

How does it feel to be given a second chance in life. Well to be honest it's alright, just have to kill my girlfriend, mutilate my brother and destroy the world as we know it, nothing to it. But it's quite a drag to have to care and feed three stray dogs sorry I meant friends. Wish me luck.

fluffball · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Stat reveal


The young man was finally discharged from the hosipital but his mind was still haunted by the memories of what is still to come.

"Two weeks from now The entrance exam for the Heavenly valley academy will begin by this time I should have fought with dad and sister about going and eventually giving my opportunity to senior brother, but not this time things will definitely deviate from their initial occurrence now that am fully aware of their scheme".

"Lee taehyung, shouldn't you show me my stats or something...

" Lee taehyung.

The young lad let out an exasperated breath

"The great and amazing lee taehyung "

[ What does our family fluff ball need]

He mouth inadvertently twitched as he thought that horrible tyrant will never let this die.

I requested for my stats

( Host attributes)

Journey of the gods.

Level 1

Class --- unidentified

Exp 0/ 100

HP 0 /100

Mana --- 100/ 100

Dou qi --- 22/100

Strength --- 15

Intelligence ---05

Beauty ---92

Agility ---- 20

Charm --- null

Accuracy ---16

Vitality ----16

Bravery --- null

Attributes points --- 0

Shop --- locked ( achieve level 20 to open)

Special skills --- null


( this is the host attributes)

" what is the meaning of this why is my intelligence bar only so this much."

( Host this great system agrees with you

I would have put null in the stats but it appears to me that host knows how to read and write. I was quite astonished by this recent discovery)


" Let's move on, what is this quest thing about"

( Maybe host should check it out)

" How do I do that"

(By removing every ounce of shame in you.

To be an overlord you must make different sacrifices. Host are you willing? )

At the rise of this question I discovered that this is the only way to live and succeed I was killed in my last life for a man to succeed, in this life I will be doing the killing not the other way around.

" I am" there's no going back now

he thought.


" I shall not do this, what kind of heinous mind do you have. What exactly is in that your messed up mind to think about this."

( Host is being irrational and overreacting)

You are being irrational, your whole family is overreacting.

(Host has 5 minutes till time elapse , then system will have no other options but to delegate punishment to Host)

"I can take any punishment nothing is worth more than my pride"

(Host accepted the punishment)

Timer starts now

[4 :59]




"W-what even is the punishment. It's not something serious right"

( Host is right it's not anything serious)


"What is then"

( Host life)


"You didn't tell me it's was my life at stake and what do you mean by it's not anything serious"


"Okay I will do it"

( proceed)

If you walked out of the hospital you will be met with a delicate young lad behaving like a worm

( what is host doing)

"What does it look like am doing, am Tw-tw-" he breathed out

"Am twerking ".

(System finds this embarrassing)."you asked me to do this ".

As he finished his last statement he screamed out loud

"Open Quest "

(Pfttt, hahaha, that was satisfying and that's why you have such low intelligence stat)

The boy had a look of confusion, then it dawned on him, his being messed with.


( Okay, host needs to imagine tapping on quest and it will appear)

He did as he was told

( Quest)

(Daily quests)

( mystery quests) locked

( monthly quest) locked

(Mission) locked

He tapped on the only available quest

(Daily quests )

Run 5km before the end of the day

Carry an object of 7kg for an hour

Jump 300 times in public.

(If task isn't completed by the end of the day host will die)


"Is it just me or does my life means nothing to you "

( It means nothing to me)

"Ohhh, that's nice to know"

"Ummm, jaehyung are you okay"

He was suddenly brought out of his daze and realized that he elder sister was in front of him.

"Senior sister, when did you get here" he hoped she didn't witness his atrocious action.

"Not long ago, I was looking for you in the waiting room but I was informed you left there". Thank goodness she didn't see it.

"I was feeling very stuffy inside and came out from some fresh air"

As they continued to converse a black Porsche appeared in their sight.

I know what you're thinking in a world of mana,dou qi, cultivation and what not what is still the use of automobiles, well in short human beings and others races simply like to live in style and yes you heard me other races but will come back to that later, first it's time to go back home.

So am sorry I have not updated in while but I needed some time to understand where am going with this novel. Thankfully I have gotten the plot down and character development down as well.

I hope you guys will continue to support me.

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