
Broken: Dishonored Naruto

Naruto is broken by the Leaf village and runs away. Now years later the Leaf needs him to save them. But how can a cripple man be able to save them?

madhat886 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs



In the Isles -

In the main factory that builds the guardians the factory manager is overseeing the latest batch of guardians. With the latest alloy that is extremely durable and flexible. Crazz metal named after the man who created it, is made by mixing steel, tin, whale oil, and a crystallized sap that comes from a flesh eating plant found on the Pandyssian Continent. The crazz alloy is the strongest metal to date, it can withstand extreme heat and cold, it's able to withstand everything sort of a shell from a artillery shell is able to do any damage to it. The only down side is the limited numbers of alloy that could be made at any time as the resources needed to create it is hard to get.

"As you can see we're already produced 23 guardians made from the new alloy but it will be awhile before we can create more," the manager said to Spymaster who had come to personally see the new guardians.

"The new alloy is much stronger and allows the guardians to be that much stronger," Spymaster said as her new exosuit is made from said metal. She does keeps spare bodies of her older ones around incase she ever needs to change bodies.

"We have done the speed test and they move faster then we can keep up," the manager said.

"Good to see the one main weakness is now taken care of," Spymaster said. Unlike her body the guardians are more armored which makes them much slower. Not to mention the weapons they carry within their bodies. Her bodies on the other hand don't have inbuilt weapons, which allows her body to be faster and stronger without any energy needed to power weapons. But she does have a music box to deal with magic and chakra users. (1)

She has found that the ninjas unlike the Whalers are more helpless in fighting without using chakra then the Whalers without their magic. For ninjas it's all about chakra capacity with ninjas, which is why they're trained at a young age. The ninjas cadets are just too young, if they're trained when they're older, they would have their full adult strength and a lot more mental development backing their performance. But of course they wouldn't have that much control of chakra, which is learned better if they're young. Not only that but the ninjas are so conditioned to accept horror that none of them have any idea what they're suppose to do with their lives if there's no need for their kind anymore. They have all have been dehumanized to be nothing more then weapons that there's little that they are actually able to done outside of being a ninja. Which she learned all too well with her power to see the truth. (2)

"The only problem is that when they use their speed boost, it drains their fuel at a very fast rate," the manager said.

"Then they just have to crush their foe before they run out of power then," Spymaster said as she turns around and left the factory. She still has to stop by the prison to deal with the ninjas.


In the Element Lands -

In the Hokage Tower the current hokage, Tsunade is meeting with the head members of the clans of the village. She has already spoken to the leaders of the other ninja villages, even the one her old teammate is running. With the danger of all of them losing the ability to use chakra, she couldn't hold back in asking for help even from one who almost destroyed the village. The only reason she's the hokage now was the fact that she returned to the village to heal her godson after she learned what had happen to him. Like Jiraiya she was hit by the guilt of not being there for him when he needed both of them. She was going to use every single drop of medical knowledge she has gathered in her long life to heal him but by the time she got there, he was already gone. Her old teacher who was wounded during the second attack of the fox, died shortly afterwards. Leaving her as the new hokage, she made it a mission for all ninjas of the Leaf to be on the lookout for Naruto and no matter what mission they were on, to drop everything and bring him back.

"Whatever happens we need to bring Naruto back here to the element lands and bring him to the mountain where the sage made the contract with the Outsider. If not then every single ninja and objects that use chakra will be left powerless. It won't be sealed away, it will simply be gone like it was never there at all," Tsunade said to the clan members, putting it across them that if Naruto isn't brought back they will all lose.

"All we need is to bring Naruto to the mountain and the contract be renewed?" one of the elders ask.

"It's not going to be a simple signing a piece of paper. For the Outsider to renew the contract, Naruto has to be a ninja to be able to do what he needs to do. Which means we're going to have to pull out all the stops and hold nothing back to make him into a ninja. With what little, I have to go on with the Outsider, unless Naruto is interesting enough he won't appear. If, Naruto is brought to the mountain as he is, the Outsider won't appear," Tsunade adds.

"How are we going to do that?" Hinata's father ask, not liking that his oldest daughter is being held in the Isles.

"We're going to use the power transfer jutsu. All the skills and power the user had will be transferred to Naruto, at the cost of the user losing it forever. I'm going be doing it as with Jiraiya and all head members of the clans," Tsunade explained causing the room to burst in noise.

"You want all of us to just give him our clan's blood limits?" one clan head shouted.

He and the others fell silent as Tsunade stamp her foot causing the building to shake.

"We all need to do something that will cost us everything. For Naruto hates all of us and the village for what we all did or didn't do to him. Even if the Outsider appears because he finds Naruto interesting enough. Won't matter if Naruto doesn't renew the contract. And using any kind of control or force could cause the Outsider to rip up the contract and leaving us all without chakra. He has to do it on his own free will as all contracts with summons are, you know as well as, I do that contracts that are force never end well," Tsunade said. "We're just going to have to do anything and everything to get him to love this village and the people in it."

"How are we going to get him back? The Isles are powerful and the Whalers won't just sit back and do nothing if we show up there in the numbers needed to break him out of prison," one elder said.

"Jiraiya is already working on getting all the villages to help us out. We're going to band together and take Naruto back from the Isles," Tsunade said shocking everyone as nothing like this had ever happen before.


In Coldridge -

The ninja prisoners were lined up in front of Madara's cell surrounded by a dozen guardians. In front of the cell is Spymaster who is flanked by two guardians, one of whom has a tank on it's back, while the other held a water hose.

"Hello Madara, I came to see if you're willing to start answering questions," Spymaster said to him with her arms behind her back.

"You really think that just locking me up will get me to talk?" Madara ask her showing her no fear.

