
Brain Fog Effect

On her sixteenth birthday, Oxy Jane had a strange dream of entering a city called Cerebra. And Cerebra was the name of a city that suddenly disappeared sixteen years ago from the world. In that dream, she met a boy named Helio who claimed that he was the gatekeeper of the dimension. So, Oxy wasn't dreaming. She had entered into another dimension. The connection between dimension and their world caused chaos. Some people died from being trapped in the dimension. They were attacked by a monstrous head-eating creature called Uron inside. This strange phenomenon was also known as the brain fog effect. Not only that, her school principal, Mr. Dome, was someone who had been watching her all this time. Mr. Dome told her that she was one of six children who survived the lost city. And each of them had strange powers as a result of the horrific experiments. Oxy met new friends. Some were good and others were difficult. She also met people who wanted to use kids as them their weapons because the war will come. Could Oxy and her friends save themselves? Also, could they save the world from the disaster of war?

daemie29 · SF
44 Chs

Pillow Talk (1)

Oxy didn't understand how Selena's metabolism works. Selena liked to eat all the time but still had an ideal body.

"Do you want it or not?" Selena offered a bowl of ice cream she was enjoying. Both of them at in the canteen now.

Oxy shook her head. Her teeth felt stung just only looking at Selena who was enjoying the ice cream.

"This is so delicious, you know," said Selena. She was so enjoying every bite.

Oxy just shook her head again. Selena looked like having no problems in life, even though her father was imprisoned for reasons that were not yet clear. Not to mention that she kept her identity a secret as Mr. Dome's adopted daughter in this school.

What about Oxy?

Oxy just felt restless.

Oxy hoped she could be like Selena who could be so relaxed at any time. But of course, she couldn't, because she was not Selena. She was always serious about everything. She couldn't forget about Cerebra, Helio, and Brain Fog. She could not ignore them at all.

A week had passed and there was no sign of a strange death appearing in the city. She had also tried to eavesdrop on every conversation Darren had with his gang. Usually, Eddie would cover every case of his father. But it looked like Mr. Crane never talked about Mr. Dome again in front of Eddie.

"Why are you so obsessed about that crazy dream?" Selena asked, brushing her silver soft hair with her thin fingers. Selena was very "white" because she was born albino. But that's her unique. Oxy thought Selena was the most beautiful albino in the world she ever met.

Of course, every student in school still wanted to be friends with Selena because of her beauty, but Selena refused them and followed Oxy instead.

"Time goes on," said Oxy. "I still can't find Helio's whereabouts."

"You're still saying that name. Is he so important to you, huh?"

Oxy was silent. Then she shrugged.

"I'm just worried that something might happen to Helio. He's supposed to be guarding the Cerebra gate."

"Hey," Selena put away her ice cream bowl. "I've looked into it too, and there are no more victims of that strange effect. Nobody dies with their rotten head!"

"Yeah, maybe it's stopped now," said Oxy. "What if one day the phenomenon comes back again? And that time, who will be able to save people from that nightmare?"

"Hey, you forgot about this?" Selena took out the white bottle from her backpack. "We have green pills!"

Oxy sighed. She shook her head. "Our supplies are limited. And your father is in isolation. What will happen if the pills run out?"

Selena immediately shook her head. "I don't want to go back to that place again!"

"Can you try it? Maybe we'll find something."

Selena rolled her eyes. "Did you forget that terrible creature inside the place? No! I don't want to give my head to them! Thanks!"

"Hey, we should give it a try. You haven't been there in a long time, and you were very young back then. If you remember where the place you woke, I will find you and save you."

"What if you can't find me?" Selena asked in doubt.

"I will find you," Oxy promised. She had memorized every place in the city from the map she had. If they knew where Selena had woken up, she would have used her teleportation ability to find Selena, so she can bring Selena to the Red Castle. But the problem was Selena didn't remember where she woke.

"We have to give it a try," said Oxy again.

Selena just continued eating her ice cream, ignoring Oxy.

"Come on, I might be weird for being obsessed with that dimension, but I can't sleep peacefully every time I think about the green pills running out."

Selena shrugged. "How about going to see Dad?"

"You said the police still refused you and your mom to meet him, right?"

Selena crossed her arms over her chest, an irritated expression starting to appear on her face. "Then what exactly do you want?"

"Of course, I want to solve the mystery," said Oxy excitedly.

"What mystery?"

"How to return the lost city back to the real world."

"Tsk, you're crazy, Oxy Jane. I understand why people don't like to be friends with you," said Selena.

"Oh, you just realized, huh? That's why I warned you to choose another friend besides me."

Oxy was feeling nervous. Was Selena disappointed to have been friends with her now? She knew this would happen. Selena would leave her. Then Oxy would have no friends again.

Oxy suddenly felt cold and wet also sweet on her lips. She realized that Selena had just put ice cream on her lips.

"Hey!" cried Oxy.

Selena just laughed. "What were you thinking? Did you think I will leave you just because of your stupid obsession?"

"Everyone left me because of that," Oxy said with a sad face, she licked the ice cream on her lips anyway.

"Well, it won't happen to me." Selena pinched Oxy's cheek, ignoring Oxy's scream.

"Hey, it hurts you know!" Oxy pushed Selena to let go of her cheek.

Again, Selena laughed.

"You're such a weird girl!" Oxy exclaimed, stroking her cheek. It's a bit sting.

"Well, you know already that I'm also a weird kid." Selena smiled.

"I hope there's no more surprising than this," Oxy was still rubbing her stung cheek. Selena was getting more and more terrible by the day. Who would pinch someone's cheek until it hurt like this?

Selena just finished her ice cream. "Okay, for the sake of your obsession, let's get this over with so you can stop babbling about dimensions and brain fog. What should I do for you?"

"You... are you serious?" Even Oxy was flabbergasted. She couldn't believe that Selena had finally agreed.

"Hey, don't let me take my words back, okay?" Selena pointed her plastic spoon to Oxy.

"Okay, okay..." Oxy immediately took out a folded paper from inside her backpack. She immediately unfolded the paper which was an old map of Cerebra.

"Let's see where your memory goes."

"Ugh, it's gonna waste my energy," said Selena. "Before that, could you order me something to eat?"

"God, you just finished your ice cream!" Oxy was so annoyed now. "Please be focused!"[]