
Chapter 42

(Kenzy pov)

After returning home with Johnson, I couldn't bring myself to face Max. The weight of my actions hung heavy on my shoulders as I retreated to the sanctuary of the shower, letting the hot water wash away the events of the night. The alcohol still lingered in my system, threatening to exacerbate the already tumultuous emotions swirling within me.

Emerging from the shower, I reached for some painkillers, hoping to stave off the impending hangover. As I made my way downstairs, I caught sight of Eleanor and Johnson slipping away to their bedroom, their laughter fading into the distance.

Steel­ing myself for what lay ahead, I ventured outside, my heart pounding in my chest as I sought out Max. But as I stepped into the cool night air, I froze at the sight before me – Mark was talking with someone on the phone, and I just knew it was Celine.

Anger surged within me as I watched , my pride wounded by the sight of Max conversing with the woman who had come between us. Without a word, I turned on my heel and stormed back inside, the sound of Max's voice calling after me falling on deaf ears.

As I reached the safety of our room, I closed the door behind me, shutting out the world beyond. But my sanctuary was short-lived as Max followed me, his presence a painful reminder of the rift that had formed between us.

Frustration bubbled within me as I turned my back against him, he closed the door behind him. With a heavy sigh, I turned away, retreating to the bed and closing my eyes in a futile attempt to find solace in sleep.

As I drifted into a fitful sleep, the tendrils of my nightmare wrapped around me, pulling me into a realm of darkness and despair. In the depths of my subconscious, Uncle Frederick and Diana loomed menacingly, their faces twisted with malice as they advanced towards me. But what startled me the most was the sight of Kathy, my dear friend, tears streaming down her face as she tried to come to my aid.

In my dream, I watched helplessly as Kathy's valiant efforts to save me ended in tragedy, her life extinguished before my eyes. The terror of the moment gripped me as Frederick and Diana closed in, their weapons gleaming in the darkness, ready to strike.

With a gasp, I jolted awake, my heart pounding in my chest as I found myself enveloped in Max's arms. Disoriented and trembling, I pushed myself away from him, the remnants of the nightmare still clinging to me like a suffocating fog.

Max's concerned voice broke through the haze of my thoughts as he offered me a glass of water. "Are you okay?" he asked, his eyes filled with worry.

I couldn't bring myself to meet his gaze, the memory of our recent argument still fresh in my mind. With a silent nod, I accepted the water, grateful for the reprieve it offered from the chaos of my thoughts.

Sensing my reluctance to engage, Max left me alone in the bedroom, his presence a comforting yet distant reminder of the rift that had formed between us.

As morning dawned, I reached for my phone, seeking solace in the familiar voices of loved ones. With a pang of regret, I realized that Kathy had missed my earlier call, leaving me to face my demons alone.

Determined to reconnect with her, I dialed her number once more, relief flooding through me as she answered. But her voice sounded strained, her words tinged with sadness as she revealed her struggles with financial hardship.

Concerned for my friend, I offered her whatever support I could, promising to send her some money to ease her burden. But she refused my offer, insisting that she would manage on her own.

As our call came to an end, I wished her a Merry Christmas, a pang of guilt gnawing at me for forgetting to extend my well wishes earlier. But despite our brief conversation, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within me, a silent reminder of the challenges we both faced in the days ahead.

After my conversations with Kathy and my dad, I felt a sense of closure, however fleeting, amidst the turmoil of my emotions. Wishing them both a Merry Christmas, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as I asked about my family – my mother, who harbored resentment towards me, and my brother, whose actions had driven a wedge between us.

As my dad updated me on their well-being, I couldn't shake the bitterness that lingered within me, a constant reminder of the fractured relationships that defined my family dynamic. And when he mentioned that my cousin, Derek, wanted to speak with me, I bristled at the thought, my anger towards him still raw and unresolved.

Refusing my dad's offer to connect with Derek, I bid him farewell, the weight of our strained conversation hanging heavy in the air. With a heavy heart, I ended the call, steeling myself for the challenges that lay ahead.

With resolve in my heart, I rose from my bed and made my way downstairs, determined to face the day ahead with renewed determination. Refreshing myself, I steeled myself for the inevitable interactions with the family.

As I descended the staircase,