"All, I want is to know why your group is after Naruto Rook who once housed the 9 tail demon fox. I already learn from the Shadow Broker that your group has been gathering all the tail demons for something. I'm guessing that it's for some kind of ritual that needs all 9 demons to be used," Spymaster said.

"That's a good guess but I'm not talking," Madara said wondering how much the Spymaster really knows.

"You can cut the act, I know you're scared of me. After all, I easily beat you and Konan. I would think two ninjas of your level would have put up more of a fight. Butcher put up much more of a fight then you two. But of course he wasn't as weaken by the sudden lost of his chakra unlike both of you," Spymaster stated keeping her hands behind her back.

"You do have a metal arm," Madara said in his defense.

"Yes, I do and it allows me to use more strength then your flesh and blood one," Spymaster said.

"You can have the guardians put the others back in their cells. I'm not about to submit to you in front of them," Madara said thinking that's the reason why she had the other ninjas be taken out.

"Then, I guess you just remain in that cell and for you to break out later or cause some kind of trouble in the future. Or just kill you now and get it over with," Spymaster said taking a step back and to the side allowing the ninjas behind her to see what's going to happen.

The guardian with the tank on it's back came forward to the cell bars, unclipping a hose connecting to the tank. It aims the nozzle at Madara who could do nothing to stop what's about to happen. Creamy yellow stuff shot from the nozzle in its gloved hand. Three feet from the rip of the nozzle, the thin line of fluid seemed to balloon in all directions, expanding on contact with the air. Madara let out a banshee shriek as foam splattered his body, head to foot.

Whatever it was it didn't take long to work. The ninjas could see the clothes melting right off the man. The prison clothes dissolved leaving him naked covered in the foam. As his hair dissolved away on his head, the s class ninja did a shivery, heel-drumming, horizontal dance in the prison cell. The yellow foam continued to billow up, until it completely concealed him. The ninjas could hear choking sounds from beneath the bubbling mass.

Then Madara's right arm thrust up out of the foam, the fingers already stripped of flesh, red bones dissolving from the fingertips down, like icicles held to a flame. Beneath the mound of yellow fluff, brown fluid sizzled forth, pooling then slowing sinking into the small drain of the cell. The cell that once held Madara was now empty. The guardian who held the water hose step forward and sprayed the cell clean of the remaining foam. (3)

"This foam was created to deal with the bodies of plague victims. It eats away everything that's organic in nature and cleans up easily enough as it dissolves in water," Spymaster explains to the horrified ninjas.

In truth all of this was just a show to make the ninjas realized that if they're not useful, they're not worth keeping around. She already knows everything about what Akatsuki is planning on doing. The two members that came with Madara and Konan managed to escape after their boat was discovered empty. They would have gone back to get the other members as the Leaf ninjas would be gathering as many as they can to get Naruto. For Naruto was chosen by the Outsider himself to be the one who decides if the ninjas of the Element lands would continue to be able to use chakra. The magic users of the isles are much smaller in number then the chakra users, as magic users have to go through rituals or be empowered by the Outsider to use magic, while chakra users are just born being able to use it.

"Put them back in their cells," Spymaster said taking her leave of the cell block. The guardians lead the ninjas back to their cells shaken at what they had just seen. Konan who suddenly found herself the only member of Akatsuki left on the Isles, had her resolve shaken at what she had just seen.

Stepping into the next cell block she found Naruto waiting there for her. She had offered him to fix his body but he refuse it. He wants to be cripple till the ninjas lose their chakra. He doesn't want to have the ninjas have anything easy in trying to bring him back to the village.

"Should, I have them all killed?" Spymaster ask.

"No that's the easy way out. I want them to suffer," Naruto answers.

"Has the Outsider shown himself you again?" Spymaster ask.

"No he hasn't. But don't worry no matter what, I will wish that the ninjas and everything connected to chakra have it all be removed. Chakra has done nothing but harm for too long," Naruto said.

"And the Isles can finally expand into the Eastern lands without ninjas destroying settlements," Spymaster said.

"The Isles is my home now and means more to me then that village ever did," Naruto said.

"You'll be safe here till the time to renew the contract is up," Spymaster said. "After all it's just less then a year, give it a day or two."

"You do know that they're going to hit you with everything that they got," Naruto said.

"Yes they will. But the Whalers will take care of that for us. After all they hate each others guts and will slaughter each other. In the aftermath the guardians and the soldiers will mop up," Spymaster said.

"Letting the two sides weaken each other and then attack both groups," Naruto said seeing the plan in his head.

"Even with the guardians the Whalers are still a thorn at the Isles side. The ninjas will flush them out of their hiding places throughout the Isles for us," Spymaster said knowing that it will cause much harm to the city. But she sees things in the long term and as long as the ninjas can use chakra, the empire will never expand to the Eastern lands.


Author's Notes -

1 – Her body is like that of the Utrom Shredder from TMNT 2003. Very hard to destroy and very strong, as the turtles who would be much stronger then a human seeing that they're mutant turtles highly trained had to fight in a group just to beat him. And since she can seal away the ninjas chakra which they're just use to being able to use in a fight suddenly finds it all gone. And I'm having the ninjas react like all super powered beings act when in the middle of a fight suddenly finds their powers gone and are up against someone who without their powers they have no hope in beating with their bare hands or with weapons that aren't made to cut through metal.

2 - Besides ninjas stuff, the cast from Naruto really can't do anything with the skills that they learned. Sure there are things that they can do but on the most part crippling overspecialization is the main plot point that they can only be ninjas and living weapons.

3 - The old never just kill the guy who can cause you trouble in the future just because the plot demands it. Is not in effect in my fic.
