
9. Male Protection

I ran and ran and ran, only stopping when my breathing got short. I had to stop in this small garden inlet under a tree before I burst out into a coughing fit. It felt like my chest was going to explode. My hand clenched at my shirt as I did my upmost best to breathe normally again. The bruises where Nigel had grabbed my wrist were already starting to form.

I can't tell you how hard I flinched at the sound of another male voice. "Daphne?" My heart beat a mile a minute until I recognized it to be Simon. He appeared out from the darkness, looking very concerned. His eyes scanned me over repeatedly.

"Are you ok?" "I-I'm… I'm f-fine," I hugged myself, still shaking. Of course he noticed this, coming closer to me. "You don't sound fine." "I… I uh… D-Did you see me….?" "Knock the climp flat out?" He said with a small smirk. When he saw that I wasn't smiling back, his worried frown returned.

"Where is he?" "Oh, he ran off somewhere. You needn't worry; he didn't come in your direction," Simon took a step nearer in my direction. "So he's still outside?" I glanced around frightened. "Don't worry. He won't pull stunt that again," he tried- and failed- to reassure me. "You can't know that. Men like him…. so entitled and backward. He probably doesn't think he did anything wrong. And he'll try to find me again," the very idea made me tremble more.

Simon observed me for a moment quietly, as if he was contemplating the next best thing to say to me. Eventually his head dropped a little, his usual smirk returning. "Well, it's a good thing I followed you then." "What are you doing out here?" I asked, still holding myself tightly. "Avoiding certain people." "People?" "Heh, women who find it in their pleasure to meet you. You can't imagine how many times I've been asked to dance tonight." "Oh right, you're not interested in dating or getting married," I recalled. "Who told you that?" His eyebrow raised. "My brother. He said you have interest in women; not that there's anything wrong with that." He chuckled softly. "I don't need "women" plural. I only need one, if she's the right. But he's correct; as of now I have not the faintest intension on marrying anyone." "Hmmmmmm, that makes two of us," I said quietly.

The duke eyed me again, more curious this time. "By the by, what were you doing out here alone?" "I came out to get some fresh air. I was feeling lightheaded… back at the party," I answered a tiny bit sheepishly. "I see, and that's when you ran into…..?" My head nodded, not verbally responding this time. I didn't even want to say his name again, I was that upset. Simon appeared to realize this, thank goodness. His head rose up a tad. "Does Anthony know you left the party?" "Yes, I told him before I went out. Which reminds me, speaking of my brother, I wanted to um…. apologize." "Apologize?" His eyebrow rose up slightly. I nodded ever so gently. "For the other night, I mean… That couldn't have been pleasant to watch," it really mustn't have been.

He chuckled again. "Ah, yes; the "Bridgerton family drama production". I take it none of you are happy with your late father's will, then?" "Definitely not me." "Why's that?" He questioned musingly. My mouth opened at this, but it took a second for any sound to come out. "It has… certain clauses which I'd like to amend." "Clauses?" My eyes met his straight on for the first time since we left the party. "To access my PhD trust fund… You're not the only one who doesn't wish to marry, your grace."

Simon's eyes widened in alarm. "Marriage? You have to get married to access your trust fund?" My head nodded. He snorted. "And you dislike this condition because….?" I frowned. "Well unlike you, I simply cannot declare I do not wish to marry. I do not have such a privilege…. Not with PhD on the line."

We stared at each other for a moment before the duke's head fell a bit. "So why are you so opposed to getting married, then?" "Why don't you want to get married?" I swiftly countered. "I have my reasons," he frowned. "So do I," I matched immediately. We ogled one another yet again, for a while longer this time. Finally he threw his hands up into the air. "Fine. Let's just leave it at we both have legitimate reasons not to get married." "Sounds good to me."

He shook his head, sighed, and then- to my mild surprise- stuck out his hand for me. "Come, we should return to the party." My foot slid back; my head also shaking determinately. Fear suddenly gripped me again. I didn't want to risk seeing Nigel on the way back or god forbid, at the party. At least I knew he likely wouldn't find me in the dark all the way out here. I know that's not quite rational thinking, but I wasn't really in a rational mindset currently. "N-No, I'm good. You go back; I'll stay here." Simon blinked perplexed. "You're going to stay here?" "I don't want to run into… him….. again on the way back. I'll just wait here for one of my brothers to come get me."

Simon rolled his eyes exasperated. "Don't be ridiculous. I'm not going to leave you out here all by yourself. You'll be fine going back with me. Nothing's going to happen I promise," his hand reached out even more. My eyes drifted from his face to his extended palm. Well Simon did seem strong, and I bet he could take down Nigel if he came after me. But then, would he? Would he do that for me? Could I trust Simon on protecting me if need be?

