
She sings like frog.

I ran off into the woods. I ran and I ran and I continued to run only stopping when I was convinced he couldn't find me. It'd be impossible to pick up my scent from this far, he's a werewolf, not a god. I collapsed under a tree that looked like it's been through hell, all the leaves were almost gone and the wood looks like it was melting. It's probably the rain since it doesn't have much of a shade anymore but I don't care what happened to the tree, I just want to cry until I run outt of tears, I move my tired body closer to the tree so I can lay my back on it and then I hugged my knees and buried my head in them and right on cue as if I rehearsed this moment my tears begin to flow and I soon advanced from stifled sobs to a full mouthed wail. Yes, I was wailing, in the forest, alone and very loudly, very very loudly seeing as I chased away most of the birds.

After what seemed like fifty years, my tears run dry and I blew away the last drop of snot in my nose then I rose. It's already dark but that's not the issue, I mean come on, I'm a werewolf. The real issue is I have to go back to the house, eventually even though it's last place I want to be. I know what you're thinking, I'm a wolf why don't I just stay in the woods. Well for one, I'm a modern wolf, and by modern I mean high class and secondly, the last thing I want to be right now is alone. I'm not saying this because I crave company or attention I'm just you know, a little bit shy to hunt alone. Yes, shy not afraid. I look around to see what where I've been sitting for the past...okay I don't know how long I've been sitting here but I look around to see what it looks like anyway. It's weird and a little scary and I'm alone. At least I have night vision that's a little comforting. I get to see what whatever kills me looks like.

I turn around and start to walk back where I came from and I threaded lightly, more like I was tiptoeing. I'm just being careful not to wake any sleeping wolf-eating monsters. Sometimes I can't believe I'm a predator, I feel more like a prey. My dad would be so ashamed.

I managed to make it out of the forest alive, uninjured and most importantly whole, as in uneaten. It is a praiseworthy feat. I open the door and there he is, the man responsible for my unhappiness. Ironically, he looks happy scratch that, he is happy. He met the love of his life, his true mate, soulmate or whatever the hell it's called. Who wouldn't he happy?

"Where the hell have you been Alora?" He asked staring directly at my face while still holding onto the doorknob with one hand. I wish all the worry in his voice right now was because he's in love with me and not because my father would feed his body to dogs if anything happened to me.

"We were worried sick." He continues to lament while I stare back at him and let my thoughts wander to a different dimension. By 'we' he means, himself and the one woman I wish would just vanish into thin air, his girlfriend and "soon to be wife", Nelly. God I hate them both.

"If you continue to have outbursts like a depressed teenager and run into the woods every time, I'm afraid I'll have to report you to your father!" He yells and it hurt. Not the yelling part, although that also feels bad he doesn't yell at me that often but the fact that he thinks of me only as a child he's responsible for, that's what hurt. Hearing him say it out loud, it sent an arrow through my chest. I get that that's what I am but doesn't he see more? I'm a full grown woman, a full grown woman that is in love with him and I know I'm beautiful, I don't need to be told.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again." I managed to blurt out and made my way past him with my head bowed down, the last thing I want right now is for him to see me cry and further confirm his thoughts about me being a child. Dear God, where are these tears coming from? I thought I poured everything out in the woods. I lock the door behind me and crouched next to it to continue gushing salty water from my eyes. I locked the door because if I know Enzo as much as I think I do, he's going to be knocking in a few minutes to tell me how sorry he is and how much he loves me and just wants the best for me. He always feels guilty about yelling, not because I'm his sorta- boss but because of his kind heart. The stupid kind heart that made me fall for him in the first place.

I woke up the next morning groaning in pain. My body ached like hell mainly because I fell asleep on the hard floor after crying my eyes out and falling asleep in a pool of my own tears. My head was not an exception, it was pounding in a rhythmic beat that I would have probably enjoyed if the source of the sound was not my head. I tried to get up from the floor but I failed so I tried again and this time I still failed so I decided to lay a little longer. I mean what's the rush? It's not like there's any man waiting for me to get dressed and eat the breakfast he made for me while he makes the bed I woke up from and plants soft kisses on my forehead. After a few minutes I decided to attempt rising again without falling and lucky for me it was a success. I sat in front of my dressing table after a long shower and my eyes were a lot better than they were when I woke up but it was still a little swollen.

I applied a little make up to cover my misery and it worked like magic. I looked beautiful maybe not cheerful but still beautiful.

"No one's going to make me think less of myself. If he doesn't like me it's his loss not mine." I say to myself about a million times. It was reassuring.

"Good morning Enzo." I say and walk past him trying hard not to be bothered by his bare chest and his tousled hair. His biceps are sleek and enticing, the kind that makes you feel safe next to him want stay glued to him forever. His green eyes are my favourite part of him so I tried to focus on them instead of his sexy body.

"Morning Alora, sleep well?" He asked and flash a smile at me like he forgot all about yesterday.

"Yeah sure." I answer trying as hard as I can to sound as carefree as him while I pour cereal into a bowl.

I heard singing, I know that awful voice anywhere I hear it and I wish I didn't. There's only one person that sounds that horrible and still feels the need to ruin everybody's morning with her voice. Nelly. She sounds like a frog. What a depressing way to start the day.

"Hey baby, you're up. How'd you sleep?" He asked and planted a kiss on her lips before she could even reply.

"I slept like a baby." She said and giggled probably in an attempt to be cute because I don't see what's so funny. "And you?"

"I slept next to you babe nothing else matters." He said like he meant it and he probably does but I don't want to think about it. No wonder he was roaming the house shirtless and giving away smiles like a fool. Again, I'm not thinking about it. Hold up, now that I think about it, he didn't come to my room yesterday, or was I already asleep when he came? It doesn't matter anyway. I guess I don't know him as much as I think I do.

"Awwwnn baby." She cooed and before I got the chance to leave, they were making out already. Way to ruin breakfast Nelly. I started to pour the cereal back inside the box but the floor was taking more cereal than the box so I gave up and decide to eat it anyway.

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