
Chapter 14

"Alright guys let's go!" Our managers yelled at us. We were on our way to America to start our tour. BTS was preforming at the Billboard Awards so that's where were starting.

"Man it's gonna be crazy when we get there." Namjoon said looking at his phone. "We're gonna have a day to get ready once we land."

"Seriously?" I asked and looked at his phone, which was their schedule.

"For real look." He showed me that as soon as we land, they all ready had to practice and prepare.

"That's insane."

"You wanna go? See what it's like?"


"You've watched this on tv haven't you?" I nodded my head. "Do you wanna go to it? We all get the chance to bring nonexistent girlfriends. You just have to pretend you're not one." He looked up from his phone.

"Thanks. I might."

"You know, even if you guys have to act like you're just friends, it would mean a lot to him."

"I know. I'll talk to my manager and see if it's ok."

"It's ok so you're going."

We all took our seats on the plane. I sat next to Taehyung by the window. We all agreed to get some sleep on the plane since it was all go when we land.


We got off the plane and went straight to the hotel. We all got our rooms and umpacked before it was time for BTS to leave for practice. As I was the only girl I was given my own room. Wynter had gone home with my parents and Stephanie went home too. I was looking for my phone charger when someone knocked on the door. I went and opened it and Taehyung was there. He quickly came in and I closed the door behind him.

"Are you coming tomorrow?"

"To the Billboard Awards?" He nodded his head.

"Talk to my manager. He said it was cool. So come to it with me."

"I can go as BTS' friend-"

"I want you to go as my girlfriend." I looked at him.

"Tae, we talked about this. After a year-"

"That's six months away Ro. I don't like not being able to be with you outside of this." His motioned to the room. "I want us to be able to go out with each other."

"I do too but we both know what'll happen when the company find out."

"We did it for six months. It didn't effect how we worked, or your debut, nothing. Every fight didn't follow us to work."

"I get that but it's going to take a lot of convincing for the higher ups. Otherwise they can cancel International on this tour, and who knows what else."

"I get it." He slumped his shoulder, letting out a sigh.

"Tae, I want to, but this is how we keep things where they are right now. What I do effects the guys too. I can't cost them this tour."

"Alright. Tell you what. We win our nomination tomorrow, we tell everyone after the tour. I won't mess up the tour, but after." I thought about.

"Alright. After you win, and after the tour. We'll go to the company and we'll give them our argument." He gave me a huge smile before hugging me tight. He pulled away and kissed me.

"I have to go practice, but uh I'll come by when we get back. You are still coming tomorrow right?"

"Yes yes between you and Namjoon I have to at this point."

"I mean I can tell the rest of the guys to blow your phone up if you want too."

"I'm good thank you. Now I have some stuff to do before tomorrow."

"Like what?"

"A dress? I need the schedule tomorrow?"

"Fine, fine." Then he left.


"So you guys are going to the company about your relationship after tour?" Kai asked. He was laying on one of the beds throwing a stress ball into the air, and catching it.

"Yeah. That's whay he wants to do." I said as I spun in the desk chair they had in their room. "He's not gonna cost us the tour though."

"Thats good." Minseok said. "Not that I don't care but we could definiently lose this tour right now."

"I know. That was one of my arguments."

"Well maybe they'll approve." Gun said.

"Awesome." Cheolmin said sarcastically, looking at his phone. "Man I can't stand the racism in this country."

"Why what's going on now?"

"Rowan's the wrong race. Rowan became a traiter to us. Rowan couldn't be sucessful here in the states so she ran to the Koreans so some guys could carry her career."

"What?" We all got up and went to look at his phone. On twitter were several comments just like that.

"Seriously ignore them. They're jelous that you're more sucessful then they'll ever be."

"Yeah." As much as I wanted to, I still couldn't stop thinking about them. I would push them away for a while, focus on other things, then I would think back to them again.

We went back through out set and made sure things were good for our kick off concert. We had a few days to relax before our schedule started.


I was in my room texting my sister when someone knocked on the door. I opened it and Taehyung came in. It was almost time to call Wynter before bed.

"She's gonna be really happy to see us." I said as I set up my laptop for skype.

"You mean she's gonna be happy to see me?"

"Shut up." I turned it on and my dad was there with Wynter.

"Hey there they are!" Dad said and Wynter got super excited.

"Mommy! Tae Tae!"

"Hey Wynter!" We both said.

"We miss you!" Taehyung told her.

"Miss you too!" She said back.

"And we love you!" I said.

"I love you too!" She said.

"Wish Tae Tae good luck tomorrow. He's preforming at an award show." I told her.

"Wow. So cool." Wynter said. "Good luck Tae Tae!"

"Thank you Wynter. I'll win just for you!" He blew her a kiss and she blew one back.

"Alright we gotta say goodnight. It's getting late." My dad said. "Call when you get a chance."

"I will dad. Love you. I love you Wynter! I'll call you tomorrow ok?"

"Ok mommy/ I love you too! Night night mommy! Night night Tae Tae!"

"Goodnight baby." I said and my dad ended the call.

"I feel bad we can't call as often as we want." Taehyung said laying down on the bed.

"I know. I have a few days, I need to make sure I'm calling more before kick off."

"She knows you're away for work, and that you're only a call away." Taehyung said pulling my down to his chest. "Once this tour is over we have a short break before the next album drops. Then I have my work cut out for me."

"I know."

"But we'll be a real family after this."

"Yeah." I closed my eyes and relaxed a bit. "Sadly, you still can't sleep here."

"Come on..."