
Chapter 12 - Mutant Arachno general

Chapter 12 - Mutant Arachno general

With the elder's help, Ed returned to observing the forest.

About 100 meters from the edge of the forest, surrounded by hundreds of spiders, ten figures towered over the rest.

Six of them were soldiers similar to or larger than those who attacked the village; they were kneeling and looking down; their bodies trembled in front of the other four creatures.

"Bloodline suppression." Ed said looking at the elder, who nodded in agreement. Clearly Ed's information about the arachnos was correct.

Turning his attention back to the forest. Ed began reconnaissance of the other four arachnos.

The three arachnos commanders were as he expected, spider body and humanoid torso, all covered in dark hair.- The commanders are like centaurs, but arachnids instead of horses.- Ed joked, trying to relieve the tension he felt at that moment.- And those chelicerae look poisonous.- he added, realizing that these arachnos had darker chelicerae than the others. The commanders, as well as the soldiers, were also kneeling, or at least that was what it looked like since they were bent over, but they weren't shaking as much as the soldiers.

Looking at the last arachno in the center of the group, Ed saw a giant, over two meters tall, a furred humanoid body, four pairs of insectoid legs coming out of his back, each hundred and fiffty to hundred and eighty centimetes long , with sharp tips like spears and segmented into 5 parts; at that moment they were spread open like wings, in a show of strength; a spider's head completed the picture, eight eyes that allowed 360-degree vision, and chelicerae so dark Ed could only imagine how potent their venom would be.

- Probably his venom must be as potent as one of Earth's most venomous spider? Maybe worse? Nah, certainly worse, probably spiritual poison.- Ed thought, remembering an edition of an arachno general card with a similar ability, if it dealt damage to an opponent's creature, the poisoned creature would have a chance to be paralyzed every turn after that; every start of turn the player would have to flip a coin to see whether or not the creature would be able to act. According to the card, the ability had to do with a poison that hits the opponent's spirit and causes hallucinations and magical power.

In addition, Ed noticed that on the giant's head, a protrusion extended, like a horn. The texture looked like a crystal, inside there was an aura that resembled outer space, full of stars. The crystal made Ed feel strangely familiar. But considering the situation, he didn't get too attached to it, he had a battle to coordinate. - Luckly that the elder synchronized me with the trees to help with my state of mind, I would probably be desperate with fear if it weren't for that.- Ed thought.

- This general is no ordinary arachno.- Ed said in a serious tone, as he turned to face the elves.- Maybe it's a mutation, maybe it's something external that caused a change in this monster? I don't know. In any case, he is not simple. The battle difficulty has just increased, by a lot. Everyone must be prepared. This battle today is going to be hard, tense and bloody. I'm not saying this to scare you, but to prepare you.- Ed addressed the elves, after taking a deep breath to get his thoughts in order.

- Gih, the commanders are strong, much more than the soldiers you faced, they are faster, their legs are as sharp as spears, and their chelicerae are poisonous. The General has a mutation, and probably a more potent poison than the commanders, perhaps it is a spirit poison that can cause hallucinations and corrupt magical force. You are the military leader of this village, and your job just got a lot more complicated. From the looks of it, they are getting organized, hundreds of spiders surround them, and more are being attracted, perhaps the number will go into the thousands. Use the time until they move to get ready too.- Ed guided the elf.

- Elder, how is your energy? We are at an important moment, information on their movements is indispensable. But if you need to rest, I understand.- Ed asked looking at the lady next to her.

- Don't worry, I'm fine. With your help I basically just had to comune with the trees, and despite synchronizing the visions with you too its still alright; me and the trees in these woods are old friends, they don't resist me, so not only do I use very little energy, the trees help me with their energy, relieving my consumption. In fact, if I need to, I can even join the battle later.- replied the old elf with a smile.

In the last two attacks, to prevent the elves from getting involved in the battle, the elder participated direclty in the defense, allowing them to end it safe and quickly. With Ed's help, she preserved herself in the today's conflict, almost without expending energy.

- That's good news, because I think we're going to need your help more than ever." Ed exclaimed with a sigh of relief. Without the elder and the synchronization with the trees he would not have been able to maintain the calm necessary to help the village through this ordeal.

- Well, I need a favor, I want all the elves who know how to use magic to give me a list of what effects they can create, and how much energy they need to spend to create these effects, that is, how many times can you cast the spells . It doesn't have to be all the spells you know, citing the two best ones is fine. This battle will demand precision and speed. There will be no room for errors nor hesitation.

For a while the elves began, one by one, to inform Ed about their abilities. The vast majority of spells were the one like growing vines, manipulating the wind, healing, telepathy; five of them knew the magic Ed needed, manipulate light. This spell gathers rays of light in the atmosphere around and uses it to illuminate a specific location, elves used to tend the plants in the forest, help them grow.

- Arachnos have a privileged vision, they see in 360°, that is, they have practically no blind spots, except for the top of their head and their feet. But they live in the densest parts of the forest, besides, they are nocturnal creatures. All in all, having multiple eyes means they will suffer a lot from sudden changes in light. So this is the strategy: when they attack, the mages who can will use the light spell together, but I don't want it to be a sustained ray, what we need is a really strong flash. Lucky for us today is a full moon night, the light magic should work fine. And to improve even more, elves who can control wind, make a gale to clear the clouds.- Ed explained while giving some directions.

- When the flashes occur, the arachnos should be blinded and disoriented, it will be the chance for us to face and eliminate them. - Ed said, turning to Gih.- Since you are the military leader, the order to cast the magic and to make the attack will be up to you.

Gih felt her blood boil. She nodded, as she already started to think about how to use Ed's idea in the best way possible. Her eyes darted from side to side as various ideas raced through her mind. Until she felt the elder's hand on her back.

- You still have a lot to learn, child. Ed has said several times that information is important. However, until now you haven't asked me to show you the images of the forest.- Said the old woman, who without waiting had already starting to comune with the trees in the forest, giving both Gih and Ed the vision of the arachnos.


In the woods, the monsters were still in the same position, but the number of spiders had almost reached four digits. The smallest one was the size of a dog, the largest was the size of a calf.

At that moment, the spiders and arachnos began hissing together. The general, in their midst, looked like a king among commoners, listening to his subjects cheering. With a single hiss of his, all the forest was quiet; with another, the arachnos and spiders rose, and began to march towards the village; spiders in front, arachnos in rear.

- What do you think they will do?- asked the elder.

Ed didn't answer, but looked at Gih.

- I think they'll use the tactic Ed mentioned. Waves of spiders will wear us down, then soldiers will attack us trying to break through our defenses. Commanders will come when the first defense gap opens. The general will finish the job if the commanders can't take care of it fast enought. Perhaps the queen is nearby watching, it might appear too.

- Good analysis, but I don't think the queen is around. I don't think there's a queen among these arachnos. That horn, it's something different. The energy I felt is familiar, but I don't know why I feel this way. In any case, I think that crystal changed the general. The way he was acting in the forest, an arachno general answering to a queen would never act like that, pretending to be a king.- said Ed.

- On the bright side, eliminating the general may be the way to end the battle once and for all; it's fast and clean. On the other side, it won't be easy to defeat him; I don't even know if getting near him will be possible with so many spiders on the way.- said Gih.

- Maybe I have a way. - From behind them came a voice. Luh, who was listening to their conversation, intervened.