
Bottom Trainer (Pokemon)

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon and its rights belong to its respective owner. Note that I am just copying a story that i read and i want you to read it too........ Sorry 1-200 is trash,, it was the first time I wrote this novel

FebyFeb · アニメ·コミックス
664 Chs

Chapter 484 You will evolve


Lovely Kiss

Normal Type Moves, in the entire Pokémon world, only Jynx Pokémon can be cast.

As for why only Jynx can use it, you can understand it roughly by reading this step description.

'Kiss the opponent with a scary face, so as to put the opponent to sleep.'

A scary face, a kiss, with the purple cheeks and round plump Jynx lips that could meet the requirements.

And the current situation was when Jynx threw Lovely Kiss at Mega Beedrill, while fighting Kadabra to take the initiative to try to block her Psychic behavior, it came with a sudden urge.

If it really went according to Jynx's plan, Mega Beedrill who was hit by Lovely Kiss would fall into a deep sleep, unable to pose any more threats to Jynx.

Jynx was able to focus on Kadabra, who had just revealed his weak point, and launched a ferocious attack.

Also, "Wake-Up Slap" can attack a sleeping Mega Beedrill, with the special effect Wake-Up Slap, can do double damage.

Kill two birds with one stone correctly.

The success of such a plan is still very high, especially for those who don't know enough about Pokémon like Jynx.


Natsu knows a lot about Jynx, especially her exclusive move, Lovely Kiss.

As he threw Lovely Kiss at Mega Beedrill and counterattacked Kadabra with Psychic at the same time, a voice reached Jynx's ears.

"Cha ke!"

Follow Me!

Came from Togetik.

Jynx was waiting for Kadabra to reveal his weak point, and Natsu was waiting for her vigilance to drop to a minimum.

After all, Togetic is not far behind Jynx in terms of strength. The success rate of the "Follow Me" movement is debatable. Whether it can work depends on Jynx's vigilance.

But now.

Jynx thinks that her plan has worked, and this is when the psychological line of defense is the weakest.

Hearing Togetic's voice, and the cute Pokémon holding her little hand, her eyes were drawn.


That's where Mega Beedrill and Kadabra come in.

The Psychic spewed out by Kadabra condensed into power, wrapped in arrogant momentum, and attacked the Jynx Psychic while in a stagnant state.

X-Scissor Mega Beedrill also fell without hesitation.


This Jynx is no ordinary Jynx, don't forget what it brings.

Psychic slate shards gave her not only Psychic enhancement, but also Mental Strength change.

Get out of Togetic influence immediately.

Faced with Mega Beedrill and Kadabra's attacks, Jynx immediately made a decision.

Kadabra's attacks aren't a huge threat, and if Beedrill's Mega attacks are successful, she'll be dealt a heavy blow.

So, Jynx ignored Kadabra's Psychic attacks.

Jynx also immediately condenses Psyshock, ready to take on Mega Beedrill head-to-head.

But her behavior of ignoring Kadabra like this was more dangerous than suppressing Kadabra just now.

Abandonment is insulting and painful!

"Yong Ji!!"

Kadabra roared, the spoon in his hand bent ninety degrees, and the Psychic emerging from his body once again sent waves.


Natsu's complexion slightly changed.

Natsu also underestimates the contrast Kadabra unconsciously makes against Jynx.

Both are Humanoid Pokémon, both are Psychic Type Pokémon, and both are possessors of psychic slate shards, which makes Kadabra hard not to compare himself to Jynx.

Kadabra can accept being suppressed, however, his strength is indeed not as good as Jynx, and has not started training for a long time.

But ignored

it was a little disappointing for Kadabra.

In the soaring Kadabra Psychic, a pink Psychic wisp also appeared.

And, these pink plumes of Psychic spread and expand rapidly in the blue Kadabra Psychic, like a drop of ink in a bowl of clear water.

Kadabra's eyes were slowly closed by this pink Psychic.

"This is."

Natsu watched this scene in shock.


On the other hand, the change of Kadabra Psychic finally caught Jynx's attention, when she saw the pink Psychic emerge from Kadabra at this time, her heart skipped a beat.

Slate abilities, Jynx is familiar.

But with the power of the slate, Jynx was unable to reach the Kadabra level.

Is it the same to absorb slate and carry slate?

At the same time, Kadabra after the Psychic wave does not mean that he has lost his mind. His genetic problem was almost fixed, so he had made the most sensible choice.

Don't attack Jynx, but block Psyshock from attacking Mega Beedrill.


Psychic meets Psychic.

Although Jynx was still dominant in terms of quantity and quality, the current Kadabra was no longer an existence that could be ignored.


Mega Beedrill shot straight out of the snow and ice from the Psychic collision.


Bangg! ! !

Beedrill's cross hit Jynx.


As a result of the impact Jynx fell from Avalugg's body, the ice crystal crown on Jynx's head also fell off and fell.


Kadabra adds attack, and Psychic pours into Jynx.

Mega Beedrill won't give up on his pursuit of victory either, making a final shot from Fell Stinger before Jynx hits the ground.


Jynx hit the ground hard.

Bug-Type moves are highly controlled, and Beedrill's Mega Traits further amplify the formidable power of his Bug-Type moves, as well as Sword Dance enhancements.

However, Jynx is unable to withstand Mega Beedrill and Kadabra's alternate attacks, and loses her combat abilities when she hits the Ground.

ding ding ding~ ——

A crisp sound followed, the shard of Psychic slate originally embedded in the ice crystal crown.

Natsu and Kadabra walked not far from Jynx, Natsu stretched out his hand, and took the slate shard into his hand.

Its size is indeed bigger than the one that Kadabra absorbed before.


Kadabra was slightly dazed and didn't know what to do, he tried to restrain the surging Psychic, but found that the originally restrained Psychic, at this moment was actually a little disobedient.

In fact, it's a little out of control.

Natsu, who had noticed Kadabra's state, didn't show the same panic and confusion as Kadabra, but patted him on the shoulder quite comfortably.

"Don't be nervous," Natsu said softly.

Kadabra calmed down when he heard Natsu's gentle words.

"You will only evolve."

Natsu was anticipating that as the Kadabra Psychic erupted again and again.

Kadabra is indeed on the verge of being able to evolve, and Natsu also thinks that Kadabra's innate potential and talent at this stage is almost unearthed.

So, it can grow.

What was lacking now was only a small catalyst, a catalyst that chemically reacted with the Psychic in his body and completely transformed.


One time.

Kadabra was a little surprised.

Natsu placed the slate shard in his hand in front of him, pink shards flashing in Natsu's palm, echoing the Kadabra Psychic.

"Come on when you're ready."

This slate shard is the final catalyst.


After a brief stupor, Kadabra's eyes became firmer and moved towards Natsu.

Psychic slate shards slowly floated from Natsu's palm and flew towards Kadabra.

As soon as the shard touched Kadabra, a blinding white light shot out from his entire body, attracting the attention of Doublade and Togetic who were still entangled with Avalugg not far away.



This light of evolution, they are familiar.

Natsu showed relief like an old father.

From the start of the Pokemon egg to the present, Kadabra has finally entered his final phase.


Hey, give me your support guys!!?

(end of this chapter)