The duke then blinked at me, as if remembering something. "Hey, by the way. How did you know Nigel was following you earlier?" Course he had to ask me this. I didn't say anything; merely staring into his eyes, which I think said it all. I didn't want to tell him about my stalking experiences in Europe, but he got the memo all the same.

Realizing this and still sensing my current reservation, Simon's face softened. His fingers visibly relaxed. "It's alright." "Huh?" I gasped, a tad startled by this. But his expression remained firmed. "I know you're scared, but it's alright now; he can't hurt you anymore. Here, take my hand. I'll bring you back to your brothers." Simon…. My lips parted a sliver. He really was… different than the other guys, and not necessarily in a bad way. Somewhat reluctantly, my hand slowly came around to rest on his. The moment our palms connected, his fingers wrapped protectively around the back of my hand. My fingers didn't move, too transfixed in the reality of holding a man's hand. Can you blame me for being so flummoxed? I'd never…. held a guy's hand before. Our eyes drew up from our clasped hands into the other's eyes. Simon grinned down at me- an expression I reciprocated.

My head turned in every which direction noise emanated on the way back. The closer we got back to the party, the more frightened I became of seeing Nigel again. He could pop out anywhere at any time. He wasn't as sneaky as the stalkers I've dealt with before, but that made him even more scary in a way. I imagined him this big, blubbery man racing towards me with no show of restraint, which was more terrifying than a man silently mimicking my every move from two blocks away. I'm sure the former is scarer because I knew how to escape the latter, while Nigel already proved himself strong enough to grab me. And what could I do if he did? I couldn't hurt him; I didn't weigh enough to physically fight him off. He could have snapped my wrist like a twig if he wanted to. Gees, no wonder I was on edge.

Simon didn't say anything for the first third of our walk. But he did keep side-eying me frequently, especially whenever I flinched at a nearby rustle or branch cracking. Soon enough however, he let out a long sigh and turned his gaze forward. I think he wanted to help get my mind off… things.

"You know, you really ought to get married." "Excuse me?!" This caused my head to whiplash his way. He met me with that cunning smirk of his. "Your brother's right; you do need someone to take care of you." "Uh, may I remind you that I'm an adult woman who's perfectly capable of taking care of myself? I have been doing a pretty good job for the past year and a half in Brussel," I proclaimed with pride. But Simon simply chuckled and shook his head in a gentle fashion. "Yes, but you're not like most women." "I beg to differ. Women are great! I take great pride in identifying with my fellow females. Heh, it's a real liberal concept; you probably wouldn't get it," I felt like being a bit of a brat again. His eyebrow raised up, also a tad playfully. "Wouldn't I?" I shrugged. "Well, you sound like your old typical traditionalist man to me. I bet you wouldn't even want your wife to work outside the home- if you wanted a wife, that is."

His eyes transfixed onto me. "What a thing to say. How could you judge me so plainly when you barely even know me?" "I know you're like my brother, and we both know what he's like. He'd never have me leave the house if he had his way," I chuckled to myself. Simon also grinned. "It's just because he loves you. He doesn't want to have to worry about you like he did your father." "Daddy injured himself because he didn't take his condition seriously. I begged him for years to go to the doctor, to follow her advice, and to take better care of himself. But…. Well, Daddy was the independent type. He was a "man's" man, who didn't like other people telling him what to do; not the doctor, not Anthony…. not me," sighing, my eyes lowered. Simon waited for a minute, sensing I had more to say. Eventually I grinned up at him, shutting my eyes momentarily. "That being said, I don't agree with my brother on everything, but I get why he is the way he is. He… and our father were really close." "Even though you were Edmund's favourite?" He quired. "I was Daddy's favourite child. Anthony was Daddy's…. second favourite son after Benedict. Why are we talking about this again?! Stop trying to make me make my father look bad!" "You brought it up," he laughed. "I most certainly did not! You did!" I announced. We looked at each other once more and burst out chuckling; him chuckling, me giggling. Then our gazes turned back in front of us.

"You truly are something else, Miss Bridgerton." "Please, call me Daphne. I'm not into the whole honorifics thing." "Fine, but then you'll have to call me Simon." "I already do," I peered back over to him. He grinned. "Well that is quite informal of you. Unlike you, who seems to have a distaste for high society, it's the world I belong to as well." "There's nothing wrong with that. I just don't want to be called "Miss Bridgerton". I may be an heiress, but…. What can I say? I like being normal, and ignored," my finger twitched as I said this. Simon eyed me. "But being a nobody couldn't possibly get you anywhere." "It gets me everywhere. I can't tell you how refreshing it is to go into the Louvre and absolutely no one knows my name. There's no one gossiping about me, no reputation to worry about, no family status to try and hide….." "You make it sound so inconvenient," his smirk returned. "I think it is. The lack of attention breeds freedom- a freedom I've never known before." "Hmmmm, and are you including the eldest in the Bridgerton clan when you mean this "lack of attention"?" Up when his eyebrow- again, playfully. I grinned. "Well, one couldn't say, could she?"

