
10. Girl Talk

I was looking at the University of Amsterdam application when my bedroom door slammed wide open. There was just enough time for me to shut my laptop and spin around in my pink desk chair to see Eloise and Francesca run inside all excited.

"Daph! You gotta tell us all about what happened with Nigel last night!" "Is it true you've got a restraining order against him now? Or you will when it passes?" They pressed. My cheeks paled. "How do you know about that?!" "It's all over social media! Everyone's talking about it!" Eloise's hands flung up. "Apparently Nigel Berbrooke is banned from all society functions until further notice. Lady Whistledown….." Francesca became before I harshly cut her off.

"Lady Whistledown?!" My voice cracked. They nodded. "She's been tweeting about it all morning! Is it true that Nigel attacked you last night?" "Oh, god," my hand ran over my eyes warily. It's times like these where I wished I could just go back to Brussels and climb into bed. Life was so much less complicated there…

Eloise rolled down onto the sofa- also pink- opposite my bed, holding her phone out in front of her face. She was reading the screen rapidly. "What happened between you guys?" "Did you really grab your arm?" They railed off one after the other. I shot them both a distressed, upset glare. "I don't want to talk about it. It's… painful for me to remember," I said while my head fell a little. My hand came over the bruise on my wrist hidden underneath my wrist. The only ones to see it so far in the Bridgerton household were Anthony and Benedict, and I wanted to keep it that way.

Thankfully, both my sisters got the message. But that didn't stop them from continuing to gawk and study their phones transfixed. Eloise's eyes eventually returned me, all eager. "Then what about you and Simon?" "Simon?" I blinked confused. What about Simon? "Lady Whistledown said you were seen coming out from the garden together and you left the party together," my sister clarified. "I left with him and Benny. It wasn't just me and Simon," I swiftly corrected, though I'm not sure why I felt the need to. "But you were out in the garden with him last night?!" Eloise pushed. My eyes widened as I took my time to reply. "Well, yes. He walked me back after…. after….." After that traumatic event I never want to think of again.

My sisters squirmed in anticipation like this was some big romantic motion picture they were observing. "Did you dance with him?" "No. I only danced with our brothers." "Well you must have done something. Here, listen to this: "For those not in attendance at the Vauxhall celebration, you missed the most remarkable coup of the season. It appears Miss Daphne Bridgerton has captured the interest of the newly returned Duke of Hastings. How the young miss secured her newfound suitor is yet to be determined. Yet if anyone shall reveal the circumstances of this match, it is I"." I can't remember my eyes being larger; my mouth a thin, flat line. "He wrote that?" Could it be that this stalker- whoever he was- was jealous of the attention Simon and I gave each other last night? That could be dangerous; after all, I don't know what that man is capable of. He could know where I live…..

Eloise flew over to my side, looking at me with eyes as large as dinner plates. "Are you and Simon dating?" "What?! Course not! We just met a little while ago," I gasped scandalized. "So?! What's taking you so long? You're only here for a little while," she gave my leg a tap. "Honestly, Eloise," I rolled my eyes. "You have to admit, he's ridiculously hot," this clever, cheeky smirk formed over his mouth. "Yes, he is. He's also not interested in dating anyone either. Look, I have no time for…. any of that. I have a Masters dissertation to finish; on top of which, I want to apply and hopefully get into PhD. Do you know what they call PhD? A marriage-killer." "Marriage? Who said anything about marriage?" She pretended to be puzzled but I could see through her act. I flashed her another look before standing up and going over to the window. It was raining out; not good weather for taking a leisurely walk around the city. My sister's gaze followed me.

"So you're not interested in the duke? Not even a little, teeny tiny bit?" Her fingers pinched together. "No, I'm not." "Is that just cause you want to go into PhD?" Francesca questioned. "Well it doesn't help things. I have dreams, goal, ambitions- and none of them revolve getting a man. A man wouldn't help me achieve my goals and dreams; the exact opposite in fact. He'd lock me up and throw away the key." "You're so cynical! Not all men are like that," Eloise rebuffed. I looked at her. "Aren't they?" "Simon doesn't seem to be like that." "Well, Simon and I aren't going to get married; we're not even gonna date. We're friends- that's it."

This knowing smile came back to both my sisters' lips. "Mmhmm, just "friends", huh?" They gave each other a side glance. "What? Men and women can just be friends. We're not mindless animals," my eyes rolled a second time. "Haven't you ever seen When Harry Met Sally? Guys and girls can't stay friends indefinitely." "Yes, they can. What was that other movie you really like? The Kissing Booth? Lee and Elle were best friends and nothing more through both movies no problem." "Yeah, but that's the exception; not the norm. Besides! Simon's more like your Noah than Lee." "Simon's nothing like Noah," I countered under my breath. If you'd seen the film, you'd know what I meant.

Francesca stretched up her arms in the air. "Face it, Daph. You can't stay single forever." "Heh, watch me," I chuckled. "You better watch it. Someday you're gonna meet someone who'll change your whole perspective of men. Then maybe you'll realize they're not all controlling monsters," she said this last part curtly. "Not all men are monsters; our father and brothers are pretty great. It's just all men outside our family I'm suspicious of." "Why's that?" "Because men are controlling by nature. It's just the ones you're related you at least do it out of love… I can't be sure the man I married would be the same," my gaze peered back outside the rain droplets.

A moment of silence fell over the room following this. Both my sisters stood there, watching me quietly. Soon enough however, Francesca's lips parted. "You're really afraid to get married, aren't you?" I glanced back their way, nodding. Eloise's grin came back in full force. "Well you don't have to marry the duke….." "Eloise!" "Hey, I'm just saying! There are options," her hands raised up in front of her chest. "Simon and I are friends- that's it. He doesn't want more and I certainly don't want more. We're both happy with where we're at romance-wise." "Has he really told you that?" Her eyebrow lifted. My lips fumbled a bit bashfully. "Well, no…. But I know he is! Friendship is where it starts and ends with us."

"Are you seriously saying you're ok with that? You wouldn't get jealous if say, another lady caught his fancy?" She said with a bit of air, making me shake my head unamused. "No? Why would I be?" "Mmmmmm, it may happen if you don't make your move." "Make what move? I don't want to make a move! Look, I like the duke; I think I can like him for the person he is. I want to get to know him better." "You do?!" Francesca gasped excitedly. My eyes rolled; they do that a lot around these two. "I meant as friends! Why would I want to ruin a perfectly good friendship with something like love? Love… I've never even been in love before. I have no idea what it would be like." "Sure you do. You've seen love in movies and books before. Just think of Simon as your personal Mr. Darcy," Eloise cooed. I sighed. "When are you going to get off this? Simon's too sweet and pure for husband material; he's not at all the kind of man Daddy had in mind for me." "How can you be so sure?" I looked straight at my sister, thinking to myself for a moment. Thinking…. and remembering.

"I'm sure."