
Broken: Dishonored Naruto

Naruto is broken by the Leaf village and runs away. Now years later the Leaf needs him to save them. But how can a cripple man be able to save them?

madhat886 · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs



Inside the Whalers HQ, Daud walk into the training room of the building. The Whaler leader had ordered that all the Whalers be prepare to fight against the ninjas when they come. The information network they have in the element countries and the Shadow Broker has told them all they needed to know, the ninjas are coming back to the Isles. And this time they'll be ready for them.

He's watching as the Kills train on dummies. The Kills are the elite members of the Whalers, the membership to the Kills can only be gain if the Whaler has done 50 A class missions or done an S class mission. It use to be a 100 A class missions but with the upgrades to the guardians and the likes, they had to scale things down. The members of the Kills are the ones who had the skills, smarts, or power to survive being a Whaler.

The members of the Kills are a small squad but highly skilled in the art of killing. As they operate in missions that has music boxes and have been trained to operate in those areas. They're not weaken as much as others once they're in the effected range of a music box. They wear the same uniform as the other members but they wield custom weapons or armor.

Blade who lost his right arm and had it replaced with a grappling hook. It can also change the hook with something else, from a buzz saw, a blade, or a arch pylon he managed to steal that's used in a guardian. It's not as powerful as the guardians use as he has to carry a small fuel tank to power it.

High-heel Jill who uses a modified flying guillotine. She wears leg braces and boots with springs that allows her to jump high and allows her legs to withstand the impact from landing on them at a great height.

Torch who wears a fire proof suit, the same kind that's used in the metal mills to protect workers from the heat of the fires and melted metals. He carries around a flamethrower and gel that can burn even in water.

The Doctor who is a medical doctor who uses his knowledge of the human anatomy to kill his targets. He uses medical tools, and is able to quickly disable and kill his targets, using his medical knowledge.

Cleaver a large heavyset man who uses a double sided axe for his kills and uses a shield that protects him from gunfire. He was personally trained by Butcher to fight like he does and it shows as he's the best assassin that the Whalers have.

Deadeye a sniper who uses a long range gun that was stolen from a weapon lab. She wears a mask that allows her to see targets up to a mile away. She has killed many targets and has trained other Whalers in the art of sniping.

Corroder who has a acid filled tank on his back that he sprays using a nozzle to kill his targets. The acid is very strong and able to eat through most things, even guardians aren't safe from the acid. He also serves as the cleaner, getting rid of bodies that can't be discovered.

Bogeyman a giant of a man who uses a sledgehammer and wears a metal suit that protects him from most firearms. He takes missions when the target doesn't need stealth to kill. He uses a hammer to take out guardians, by smashing their heads.

Moth who has created a set of moth like wings that allows her to fly. She's small and slender, making her very light which allows her to guide through the air. She uses wind magic to keep her air born till she reaches an area that has a music box, which she then glides. She uses poisons to kill her targets fast so she can make a quick getaway.

Jestbomb who is a bomb expect who plant bombs to kill targets. She is a toymaker by trade and often plants her bombs inside toys. She also created clockwork toys that are able to move on their own, allowing her to send them at her targets. She also dislikes using blades and uses a gun if she can't use her bombs.

Thin a very slender woman who walks on stilts with sharpen ends that can stab her targets. She hides herself in the dark of the night as she dresses all in black to better hide. She uses a blowgun to kill her targets and has retractable long blades on her arms allowing her to attack her targets well out of their attack range. She also can run faster then normal by using her arm blades along with her stilts to run on all fours.

They're the ones who would be leading the lower rank Whalers into battle when the ninjas come. The ninjas aren't use to fighting in cities, without their powers, and be fighting against a force that doesn't fight like they do. Who are trained to be able to fight without powers to enchant their strengths and use the latest in weapons and tech. Daud would live to see the end of the ninja world. For the Shadow Broker has told them the reason why the ninjas are after Naruto. If he doesn't renew the contract by the last light of the last light of the year's end. The ninjas and anything that has to do with chakra would all be depowered and the tail beasts would all be taken back into the void where they came from. That information was given to him by the Outsider who appeared before him, for he will find it more interesting without the tail beasts around.


The Academy of Natural Philosophy -

Piero walk into the weapons lab of the academy where the latest weapons are being built. In the lab is a younger man who had shown a gift in creating machines and thinking of ideas that are well ahead of the times. The man's name is Tesla who was brought into the academy after creating the prototype of the Arc Welder. A weapon that us essentially an electrostatic discharge gun, capable of shooting a constant, high-voltage stream of lightning. Unlike the Arc Pylons both large and the ones used by the guardians, the Arc Welder can be safely used by a human. The mini Arc Pylons used by the guardians can't be used by humans, as the people who have tried suffered from electrical burns to the discharge effecting their brain's electrical system.

