkey or dart monkey.

I then get up and prepare to leave for tomorrow to train Izuku it should be easy but who knows. Anyways I get to my tiny home and prepare to go to sleep but before that its chow time.

(A/N: Hey I am super tired but I was able to write this for you guys and gals and unkowns. So if you like it drop a stone, comment, or review. It helps me see if you like the story and motivates me to write this. Have a excellent day.)

: )