By then the manor had come back into sight. From the moment I saw it, all my previous short-lived happiness dissipated. My feet came to an abrupt halt, in effect causing the duke to also stop and twirl back to me. "Daphne?" His tone was peppered with concern. Not taking my eyes off the entrance to the party, my hand drew up to my now pounding chest. A droplet of sweat rolled down the back of my neck.

"I-I don't…. I don't want to go inside." "Daphne," Simon approached my side again, now visibly concerned. "He's inside…. I don't want to see him." "You won't. Come on; you can't stay out here." "But I…." "It's alright," he cut me off. My eyes widened again at the sensation of his hand grasping mine a second time that night. I looked from our clasped hands up to the duke calm, reassuring face. His eyes were mellow and soft. "Let's go in. I'll be with you until we reach your brothers. Nothing's going to happen. Ok?" "O-Ok?" I answered shakily. Still holding my hand, Simon led me back inside. I kept yanking my head from side to side, anxious that I might see Nigel.

We were in for less than a minute before Simon found my eldest brother. He released my hand and eased me forward in front of him to where Anthony was standing. My brother spun around and greeted me with a gleeful grin. "There you are! I was wondering when you were going to come in. And you found Simon! Marvellous! I was just…." Anthony's voice trailed to a stop when he got a good look at my face. Neither Simon nor I were smiling, with me looking particularly timid. Instantly he could tell something was up.

"What's wrong? Daphne, are you ok? What's happened?" Anthony voice was now more than a little worried. I peeked back at Simon, then back round to my brother. My lips parted a sliver, any words taking time to fall from my mouth. "Nigel….." That was all I had to say.

Anthony's face darkened in a matter of half a second. This body language altered within the blink of an eye. Before I knew what was happening, he spun right around on his heels and began stomping away. "Stay with Simon," he ordered darkly before making his leave. Sudden and intense panic filled me. "Wait, Anthony! What are you….?" Before I could finish my sentence however, Benedict appeared out of the crowd in front of Anthony. "Hello, you guys! Haven't seen you in a while; I've been dancing. Enjoying the party?" He managed to get all this out before seeing the look on Anthony's face. His eyes then drifted to me and Simon close by behind our eldest brother. Benny smile started to fall. "What's going on?" "Have you seen Nigel Berbrooke?" Anthony demanded. "N-No; not recently. Why? What's…..?"

"Daphne!" I trembled backwards a few steps; my lips visibly quivering. All the men present noticed my terrified reaction to his arrival. Nigel came marching in our direction, waving his hand in the air and flashing me that idiotic sickly grin of his. That grin immediately began to fall once Simon put his arm out directly in front of me, Benny came very near in my other side, and Anthony physically positioned himself in between him and us. It's like I was cocooned in by three strong men, and for the moment, I couldn't have been more grateful to each of them. I don't think Nigel had planned on running into me surrounded by all of them at once. It didn't help either that each sending him a death glare.

Still, to save face, Nigel did his best to retain his ghastly smile. "What's all this about?" "How dare you come over here?" Anthony took a dangerous step in his direction. "Ah, I just wanted to see Daph-, er Miss Bridgerton. I didn't get to say good night to her properly earlier this evening." "You little…..! If you ever so much as look at my sister again I'll….." Anthony's eyes narrowed onto him. Nigel tried to look genuinely confused. "Whatever are you talking about? I just wanted to say good night." "Anthony…." I let out a scared little cry, hoping he'd get the memo- which he did.

"You dare you try to speak to her?! After what you did tonight!" Though I hadn't said anything, I knew Anthony realized something happened. Something bad. Too bad no one gave Nigel the message. If there was a "Stupid Award", he'd have won it tonight. Nigel's back arched. His face stiffened and he pulled down the rims of his jacket. "Oh, now; come on, Bridgerton.

She's obviously lying."

I'd never seen my brother's face contort with rage so much before. Even Benny and Simon looked like they were ready to strangle Nigel. Luckily for me, I didn't have to do or say anything. Anthony proceeded to grab Nigel by the collar of his shirt and in a show of brute strength, lift him up to his toes on the floor.

