
Boy with useless skills

I'm kinda new on this stuff so please don't judge me strictly. The kind boy named Tamashi Tsuyoi was 5 years old when the world beneath him started to shatter from dreams to reality. Why? Well the reason for this is pretty obvious. From the age of 5 people awaken there skills which are granted by gods they vary from rarity to power and the person himself. He and his childhood friend and best female friend Aria Mokuma were already 5 which means that they should awaken there abilities. Tamashi who was full of enthusiasm was first to awaken his skills and...he was disappointed...well they were trash in simple words. The society started to look down on him and even his friend.....she betrayed him. But! Do you all think that this shit will stop him from achieving his goal? NAY! Hardships would forge him to become more powerful than now! Lets follow the adventures of Tamashi and his friends in my new story! This story is harem story with cute and shy mc and lustful girls after his di- Author was slapped by holy bonk while you started to read this novel

Jumbo_Ignir · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 4

It was rather a good morning. Birds singing, people doing there work and me who today will join the party....Well it isn't something that outstanding but for the loner like me it is pretty good chance....even tho I'm just a supporter. Speaking of supporters,there are various types of them starting from magic supporter whose job is to boost up the party and continuing with simple supporter whose job is only to carry party's supplies and guess which one is mine...of course the first one wasn't for me so...the second one is me.

I got up from my bed while starting to do my daily morning routine like brushing teeth and taking a shower in nearby laundry house which was pretty cheap even for broken person like me.

"Yosh! Today is my first day in party so I should do my best!"

I was determined and brave at that moment, seriously I thought of myself as an unbeatable hero from fairy tails but those thoughts weren't really a good reference to my state at that moment but let's think of it that way.

I grabbed all my equipment (knife and light armor) and headed towards the guild. If I remember correctly Ganz said to meet him near the guild in the early morning around one hour after the morning. I am pretty punctual with time so I decided to go there a little bit earlier.

Upon reaching the guild I decided to greet Anastasia-san. I got near towards the reception as was greeted with her bright smile.

"Good morning Anastasia-san"

"Oh! Tamashi-kun you are a bit early today...waiting for your first party?"

Was it so obvious? Maybe my face looks excited? Well I couldn't deny it I am excited to this. It's my first time in a party and beside they are C ranked at least.

"Relax and just go with a flow,Tamashi"

"Well I'm just nervous that I might mess the things so...."

She putted her hand to my head.Huh? She is patting me? It was really embarrassing because girl was actually touching me and it made me nervous.

"Don't worry okay?"

What should I do? Should I proudly say "Yes!"? Or should I say"Of course"? Yeh the first variant will do the trick.


.....I messed up. Uhhh! Why I cannot answer normally!? Now she would think of me as freak....

"*chuckles* Don't worry"

Did she read my mind? Anyway it seems it is already time for Ganz to show up. I looked towards the door as it was immediately opened by group of four people.

"Kiddo! Over here!"

Shouted the bald man. It was Granz. I immediately run towards the group while trying my best to act calm....well at least I tried.

" Mr.Granz!"

I came towards him and the gang. Oh speaking of three persons on Granz's back. First one was a tanned skinned man with brown hair and a scar near his chin. Angry type I would say. He noticed my gaze and looked back with the gaze saying "Fuck off" or something like that but I might be wrong.

Second was a girl with blond hair yellow eyes and a priestess outfit...seems she is a healer or how I said before magic supporter.

Third and last person was a girl with a red hair tied into a ponytail and a green eyes with serious gaze which was wearing kinda revealing outfit which seemed to be assassin or thief class.

" I'm glad that you came kiddo! Let me introduce you to our party."

He started to introduce me to them while they carefully listened to Ganz's introduction of me.

"His name is Tamashi he will be our supporter from now on make sure you would get along."

"Supporter? Are you sure he wouldn't be a dead weight to us?"

The red haired girl said while strictly looking towards me.

" Hey Liz calm down appearance might fool sometimes"

The priestess girl said getting my back and revealing the name of red haired girl tho she didn't deny that I looked weak. Damn people could really kill with mere words.

"Nice to meet ya Tamshi! My name is  Folion hope we can get along ya know!"

The angry looking guy whose name is Folion turned out to be a nice guy who seemed to easily get along with me.

"G-Granz already introduced me but I don't know your names yet...."

Well before the meeting I unintentionally took a look on there statuses using my analysis skill so you can say I lied a little.

-Name: Folion

-Class: C

-Skills: Swordsmanship-small,  stamina,boost-middle

-Job: Swordsman


-Name: Liz


-Skills: Invincible,knife,poison



-Name: Clara


-Skills: Healing, Light magic, barrier



Well this party was pretty good skilled seeing there statuses I can guarantee they are strong.

"Haha! Good spirit kiddo! Now guys introduce yourselves!"

Well they all started to introduce themselves but I already knew there names. The man's name was Folion,strict girl with red hair is Liz and priestess who took my back is named Clara.

"Granz they all are good guys so try to get along with them."

After his words I became curious of Granz's status as well so I took a look on it.


-Class: C

-Skills: Power boost,Muscles,Berserk


Whoah! Seems Granz is the strongest in the party looking to his skills they all are pretty balanced with his job.

"Seems the introduction is already finished so.... let's head straight to the dungeon!"