
Chapter 41


As the tension between Kenzie and I reached its peak,

As I reflected on the events of the evening, I couldn't shake the sense of disbelief that lingered within me. Seeing my childhood friend and ex girlfriend Celine at the party had been a pleasant surprise, and we had spent the evening catching up on old times. Kenzie seemed to be handling it well, or so I thought.

After dinner, Kenzie excused herself to get some drinks, and I found myself engrossed in conversation with Celine outside. But our reunion was abruptly interrupted when Kenzie staggered towards us, her eyes blazing with fury.

Before I could comprehend what was happening, Kenzie unleashed a vicious blow on Celine, leaving her reeling from the unexpected attack. Shocked and bewildered, I could only stare in disbelief as Kenzie's actions unfolded before me.

With a surge of adrenaline, I sprang into action, rushing to Celine's side and offering what little comfort I could. She was bleeding from her nose, and I knew she needed medical attention.

I escorted Celine inside, my mind buzzing with a mix of anger and confusion. Kenzie's behavior had been completely out of character, and I struggled to comprehend what had prompted such a violent outburst.

As we arrived home, I apologized profusely to Celine for Kenzie's actions, but she waved it off with a gracious smile. "It's okay, Max. I understand," she said softly, her eyes filled with understanding.

With a heavy heart, I set out to find Kenzie, desperate to make sense of her actions and offer her some form of comfort. But when I returned, hours later, she was nowhere to be found.

I found Johnson and filled him in on the situation. "Johnson, have you seen Kenzie? I can't find her anywhere," i explained, his voice filled with concern.

Johnson's brow furrowed in concern as he listened to my account of the evening's events. "Damn, I had no idea things got that serious," he remarked, his voice tinged with worry. "I'll go look for her right away."

With a nod of gratitude, i watched as Johnson headed out into the night, leaving me alone to grapple with the aftermath of the evening's turmoil. And as i sat alone in the quiet of the house, i couldn't shake the feeling that things between me and Kenzie would never be the same again.

When Kenzie finally returned, she seemed distant, her gaze avoiding mine. But there was no apology, no acknowledgment of the chaos she had caused.

I felt a surge of anger bubbling within me, fueled by her refusal to take responsibility for her actions. Without a word, I stormed out of the room, leaving her alone with her thoughts. It was clear that until she could find it within herself to apologize, I wanted nothing to do with her.

Feeling the weight of the evening's turmoil pressing down upon me, I made my way downstairs, seeking solace in the company of my sister, Eleanor, and her husband, Johnson. As I approached, I could hear their voices drifting towards me, their conversation punctuated by laughter and warmth.

Johnson's question caught me off guard, pulling me from my thoughts. "So, Max, did you and Kenzy make up?" he asked, his tone laced with curiosity.

I shook my head slowly, a sigh escaping my lips. "No, not yet," I admitted, the weight of our argument still heavy on my mind.

Eleanor's surprise was evident as she turned to me, her brow furrowed in concern. "You and Kenzy are fighting?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief.

I nodded, a sense of weariness washing over me. "Yeah, we're having a small argument," I confessed, feeling a pang of guilt at the admission.

Eleanor's expression softened, her eyes filled with empathy as she offered me words of wisdom, much like our mother used to. "You know, Max, relationships take work," she began, her voice gentle yet firm. "Sometimes, you have to swallow your pride and make amends."

I forced a smile, though her words rang hollow in my ears. "Thanks, Eleanor," I murmured, my mind elsewhere as I turned to leave.

Outside, I reached for my phone, the familiar weight of it in my hand a source of comfort amidst the chaos of my emotions. With a deep breath, I dialed Celine's number, hoping to bridge the gap that had formed between us.

Her voice was distant as she answered, a stark contrast to the warmth I had once known. "Are you okay?" I asked, the concern evident in my tone.

A pause followed, the silence stretching between us like an unspoken barrier. "Yes, I'm fine," she replied tersely, her words devoid of emotion.

Sighing, I turned to find Kenzy standing before me, her gaze cold and distant. Without a word, she turned and disappeared back inside, leaving me alone with the weight of our fractured relationship pressing down upon me.