

The Emperor that ruled the world is reborn in another, a quiet man covered with mysteries. He encounters his fated one, the only one who can meet his cold eyes. He wishes to live a normal life, she wishes to rule. Read the story of the couple, the male lead facing his demons, while the female lead strives to walk her path.

Wolf_Oz · ファンタジー
87 Chs

Chapter 76

The wisdom god, Amir was flying alongside Akio, Cayn's second brother, staring at a huge army of beasts in space.

"Alright, I guess this universe doesn't wish to submit," said Amir.

"Yeah, they don't look that welcoming."

Amir put his hands on Akios's shoulder.

"Well, this is all you."

"Wait, all? Why are you here then?"

"You can't teleport from one universe to another can you?"


He tapped his shoulder.

"Good luck, I will go lead your other siblings."

Akio stood before the entire army.

A demonlike serpent flew to him slowly, staring at him with his huge eyes that were as big as a planet.

"Oh come on."

Akio's eyes suddenly left a tray of blue light.

He raised his arm at a terrifying speed, squeezed his massive muscles, and threw a right cross.

HISSSSSS!! screamed the demon serpent as green blood squirted from his eyes.

"If you are coming, THEN BRING EVERYONE!" Screamed Akio.

The fight started, not noticing a dark figure that stood in space a few lightyears away.

Cayn was staring at his brother closely.

His expression didn't change and he disappeared to one of the galaxies, all the way to a small red inhabitable planet.

The storms and red raging wind ravaged anything on its path every second there.

Cayn looked unbothered.

He walked up to a cave.

A full thirty minutes until he reached the end.

It had a massive interior.

Cayn's eyes fell on a red slime that was consuming a decomposing corpse.

He walked up to it slowly.

"This makes it the 4694th creature."

Yes, this was the 4694th being that will, in the future, stand up against Cayn.

What will he do while it was still young?

Cayn's expression darkened, he smiled wickedly.

"Hurry and grow."

He raised his eyes to the roof of the cave.

This was the last one for now.

He teleported above the red planet.

He smirked.

"One is already here."

Suddenly a division crack appeared behind him.

A massive giant in fire appeared screaming loudly, his mouth already going for Cayn's small figure.

But he tilted his head.

"Oh no no..."

From Cayn's back appeared the shadow of a huge black dragon hand, stopping the giant's head.

"For a scout, don't want you to go on destroying my future entertainment."

The dragon's hand forced the giant to go back to his dimension as much as he struggled and screamed.

Cayn's feet stood on the edge of the dimension crack.

His eyes fell on the billions of creature armies that were of the same race as the giant and many more.

The fire giant and other leaders of their races were flying in front.

But in front of them stood an old man with a huge white beard, half-naked with many scars on his body.

"I am Z-"

"Zenos, I know, not the first or last one to go for me," said Cayn as he stepped into the dimension.

"It would be better for you to be cautious, I am different," growled Zenos.

"Hmm, you're not," said Cayn smirking.

Zenos' aura burst, it formed like lightning but was utterly dark and wicked.

"Why don't I just show you!" He screamed unleashing an array where Cayn stepped.

"A trap... As I said, you're not so different."

Zenos roared and he flew toward Cayn.

His army screamed alongside him.

Cayn opened his arms wide showcasing his broad back.


He had no grudge against them, only the fact they raised their swords against him.

He could destroy everything, but this man leading would still be alive with the power of destruction.

So why not... why not make him taste utter despair alongside his people before bathing in their blood, before showing him that his greed led to the end?

They shouldn't have raised their swords.

Prey, should behave like prey.

Cayn's diabolic smile appeared as his figure turned pitch black with his sinister energy.


"AAAAAHHHHH!!" Blood splashed as Diana's voice screamed.

She was panting, sweating, and filled with dirt and blood with ragged clothes.

On her hand was the head of a demon god.

She stood on top of a hill made of corpses.

Shiro was close, sitting on the bloody ground, tired, breathing heavily.

Next to him was the ripped body of another demon god with his chest pieced and multiple claw marks.

He laughed at the screaming Diana, turning his eyes to look a bit far away, where the other gods were on the ground trying to heal themselves, gathered a few meters from the body of the last demon god deeply rooted in the ground.

Diana fell next to him, resting on the ground while staring at the ground.

"Those weren't the strongest," spoke Shiro.

"I know shut up."

She looked really pissed.

She raised her hand and slapped the ground.


Her finger clutched a punch, making her nails fill with dirt.

Her other arm rested covering her eyes.

She gritted her teeth hard.

She didn't expect to be this far behind.


Amina was standing in a secluded room, her eyes closed.

Utter silence.

The air slowly started whistling.

Its sound gradually rose, shaking the flowers and trees around the house.

She suddenly opened her eyes


The wind roared around her.

She raised her arm in front of her and clutched it making her black reaper psyche appear.

She swung with it, making the wind dance with her.

Gradually her movements became sharper and faster.

Until she started disappearing and leaving after images.

Then appeared in the middle of the room, holding her psyche.

She raised it and took a deep look at it.


It had fully fused with her spiritual energy.


Diana suddenly felt her black dagger shake heavily.

She understood its scream.

Amina did it.

Even if Diana was stronger Amina fully fused with the weapon.

Diana didn't yet and still couldn't hold it for more than a few seconds.

This only meant that the dagger was far more stronger and fearful.

This also meant, She still haven't reached the stage Cayn expected from her.

By this time she already controlled the anger she was feeling.

She calmly sat down and crossed her legs.

Yeah, slowly, step by step.

Rushing will only end up in my death.


Build the perfect foundation to reach far and beyond...