
Brother's Friend FF Chanyeol EXO

Two people who finally notice eachother

Lia_23 · 音楽·バンド
10 Chs


I like you… it's the perfect time to tell him… we kept eye contact and he slowly swam closer drawing his face in… last second i backed out… I must be drunk to think i could kiss him

You: I can't swim

I looked away. What am i doing this is my brothers friend thinking about him is okay but actually doing it chen would kill me… he let out a chuckle and looked as if he was beating himself up

Chanyeol: why have a swim party if you can't swim

You: my friends suggested it

Chanyeol: you grew up with a pool and your back yard how have you never learned

You: I have not once fully been in it. I stick to where my feet can touch

We sat there laughing and talking… but then I had to pee

You: I will be back

Chanyeol: where are you going

You: to the bathroom

Chanyeol: ah okay

He looked really sad making you smile. I didn't want to leave either bunch drink a lot of alcohol did damage on the bladder.

You: I will be quick

I will be quick really you sound cringe… I got up and walked inside. After going I walked back downstairs and outside but chanyeol wasn't there… I looked around… but i was spun around and two hands landed on my waist

You: yah

I yelled looking up it was jeno. it surprised you

You: jeno what wrong with you

Jeno: y/n i can't stop myself anymore

He was clearly drunk. why would he drink this much

You: your drunk i will get jaemin to take you back home

You pushed him away but he grabbed you again

Jeno: no i want to tell you

You: tell me when you haven't been drinking

I began to walk away to find jaemin but after taking 2 steps I was grabbed again. you were tired of him touching you

You: jeno

Jeno: i love you y/n

You: jeno stop playing around

Jeno: Why do you think I am playing? I have loved you since day one of dance class when you got up there and danced a solo… and each day it grows… When you laugh it's like heaven's blessing me with music to my ears… when you dance against me it takes everything I have not to jump you… i wasn't planning on telling you so soon but seeing you with that guy and how you look at each other, I can't let him have you

You: what guy jeno

you felt so confused why he was acting like this

Jeno: you brothers friend

My brother has many friends but I was only with Chanyeol tonight… he's right I have feelings for him but i could never admit it cause he would never feel the same

You: there is nothing there

Jeno: don't play stupid

You: jeno I don't-

Before I could say anything he pulled me to him and kissed me… i struggled but he just held me tighter i couldn't move and was stuck with his lips forcefully on mine...

Chanyeol: what do you think your doing

Jeno let me go and I took a step back but caught the edge of the pool falling in

Chanyeol pov

After y/n left i went inside to get a drink… but then some girls started talking to me i tried my best to get away but couldn't

Girl1: hey look out their looks like they are finally together

Girl2: who

Girl1: y/n and jeno they're kissing

I looked outside and they were

Chanyeol: I have to go

I ran outside… my heart almost broke

Chanyeol: what do you think your doing

He let her go and she quickly stepped away but fell in the pool. I was about to jump in but jeno stopped me

Jeno: what do you think your doing

Chanyeol: she fell in

Jeno: she is mine so stay away from her

Wow he is drunk i can smell the alcohol

Chanyeol: if you don't move i will move you

Jeno: try me

I punched him and he fell to the ground. He was out… without stopping I jumped into the pool…

y/n pov

I tried kicking to the surface but fell further into the water… is this how I die on my birthday in a pool surrounded by so many people… as I was out of air and my throat burned and was slipping out of consciousness, a firm arm snake around my waist and I was pulled up. I felt the cold air hit my face. I was completely sober.

?: hey y/n are you okay

I couldn't move i couldn't open my eyes i couldn't breathe this was the last of me a hand forcefully patted my back until i spit out water and finally taking in air

?: that's it y/n breath

After catching my breath I realised my hand was firmly against somebody and they were built. Looking up I see chanyeol… chanyeol's arms around my body pressing us together my chest against his

Chanyeol: are you okay i was so worried about you y/n

I blinked a few times grasping the situation

Chanyeol: do you still have water in your ears

I looked in his eyes

You: sorry i

Chanyeol: you don't have to apologize it wasn't your fault

Chen: I will be the judge of that so who is gonna explain to me what the hell is going on

We looked up it was chen and everyone else including my friends

You: i uh

I grabbed the wall and the girls helped me out then chanyeol followed

You: jeno kissed me and when he let go i fell in the pool

Chen: are you okay

He seemed very panicked and checked me up and down for injuries. This is the first time hes acted like an actual brother. I would have been touched if i was scared

You: yes i'm fine now chanyeol as you saw jumped in to save me

I looked at the ground remembering we were just pressed against each other

Jennie: jeno is on the ground out cold

I finally noticed that he was. I looked back at chanyeol. He punched jeno

Chanyeol: he got in the way and wouldn't let me save you I did what I had to

Kai: sure you did

He was smirking like he knew something

Chanyeol: she was drowning and he was in the way

Baekhyun: you didn't hit him for something else

Chanyeol: like what

Sehun: that fact that he kissed y/n

My brothers friends were grinning like they all knew something

Lisa: wait he really kissed you… you weren't playing

You: he kissed me

Rose: like on the lips

You: yes on my lips

Jisoo: your first kiss

you glared at her. why would she tell everyone that

Lay: that was your first kiss

but it was, wasn't it… Wait, he stole my first kiss… it was supposed to be special and it was stolen by a drunk- … I don't know what to call him anymore

You: yeah i guess he was

My eyes began to tear up

Lisa: y/n babe

You: it's fine… can someone make sure he gets home okay

Jisoo: yeah i will get jaemin

You: thanks

I walked away before any tears could fall

Chanyeol pov

I watched as she realized he was her first kiss… she seemed sad did she not want to kiss him… she ran away she must not have

Chen: damn it

Xiumin: what

Chen: she wanted a perfect first kiss

Jennie: with a special someone

The girls kind of looked at me

Sehun: it can't be that serious

Chen: She's gonna be destroyed. When she was younger my mom told her the story of her perfect kiss with my father… that the kiss let her know he was the one… that since it was him and only him there love has grown more than anyone in the whole world… y/n wanted her first kiss to be with the one

That would scare anyone to be forced to kiss someone when they had that mind set. It surprised me that chen knew that much about his sister.

Kai: the one doesn't exist

Chen: to her it did I knew my parents shouldn't have babied her now look at this mess

We just stood there not knowing what to do… slowly everyone had left not feeling the party vibes.