
Bottom Trainer (Pokemon)

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon and its rights belong to its respective owner. Note that I am just copying a story that i read and i want you to read it too........ Sorry 1-200 is trash,, it was the first time I wrote this novel

FebyFeb · アニメ·コミックス
664 Chs

Chapter 261 “Dragon Clan Flaw” and “Dragon Clan Traitor”


One is just a little cloth wrapped, tall and heavily makeup woman walking on stage with microphone.

This look may be more attractive than the upcoming lot.

The originally noisy auction room suddenly quieted down.

The sound of drooling has been heard from time to time, and you can see how successful the auction house's arrangement of this Host is.

The woman smiled sweetly, and her charming voice spread throughout the venue.

First of all, the usual polite remarks, which should have been a very boring opening, but caused quite a stir because of the speaker.

"Having said so much, I believe everyone can't wait, right? Then let's get started!"

Saying that, his slender and fair arms ripped off the cage that covered the cage. The black cloth on top presented the first lot in front of everyone.


Seeing this first Pokémon, there was quite an uproar in the auction house.

Sitting in the box, Natsu also sat up straight and narrowed his eyes, a little surprised.

See you.

In a huge black metal cage, a body is blue, with fluffy wings like normal clouds, and two blue feathers on the head, the same color as the tail feathers.


The first auction of Swablu, which is estimated to exceed many people's expectations.

The female Host smiled with satisfaction while listening to the uproar.

This is what I want.

Wood Hammer tapped the cage lightly, interrupting the murmurs in the hall.

Also let the weak-looking Swablu in the cage show a look of fear, curled up in the corner of the cage, and his body trembled slightly.

"Yes, the first Pokémon we auctioned is the Pokémon of Swablu, Normal Type and Flying Type. I believe everyone is familiar with it." Host began to introduce.

"Although Swablu is a Pokémon of Normal Type and Flying Type, its evolved Altaria is a Pokémon of Flying Type and Dragon Type!"

Dragon Type Pokémon!

These four words alone can make Pokémon skyrocket in value.

In particular, this Swablu doesn't seem to be the Pokémon that originally had the Trainer, but the Wild's Swablu, which no doubt makes it even more valuable.

"I believe everyone has discovered that this Swablu is a Wild Pokémon, the Characteristic Trait is a natural reply, and the Genetic has two moves, Agility and Roost, which can be said to be very practical"

After a short pause, he continued: "Think about it, if you buy it back, you can become a Dragon Type Pokémon after evolving with a little training. It has unlimited potential and can definitely become a Trump Card Pokémon in the hands of all trainers."

The hostess also promoted the Swablu on stage, arousing the enthusiasm of all members participating in the auction.

But Natsu, who was sitting in the box, sank into the sofa again.

Swablu is a very special Pokémon. After it evolves into Altaria, the Attribute will change, and the Dragon Type Attribute will replace the Normal Type Attribute.

After its Mega Evolution, the Attribute will change again, and the Attribute of the Fairy Type will replace the Attribute of the Flying Type.

That is to say, from Swablu to Mega Altaria, the two attributes, Normal Type and Flying Type, that were originally owned are gone, which is very rare in all Pokémon.

And, because of the combination of its Dragon Type and Fairy Type attributes, this Pokémon has an even louder name than Druddigon's "Dragon Clan Flaw", "Dragon Clan Traitor"!

But that's not what really made Natsu give up his interest.

Even if he said "Dragon Clan traitor", if he really let him own an Altaria, he would only say "really fragrant".

What really made him give up was the Swablu itself.

"His eyes are full of timidity. Although the skin and feathers on his body have been modified, but if you look closely, you can still see some clues. Although Genetic's moves are good, they obviously have nothing to do with outstanding. , Dragon Type doesn't have any moves, so it's very likely that Dragon Type's innate talent is not strong or even weak.

If you buy it back, you should not only correct your character, but also nourish your lost body. Dragon Type bloodline is not outstanding and pure, and the pay and return will be greatly reduced, and the hard work may not be thankful."

Of course, there is a more important reason.

Too expensive.

The starting price was 1 million Alliance coins, and the final price was 2.5 million, far exceeding the value of this Pokémon itself.

But look at the excited people below, they have been completely driven by the atmosphere of the auction, they will become irrational, and they will lose their ability to judge.

This is a feature of auctions.

The price of most of the lots will be inflated.

"2.5 million is an acceptable range. It seems that not everyone has lost their minds. Those who are really rich and capable should also be able to see this Swablu. Question." Natsu picked up another grape.

However, the purpose of the auction house has been achieved, and the whole thing will instantly become a hot medical smell.

"Women, especially those who are good-looking and wear less, will make men's hormones secrete a lot, which will make them more and more irrational."

Sighing at Natsu At the same time, the second lot also came out.

Although not as high as the first Swablu, it is also above its original market price.

Followed by the third and fourth items

I have to admit that this female host is very experienced and knows how to liven up the atmosphere, even when relatively uninteresting lots come out. Always maintain the enthusiasm of the auction, there is no cold field.


Natsu didn't make a single shot.

Not because it's expensive, but because it's useless to him.

But his nine Solrocks were also auctioned off in this "boring" session.

Nine are in a set, and the auction was quite gimmicky with the style of "Unending Nine Stars", which attracted the attention of some rich people, and was finally considered at the price of 1.5 million Alliance coins. Bought by a local wealthy businessman .

The price is not too high, but within Natsu's range.

This gadget is not a necessity, and unlike ordinary Pokémon, how much it can sell is not based on its own value, but how much the seller wants it.

"The small vault has added a little more."

This feels very good.

"Next, here comes the Pokémon that everyone is interested in, another Dragon Type Pokémon!" said the female Host.

Dragon Type Pokémon seems to be the best eye-catcher, and every one of them is lifted up when they hear Dragon Type Pokémon.

This time the cage is bigger.

When the curtain was lifted, what was revealed was the (elite) Druddigon that Natsu had caught!


Seeing Druddigon in a deep sleep, just lying in a cage, the venue burst into coax-like laughter.

It seems that Druddigon's name is also quite famous in the Pokémon world.

The hostess also smiled knowingly, "It seems that everyone understands what Druddigon is like, but what I'm going to say next will change your opinion."

"This Druddigon is a Wild Pokémon."

Offstage, the voice didn't change.


This time, the voice was much quieter.

(elite) Pokémon represents timely battle strength. Wild Pokémon indicates that it has not been trained by other Trainers and has strong plasticity.

While Wild Pokémon has its fair share of flaws, it's certainly more acceptable than being raised by someone else.

The popularity of Pokémon is often the highest from professional breed houses, followed by Wild's juvenile Pokémon, followed by Wild's adult Pokémon, and finally the Pokémon who originally owned the Trainer.

Of course, popularity doesn't mean price.

Price is affected in more ways.

"Forcibly Characteristic Trait." The female Host said the last sentence with a smile.

The atmosphere in the audience gradually became quiet.

Although Druddigon is often ridiculed, there is one that does not, and that is the Druddigon that enforces the Characteristic Trait.

Force Characteristic Trait and Dragon Type Attribute, which represent the upper limit of growth.

As for the unusual Characteristic Trait, it is too rare to be recognized by everyone.

Natsu secretly nods in the box.

He likes such a professional Host.

Look, many people who weren't interested at first became interested after listening to her words.

Natsu feels that his small coffers are about to rise a lot.


(end of this chapter)