
Chapter 13 - Black Ops: Elven Edition

Chapter 13 - Black Ops: Elven Edition

- Don't make suspense, Luh. What's your idea? - Asked the elder, seeing Luh approaching.

- During the attack, you all do your best to get their attention, while I will leave the village, go to the forest, and 'cut off the snake's head', as Ed said. I know manipulation of light magic, and also camouflage magic. I have more chances than anyone to get the general killed. - Luh replied, looking Ed in the eyes.

- No! - exclaimed the elder and Gih together.

- You're not going to put yourself in the middle of the forest, alone, against an arachno general that has undergone an unknown mutation. - Said the elder.

- I agree, if anyone has any chance of completing this type of mission, it's me. Arrows have already proved ineffective against them, only a sword or spear can hurt these monsters.- Said Gih, and they all turned to look at Ed, who still hasn't expressed his opinion.

- Luh has a point about the methods; but not about the execution.- Ed said, causing the elder's eyes to widen. But before she could say anything, he stopped her with a wave of his hand, and continued. - Killing the general is the best way to finish this without many losses; and waiting for him to reach the wall to go for the kill won't work. Catching him in the forest is the quickest way to end this conflict. But Luh is not the best option for the job, maybe she could go as a support, but not alone.- added Ed.

- Then I'll go with her! -Gih started, but was interrupted by Ed before she could continue.

- No; you are an even worse choice. That general has enough power to face 10 elves like you at the same time. You saw the spear-like legs in his back, didn't you? Do you really think you can get close to him and do any damage before he runs you through with one of them? - Ed spoke. - Besides, your place is here, Gih; you are the leader of these elves, and in moments they will be under indescribable pressure and tension, they'll be anxious and afraid. So, your place is here, keeping their morals up and holding them together. A military leader is not just someone giving orders; he is the one who keeps the group together, focused. The reason and importance of eliminating the general is exactly that, right now he is doing that for the invaders.

- But that's something you can do it Ed. And I can go there! - replied Gih.

- Gih, you're an elf; I'm just a human that Arkron brought here from another universe. These elves are all impressed by what I say and I know, but by the time these spiders and arachnos start tearing down those wooden walls, and these elves see their peers dying, they won't want a human talking about what they need to do or how they'll have to do it. They'll want someone they can relate to; who grew up with them. - explained Ed.

- But if it's not Luh or me, who else will be able to get to the general, and kill him? asked Gi, exasperated.

Hearing the question, Ed looked at the old woman as his finger alternated between him and her. - We're going. I'm young, and even without training I have the physical capacity to help in battle. On the other hand, the elder has the magic, knowledge of the forest and plenty of experience in combat.- Ed replied.- Ma'am, what is your level of telepathy? If I'm not mistaken, with advanced telepathy and if the target is willing possession is possible, isn't it? If the telepathy is at the mastery level, then its possible to perform possession even without the target's agreement. Also, possessed people can be used as a medium to cast spells.

- So here is the plan, the elder will possess me, and we will enter the forest to assassinate the general. Using magic, we don't need high physical performance. Besides, they don't know I exist, and they won't miss a human on the wooden wall. Finally, if the worst happens, the elder will be here, safe and sound, just like the other elves.

- Ed, you can't put yourself in...- the elder started to speak, but was interrupted by Ed.

- Ma'am, you told me earlier that I'm the answer Arboreus sent to help you out of this predicament. Then let me do my job.- Ed smiled.- Besides, I have a feeling of familiarity with that crystal, it's something that's bugging me. That's my chance to get closer and try to see what that is.

The four were silent for a few moments, until screams began to come from the wooden wall.

Outside the village, the enemy army had reached the clearing. At the edge of the forest, arachnos soldiers and commanders were watching as spiders infested the terrain. Several of them began to throw themselves into the ditch, dying in the flames, which soon died out.

Archers were on top of the wall doing their best to stop the army from advancing.

- Gih and Luh, go to the wall. Luh, keep using thorny vines magic to slow them down. Gih, send the mages who can manipulate wind to create gales to the forest line; if possible I want a dust curtain IN THE WOODS, not the clearing. And don't start the flashes yet, they will be useful against arachnos, but not so much against spiders; they just follow orders, if the arachnos say "go ahead", the spiders will rush ahead, blinded or not.

The elves swallowed any words they were going to say when they noticed the serious look of the elder next to Ed, and went to coordinate the battle.

Ed and the elder looked at each other for a few seconds, until the lady relented.

- Are you sure about this? she asked him.

- If I hadn't been connected to the trees, I probably wouldn't have come up with this idea. Deep down, really deep down, I'm terrified. But with your help, serenity and calm allow me to make the best decisions. And this is the best decision. Ma'am, you led a pilgrimage, faced all sorts of dangers, and not only survived but alfo founded and protected this village until now. That means you are a warrior as well as a priestess. The villagers don't remember, but ma'am, you were born and raised in the forest, hunting is in your blood. - finished Ed.

The old woman was silent as Ed waited beside her.

From the wall, the sound of arrows being fired resounded, as well as those of spiders hissing before heading towards their death. Even though they weren't on top of the wall, they could imagine the scenes in their minds.

The voice of Gih giving orders soon reached their ears, and moments later Luh's voice invoking spells.

The battle grew more and more intense with each passing second.

- Let's go behind the second wall.- said the elder, before started to walk with Ed. - Possession and telepathy are different spells. But you're right, on a willing target it is indeed possible to use telepathy to perform a possession, the difference is that instead of replacing the target's consciousness, the telepath will share command of the body with the original owner. In fact, the original consciousness takes precedence over control. - Said the elder in a serious tone.

- What I mean is that it will be very easy for you to be in danger if there is even the slightest hesitation while we're out there. And as you said yourself, in the worst case, I will be here, safe. You tho, you'll be alone. - completed the old woman as she headed for a more empty corner behind the second palisade.

- Don't worry ma'am. I'm aware of what I'm agreeing too. For all that matter, I'll take the passenger's seat, and just watch you settle this issue; I'll treat this experience as learning.- Ed replied.

- So let's get started.- Said the old woman as she guided Ed to sit next to her, and held his hands.- Close your eyes, feel my mind in your mind, and relax. Let your mind rest, as if you were going to sleep.

As the old woman's voice rang in Ed's ears, his eyelids grew heavier and heavier, as he began to blink; once, twice, three times, each time they descended faster and ascended slower.

After a few moments, Ed's eyes snaped open, but his pupils weren't focused. He got up and stretched, and did some warm-up exercises.

-The strength leave something to be desired, mobility too, but it's still better than a body with 1500 years.- Ed's voice sounded the same, but the diction and words were completely different from the usual. Beside him, the elder was sitting, eyes closed, in deep meditation.

- Kalli - shouted the elder, using Ed's mouth, to an elf near the second palisade. - The elder is meditating to recover energy, in case the battle needs her. Stand guard, and don't let anyone get close.

- Yes, sir Ed. - replied the elf.

- Don't call me Sir, or you'll steal a few years of my life, I'm too young for that.- Ed replied, regaining control of his body momentarily, before walking back to the wall.

At that moment the old woman's voice sounded in the consciousness that they were both sharing - Don't do it outside the wall. I said that your conscience is sharing the body with mine, and it has priority, if our thoughts diverge, and different orders are given, not only will the body prioritize you, it may even expel me, after all I can only possess a willing person.

-Understood.- Ed mentally replied, slightly embarrassed.- Now, let's jump over the wall and hunt some spiders.- he said, resolute. - Time to start operation Black Ops: Magic Ninja Elf Edition.