

How does it feel to be given a second chance in life. Well to be honest it's alright, just have to kill my girlfriend, mutilate my brother and destroy the world as we know it, nothing to it. But it's quite a drag to have to care and feed three stray dogs sorry I meant friends. Wish me luck.

fluffball · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Shame and dignity

As we arrived at my familiar yet unfamiliar home, were greeted with the magnificent sight of an enormous glasslike gate embedded with jewels the size of pigeon eggs.

I let out a low whistle

"Were we always this extravagant" I guess I grew accustomed to damp floors, leaking roofs, heinous laughter and spell of urine that I forget I was once treasured, I shaked by head to rid myself of such saddening thought "This time will be different" I muttered silently.

"What will be different this time" Senior

sister suddenly asked me snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh! I mean it will be different cause of the work load and preparation for the entrance exam and all that".

"Do you mean you interested in going"

She tried to ask causally but the immense hope in her eyes betrayed her.

"Of course I want to go, I might not be strong but I am sure I can make myself useful there".

I know what you guys must be thinking after seeing my stats you might be thinking

"Oh he is just a trash or Oh my he is a loser or something and my parents do not love me and I will use my system to grow and figuratively and literally slap some faces right".

[Well they aren't wrong you know]

Ignoring the system message that interrupted his monologue

"Well you are correct about using the system to grow and slap faces but you are very wrong about me being unloved actually I am very much adored by my family".

"You see I was born prematurely causing the death of my mother, a guilt I carried through out my past life but my father and my elder sister never made me feel that way".

" Instead I was given abundance of love to compensate for the lack of motherly love ".

"Every race awakens their ability from the age range of (5-12), but I was an aberrant who awakened his ability at the tender age of 4 and awakened all two ability.

"Every race has the capability to awaken an ability but one in a billion people are able to awaken two and yours truly is one of those impeccable rare species ".

[ Host also now has the ability to adapt, acquire, accumulate and make use of others ability while leaving them unable to use it and harm themself]



"You make a crime such as theft seem so righteous, don't you have any sense of shame or dignity".

[Intelligence ---05]

[Bravery ---null]


[Fluffball look at where all your shame and dignity has gotten you too, very impressive]



Kim jaehyung speechless

[I rest my case]

"jae, jae are you okay, should we go back to the hospital, jae say something ". I was jolted awake by the insessant calling .

"yes,senior sister what is it "

" I have been calling out to you for a while now, what's wrong, are you alright, we could go back to the hospital if your not alright"

I was beyond moved my the unconcealed concern in those eyes .

I smiled lightly and replied " No, don't worry senior sister am fine".

"Just a little distracted that's all"

I know what your thinking quite impressive for me to be so knowledgeable when I barely went out, well you can just call me an information guru

[Quite a fancy way of saying your a nerd]

What do you mean nerd, I am deeply offended.

[Okay good to know]


As we got of the car and approached my extremely extravagant abode I couldn't help sigh and smile bitterly as I remembered how long it's has been since I have felt so at home.

"Are you really sure you okay, you know we can go back " senior sister asked for like the hundredth time.

I calmly smiled while looking at her and replying softly "am completely fine, a little weak but enough rest should take care of that, alright "

She smiled gently and softly kissed my forehead " sure I will believe for now but the moment I detect any overly abnormal behavior your going straight back to the hospital "

"Don't you mean, abnormal behavior "I asked confused

[Wait for it]

She then calmly replied

"Oh honey your already abnormal "

[ And there it is]

I felt deeply attacked but I was suddenly to tired to argue

As I watched as my elder sister walked away to most probably inform my dad I have been discharged.

I started thinking about how to accomplish my daily task.

I brought out the system window to reexamine my stats and task after I did that I couldn't help sigh.

"this is going to be a very stressful year"

[You will get used to it]

"How do I do this, wait this is a mansion right"

[No it's a hydro loop]

"No I mean if I run half of the size or even quarter the size of the yard I should be able to accomplish my daily task right ".

[Yes that should be right]

"Okay here I go "

I immediately started running across the huge yard and honestly I felt like I could drop dead any second, my body was feeling all kinds of pain

"How long have I been running"

[10 minutes, 200 meters]

"Am about to die" I muttered painful,

"This is the end"

[No it's not]

I could literally imagine the eye roll and detect the amount of disdain but I had no time to care, I was running as fast as I could but every breath I took where like breathing in needles

I finally couldn't take it anymore and was about to give up but I couldn't, I couldn't give up, I should give, I mustn't give, giving up now will only lead me back to that horrible place, the disgusting smell, the unimaginable torture, the heinous laughter filled with ridicules and the heart breaking betrayal.

When the I get so weak, I survived 45 years of pure torment, what more a 5km run, I will not succumb to failure, I shall acc.....

[Hey kid, it's over now]


I felt like vomiting blood out of anger, who in the hell interrupts another person very emotional monologue.

Calm down jaehyung, you can't kill your own system, that won't be nice.

[ Host is very delusional]


"What's next"

"7kg,7kg, how big is 7kg system "

"Oh I got it, 7kg is equivalent to 15pounds right, that means it's should be appropriate to say if I carry 7 one liter bottle of water I should be able to accomplish this task as well"



What kind of reply was that.

"Hmmm, we can do this task inside "

I went inside.