
Break me if you can.

Alora's life takes a drastic turn when she finds out something very important about herself. Her whole life had been a lie, everything she knew, did, and loved. She'd basically been living a stolen identity. Although it seems impossible, Alora is determined to build a new life, her life, one that she doesn't have to share her identity. One that belongs solely to her. Mackota is right next to her willing to help every step of the way. Will they achieve their goal?

Joy_Akpan · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Disrespectful piece of shit.

I decided to visit my father at the Palace. It's been months since I left the palace eager to explore the world and find my place in it. Who knew I'd be afraid of so many things, the woods, the dark, other creatures, the unknown – the fact that I don't know what's going to happen here at the next minute scares the shit out of me. I felt more safe and relaxed at the Palace and the thought that I'm my father's favourite kept me on cloud nine. The sudden urge to explore started when my father had some visitors at the palace. Everything about them fascinated me, from the way they talked to the way they dressed I just wanted to know more. It took a lot of convincing to get my father to approve of me leaving the palace and staying in this nice house that is in the middle of nowhere, it might be somewhere but how would I know when I'm too afraid to leave the house. The only time I get bold enough to even open the gates is when Nelly comes. Seeing her with him makes my mind go blank and every sense of fear disappears. It's my fault he even has the liberty to be around this slimy witch, she is an actual witch just slimy. If dad didn't insist he comes with me as protection he'd probably still be single and I'll still have a shot with him. I'm going to consider moving back to the palace where it's just the two of us again. Enzo might not be happy with my decision but I have to do what's best for both of us. He can't get married to a witch, he looks better with me.

 I went to the palace without telling Enzo, I doubt he even noticed I left with him and Nelly all over each other.

It took a while trying to navigate my way to the palace but after a few hours, I got to the palace all sweaty and breathless like someone that is being chased. The guards stared at me for a while as if to check if I was okay. One of the guards looked around to confirm I wasn't being chased.

"Are you okay my princess?" Kenji asked genuinely worried, he's my favourite guard. He's been my guard since I was like twelve, I guess he was stationed at the gate at my departure. My siblings are not exactly fond of him or me or my father. My siblings don't like anyone but they hate me in particular mostly because my father treats me differently. Kenji is hated by association.

"I'm fine Kenji, I've missed you." I said and threw my arms around him after slowing down my breath while the other guards watched in amazement.

"Me too." He replied and cautiously use one arm to pat my back.


"I'm not sure but I know he's in the palace."

"Thanks, we need to get you a new post, guard duty doesn't look good on you," I said jokingly and made my way inside leaving the other guards to pounce on Kenji with questions and requests.

"She hugged you?"

"She missed you?"

"Why was she so casual?"

"How are you guys so close?"

"Ask her to take me with you."

Kenji is lucky to be close to the king's most favoured daughter. I smile to myself and continue walking till their voices fade behind me.

I entered the sitting room and took the stairs. I was walking down the hallway when I saw someone I immediately wish I didn't, my eldest stepsister.

"If it isn't  daddy's favourite daughter." She said glaring hard at me as if looks could kill.

"My Princess." I said joining my hands together in front of me and then leaning my head forward, my eyes facing the ground.

"What's with the act? Everyone knows you're a disrespectful piece of shit."

"I just wanted to know what it felt like to respect you. It feels like shit, trust me you don't want to respect yourself although you already never do so that's good." She's fuming mad now and I like it. The look on her face is priceless!

"Since we're done saying HI to each other, I'll leave now. It was nice to see you, sis." I said with so much mockery in my voice and I winked at her. She stomped away and I don't need a soothsayer to tell me that any servant that she comes across is going to have a really bad day.

I smile in satisfaction and continue walking towards dad's room.

I knocked on his door and didn't wait for an answer before going in.

"Hey, dad." I said in greeting and closed the door behind me.

"Hey, sweetheart." He answered with a huge smile on his face and hurriedly shoved something under his pillow.

I pretended not to see it. If he was hiding it from me then it's probably best I didn't know.

"Why are you back here? I thought you'd be halfway around the world by now."

"What can I say? I just missed my dad."

"Oh honey, I missed you too. Come, give me a hug." He pats my back and I make my head comfortable on his broad chest. My dad is in great shape for someone his age. It's one of the many peculiar things about him. He pulled away still holding on to my shoulders he stared at my face like he was looking at a treasure. The look in his eyes right now is what makes me feel special not the extra attention not the priceless gifts or the "special child benefits" it's this look right here.

It makes me feel like I deserve everything I get even when everyone else says I don't. They're not wrong, I mean I do half the work but I receive twice the reward but when he looks at me like this, all my guilt goes down the drain. The hug was over and now he wants to know everything about everything. I should have figured this would happen, my father is a very chatty man and with me, he's extra chatty.

"So tell me everything. How was life outside the palace? Did you try new things?" Does running off to the woods to cry, count? I wondered in my head.

"Of course I did," I said with fake enthusiasm.

"What?" my father asked with real enthusiasm.

"I explored the woods."

"You did? how was it? Did you connect to nature?" You bet I did. I know a lot of trees now and I may have given them names on my way back.

The conversation continued for about an hour and it was dinner time. Everyone gathered around the dining table and was waiting for dad to eat before they resume their food, it's tradition but dad seemed to be waiting for someone else and since I was the only one bold enough to ask him why he was not eating yet, I did.

"Dad, let's eat."

"And Enzo?" Oh shit, I should have figured dad would find it weird if I came alone, Enzo might be in a little bit of trouble because I'm not about to take the blame for roaming without a guard, it's his fault for not doing his job well and catching me when I ran away.