The Arc Welder also does more then just blast targets with lightning that disintegrates bodies like the Arc Pylons. The Arc Welder actually an electromagnetic cancelling wave, that destroys targets at the atomic level. If they're set on a target long enough the object or being would break apart on the atomic level. Tested on live objects, the targets burst into glowing dust before just disappearing. Even energy beings like the tail beasts if they're hit long enough will just break apart never being able to reformed. They have already tested it out on some magical beings made out of energy like ghosts, and they were destroyed. (1)

Tesla created it to combat the Outsider, as he creates too many problems for his liking just because it's interesting for him to watch. While it's still untested on it's intended target, the Arc Welder has been proven a powerful weapon. They have tested it out on some of the strange creatures that the academy holds. Some that they have been trying to get rid of have been destroyed but others like the moving statue and the creature that attacks anything that sees it's face, aren't effected by it. It slows them down but it doesn't kill them. They're still not sure if they're even alive to begin with.

"Have you fix the fuel problem?" Piero ask as the sheer amount of oil needed to power the Arc Welder, heavily weighs down the person who uses it.

"Not yet but the batteries you're working on might be the answer. Till then the Tallboys will have to do," Tesla answers not looking up from the machine he's working on.

"The ninjas will be coming soon and we need to be ready for them," Piero said to him as he walks over to a chalkboard and looks over the designs on it.

"Well if things go bad we can always unleash some of the creatures we have collected on them," Tesla said.

"True but unless there's a way to control them that's a last resort," Piero said.

"There's always what's in the Black Archive. The things in there have proven useful. That machine man that fell out of the void is what you base the guardians on," Tesla pointed out.

"Yes but those are lock away for a reason. Most of which we still have no idea how they work. That strange metal rod you picked up blasted you with something," Piero said.

"That did gave me the idea for the Arc Welder," Tesla said.

"But remember those things in there are only to be used once we know what they do and if they're safe to us," Piero said. The things that the void spits out are always random and sometimes completely harmless and others so deadly that they have to either throw it back into the void, or if that doesn't work. Try to destroy it or if it can't be destroyed sealed away.


In the Royal Palace -

"I find it funny that many who want power often lacks the experience of a true leader and often cause more damage trying to keep things together then they did while trying to gain that power," Spymaster said looking over the status of the eastern countries.

"I know mother," Emily said as they're the only ones in the room. The guardians made sure no one is listening in.

"Once the ninjas no longer be able to use chakra we can start expanding without worrying that a single ninja be able to destroy the settlement," Spymaster said.

"Are you sure that this Naruto won't renew the contract?" Emily ask her.

"He hates them too much to do it willingly which the Outsider won't allow otherwise. And getting the Outsider interested enough to make another contract is all but impossible as things are now. He would find it more interesting to watch what happens once all the chakra he allowed the ninjas to use is taken away from them. They will just be like everyone one else, no more powers or being able to summon beasts to fight for them. They won't be able to survive the new world they will find themselves in," Spymaster said. (2)

"They're still skilled killers," Emily pointed out.

"Yes but we have been dealing with the Whalers for years. And the ninjas won't have the time they need to be able to be able to adapt in a world without chakra. The Isles are getting crowded and we need to expand to the eastern lands, the ninjas were the only thing stopping us and there's no backup plan. The Lords won't be able to raise an army fast enough to stop us," Spymaster answers.


Author's Notes -

1 – The Arc Welder is a crude weaker version of the Reality Bomb created by Davros in Doctor Who. Since the real thing would be powerful enough to destroy all forms of life so that only the Daleks be the only race in all of existence. The Arc Welder is like the energy weapons used in the new Captain America movie where soldiers and objects just burst into light, leaving nothing behind. There's no way the tail beasts would be able to survive being hit by the Arc Welder. Because of their size and strength, it would take more then one hit, but hit enough without time to recover, their energy bodies will just break apart, with them never being able to reform. And don't any of you go on how them being energy beings they can't be destroyed, as plenty of other energy beings have been destroyed, like Buu from Dragonball, who is an energy being of pure magic. Not even the 10 tail beast is that powerful, and in both DC and Marvel, plenty of powerful god level energy beings have been destroyed. Energy while can't be outright destroyed can be used up like any other power source and if it's not replenish like resting or feeding it will just be used up, like the tail beasts healing themselves till they just run out of energy. So the tail beasts aren't immune from being unkillable just because they're energy beings. And the fact that the music boxes are able to make them into solid beings not energy beings, they can be killed that way also.

2 - For many ninjas the lost of chakra will mean their deaths. Like Shino's clan of bug users who have their bugs living inside of them, what you think will happen once the bugs no longer have any chakra to feed upon? They will turn and begin eating their host bodies from the inside out. And since Shino's clan doesn't have eyes if that picture of Shinji without his glasses goes from the rest of them, they would be bedridden if the bugs are taken out of their bodies and have to learn to move around being blind. Many ninjas and clans who need chakra to survive will be cripple or be dead.
