

The Emperor that ruled the world is reborn in another, a quiet man covered with mysteries. He encounters his fated one, the only one who can meet his cold eyes. He wishes to live a normal life, she wishes to rule. Read the story of the couple, the male lead facing his demons, while the female lead strives to walk her path.

Wolf_Oz · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Chapter 75

Cayn was still laying on the tree branch, calmly watching the bright blue sky.

The child of creation slowly appeared before him.

Cayn's eyes met his for a moment, staring at him.

The child of creation stood there confused, suddenly he flew to the side from Cayn's view.

Cayn's eyes turned to enjoy the bright sky.

The child of creation didn't know what just happened.

Did he just... Was he really a pain to the scenery?

He shook the thoughts of his mind.

"Do you know why I am here?"

Cayn didn't say a word.

The child of creation grew quiet for a while, before asking again.

"Why are you not killing me yet?"

Cayn was still quiet.

The cold breeze made his clothes dance.

"Why would I?"

The child of creation bit his teeth.

"Don't act like you don't know. You will die if this continues."

Yes, Cayn knew.

"The laws of nature are not willing to let you live."

Cayn seemed unfazed by his words.

For others, it may be said that Cayn and this being only met for a short while.

But they knew each other, fought, and this being died at the hands of the enraged Cayn for infinite millennials.

There could be no one else who could be said to know Cayn more than this child.

Who saw the man's grief, anger, and experienced them at the cost of his life for who knows how many lifetimes.

"So hurry, kill me and absorb my power. Became the law of nature itself and be the true god."

Cayn was still calmly sitting there.


Cayn was, quiet.

The child of creation felt pain in his chest.

This wasn't the first time.

Cayn's story, from his first childhood till now has always been a thorn in his heart.

The being that was supposed to not feel emotions felt the sorrows and pain of this man.

Maybe because he was supposed to be the other side of the coin.

Maybe because he was supposed to be his other half.

His eyes fell down, as if the being was trying its best not to tear up."

"Will, will you keep fighting?"

The law of nature.

Cayn already understood the weight of such laws.

There was creation and destruction, the cycle of the universe.

Then there was the infinite darkness and the growing light of the cyclical universe, the polar opposites.

Cayn, stopped the cycle by absorbing the will of destruction.

Cayn, stopped the darkness from swallowing the light by absorbing the will of the chaos.

Cayn stopped the laws of nature from progressing.

He was now a variable.

But everything would end if he absorbed the will of creation.

Everything, would change to the way he would want it to be.

The child of creation has no power of his own as he is but the will of the universe.

If Cayn doesn't become the true god.

He will die.

How so?

Because creation, will give birth to foes and beings whose sole purpose is to kill him.

Beings whose sole purpose is to become the will of destruction.

The same as it will give birth to new creator gods.

New beings that will fill Cayn's role shall be born.

And Cayn, will meet his end at their hands.

He can win, but the fights will be eternal, as more and more will keep getting born and created.

That is if he wins the first wave, the second, and so on.

and the child of creation being only but a will, can't disobey the laws placed upon him.


"What if I want them to kill me?"

The child of creation paused for a moment.

"even if one of them, the chosen ones, may be your wife?"

Cayn already knew, the moment he attained this power.

Diana was one of the chosen ones to raise as a creator god.

This is why the universe was favoring her and aiding her strength.

And, she was also, one of the chosen ones with the power of destruction.

Which meant, his seat.

Cayn smiled.

"I want them to try."

The child's eyes widened.

"This will keep this immortal life entertaining." Cayn grinned evilly.

Cayn may be willing to stand idly, but his evil and different ego may be the biggest problem.

He may be willing to do nothing for now.

But when he decided on something.

Be it gods or laws, he stood above them all.

It looked like he already had decided to rest for a while, stand behind others and follow them.

Whether it was his mother or the wisdom god.

Or now, following Diana's wish to become strong.

He was willing to make Diana strong enough to reign over the gods.

But now nature itself wants to make her and others fight him.

He smiled.

Knowing the future, Diana will be one of the biggest variables against the gods sent by nature.

But still.

He wasn't built like that.

Whether it was his wife or the other variables.

It wasn't in his nature to receive help or fight alongside others.

He was lazy.

But he was still.

The Emperor.

He smirked.

His killing intent made the child shiver and stand there frozen.


His killing intent covered all the realms and dimensions yet no one could feel a thing.

It reached a plain that flew below and was isolated from its universe.

And in the middle of it was a commotion.

Thousands of dragons, some in their original forms and some in humanoid form gathered around a huge white egg.

They all looked strong, threatening enough that their plain stood above galaxies and their wings could cover the sky.

A higher species.

And right now.

In front of them.

The third child, the son of the royal family is close to hatching.

Why were they all gathered here to witness the youngest's birth?

Why did they all look serious rather than happy to witness such a happy event?

The massive egg in front of them, was already, as high and big as a mature royal dragon.

This was a first in the history of this species.

This was a first in the history of this dimension.

The silver-haired king and queen of the noble blood stood there and watched.

And soon enough.

The first scream came from the egg.

The wind roared with its cry.

A cry of a baby.

Yes, it was but a baby.

But the destruction coming from its scream beamed through the sky.

The king was the only one who wasn't pushed off from the side.

The wind screamed.

His clothes were dancing.

But he, started smirking.

The one who will finally make their declined species raise far and beyond.

Will he finally be born?

Maybe even the reincarnation of the primordial dragon god.

Maybe, even more!

The second scream shook the plain.


A spark of light shone from the egg, blinding the entire plain and the king who stood so close.

He slowly felt his consciousness fading.

But his eyes fell on a beautiful and magnificent scene.

The child's silver wings, burst open the eggshells.

Truly, a beautiful pair of wings.