"Are you calling my sister a liar?!" Anthony's voice raised incensed. It took Nigel a second to realize his mistake. His hands flew up in surrender. "N-No, of course not! I only meant t-that….. that women are prone to exaggeration, and Miss Bridgerton might have mistaken my intensions!" "Aren't there security cameras installed all around this area?" Benedict pondered out loud aggressively. It didn't take a genius to know what he meant by that. The colour from Nigel's cheeks faded. "Cameras?" He gulped, like he totally forgot they existed until now. Simon saw his chance to chime in.

"And if there isn't any footage, I'll testify as a witness," Simon pronounced. "You?!" Nigel's head shot over his way in horror. I doubt he remembered Simon seeing the ordeal- or at least the end of it- either. Simon's glare sharpened in onto Nigel. "Yes. After all, we have enough evidence to make a case, what with Daphne's arm…." "What?!" Anthony's head darted back at me. Without making a sound I held up my wrist so he could see the bruised handprint Nigel left on my skin. He then gave Nigel a glare I don't think he'll ever forget.

Still holding Nigel firm in place, our brother didn't remove his eyes off the cad. When he spoke again however, his tone was very low and threatening. "Benedict, take Daphne home. I'm going to stay and press charges on our sister's behalf." Nigel squirmed in a panic. "Now, that's not really necessary, is it?! It was a misunderstanding! That's all! I would never hurt your sister, Bridgerton- I swear to you!" "A misunderstanding? You call what you did to her a "misunderstanding"? You don't even deserve to be in the same room as her, Berbrooke," Simon hissed viciously. Anthony also growled, tightening his grip on Nigel's collar.

"Don't you ever talk to Daphne, me, or any of my siblings again. With the video footage, Simon's testimony, and my sister's arm, there's enough evidence for a restraining order. You can kiss your invitations to any high society functions goodbye," my brother snarled with finality. Nigel's eyes grew in horror. "What?! No! You can't do that! I'll sue!" "Your money won't get you out of this one, Berbrooke," Anthony countered. "We got better lawyers than you anyway," Benedict added.

"Benedict!" Anthony commanded. That was Benny's "get her outta here" order. My second oldest brother nodded. "Right. Come on, sis," he took my arm and began leading me to the front door. Simon came up to my brother from behind, clasping his hands behind his back. "I'll make a formal statement with the police tomorrow," he told him. "Thank you, Simon," Anthony acknowledged him before returning his full attention to the defeated and downtrodden Nigel. Meanwhile Benny and I had reached the front entryway and my brother was helping me put on my spring coat. Simon rushed over to us, also grabbing his jacket to put on as well. "You're leaving now too?" Benny asked him. "Yes, I think I've had enough of this party. Best head home." "Us too," taking my arm, my brother guided me out the front door which Simon held open for us. He walked on my other side down the staircase and over to the idling cars.

The duke stayed with us as we waited for our car to pull up. No one was in a particularly talkative mood; can you blame us? I wasn't so worried about seeing Nigel anymore- I'm sure Anthony would knock him flat on his block if he tried to come anywhere near me again. Still, I wasn't particularly happy, which Simon must have saw when he glanced over in my direction. With his hands still clasped behind his back, his shoulders were tense and stiff.

"Are you going to be alright?" He voice was much gentler now. I nodded, though not with enthusiasm; more so to placate him than anything. Naturally he wasn't convinced. "You needn't worry about Berbrooke anymore. Anthony and I will take care of him." "You?!" I blinked over to him in shock. As if to catch himself, Simon's face braced. "Anthony; Anthony will take care of him," he quickly corrected himself. He said that, but I heard him the first time…. I heard him.

My head drooped back forward. Simon ran his hand over his eyes wearily as well. "What a night…." "I'm tired," I admitted. "Yeah, me too," he concurred. "We'll be home soon, sis. Just hang on for a little longer," Benny gave me a small grin. "Ok," my eyes lowered on their own accord. Simon gazed back my way. "You sure you're going to be ok?" "Yeah, I just… need some sleep." "Ok then. If that's what you need," Simon's head tilted upwards towards the sky. His hands came out from around his back to bury inside his pants pockets. That's how I saw him when I gazed back over at him from the corner of my eye. I saw him, and this tiny smile appeared on my mouth.

"Thank you." "Huh? For what?" The duke blinked to me puzzled. Our stares met; mine softening onto his. "For tonight; thank you…. thank you, Simon." He merely observed me for some time before grinning himself. His eyes also lowered onto mine. "You're welcome… Daphne." We were still looking at one another when the car pulled up.

"Let's go," Benny released my arm and went around to the other side of the car. Simon opened the door for me. "Try to have a good rest tonight." "You too," I climbed on inside. Before he shut the door I heard him tell Benny: "make sure she gets home ok". There was a minute of silence. Then my brother replied:

"She's my sister. I don't need you to tell me that."