
Borsalino in the Arrowverse

Janemba_The_Demon · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

11 Months Later, The trolling Admiral

I found a basic job and have worked there for 11 months , the job was at Jitters ( There is no way that is a coincidence so thanks Katsuo ) I rented an apartment under the name Lucci Rob because the names aren't backwards because we are in "" 'MERICA FUCK YEA"" during my off time I trained my Haki as hard as possible due to this my Haki has gotten strong, my Observation can see into the future but that's only thanks to my Kizaru form, my Armament is strong enough to appear a deep black but it's only at the level Luffy has his after the time skip and isn't as strong as him during Wano, Conquerors is actually still pretty weak only enough to knockout base humans almost no metas' can be knocked unconscious but thankfully they can be put down onto their knees. I'm actually a few weeks after the "" Streak""

appearance, he has already defeated Snart and today the guy with eyes that make people angry showed up which means I'll have an opportunity to ""help"" him.

I leave my shift and turn into Kizaru, transforming into light and flying off. I overlook the city while flying around quickly and I find it, Barry yanks Eddie out of the car. I land behind him softly Eddie notices me first and he looks shocked I turn into light and grab Barry by the face.

Barry starts to try and hit me and he struggles against my arm as I hold him in the air, I ignore him.

" I'm sorry he inconvenienced you and your girlfriend Mister Thawne, he came in contact with a meta with powers that make people go ballistic, I am here to prevent you from getting harmed and to stop him. Again I'm truly sorry for this inconvenience Officer. "

I wink at Iris to piss him off before I go and then I Fly off and slam Barry into the ground I then drag him along the street in a crater which renders him extremely unconscious and he definitely has a concussion, thankfully I didn't kill him. Mainly because I don't want the Reverse Flash on my back all the time. Then I just sit beside him and wait for Oliver and the flash team to arrive, it takes them only a few seconds and the first thing Ollie does is shoot me or at least try too, I turned into light and ""softly"" backhanded him into a building. I also found out I could turn my light into different colors on the spectrum so I opened Barry's eyes and fixed his problem then I grabbed him and light speeded over to star labs much to the shock of Cisco, Caitlin, Diggle and Felicity.

" Hello." I say with a lazy wave as I drop Barry onto the ground

Diggle points a gun at me and Cisco and Caitlin run behind him.

" Calm down there Guys I'm just dropping off the idiot. Also shooting me won't do shit, Oliver tried and now he's unconscious." I say nonchalantly as I back up a little.

" I'm gonna go now and if you ever need someone to stop the flash or someone as fast call me, he is my number." I say as I put a business card on the desk infront of the doorway. Of course I knew they would need it soon to fight Harrison or Eobard or the Reverse Flash if you prefer.

" Hello, oh you called I'm surprised, Sure I'll come over, just knock him out that's all then I am no longer needed, sure I can do that." I clicked the phone off and threw it into the dumpster. ' I should get the team presents it is Christmas after all.' I blasted off to Starlabs only to see Reverse Flash beating Barry so I decided

' IM THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN ROCK A YELLOW SUIT!!! ' and kicked him in the chest so hard he flew up into the building and fell back onto the ground.

" You know the funny thing is I know you'll heal from that and I know your regeneration, much like your speed, much out classes the Flash but honestly hitting you is just cathartic and the funny thing is I'm not using anywhere near my full strength because if I was, a kick from me would atomize you. But you know, Fuck you." I finish as I kick this motherfucker so hard he is launched into the bay beside the Lab.

" Alright, there kids go get him if he isn't already gone. Oh and here is my new number for incase you need me again." I say as I slip Cisco a card and Fly off however I don't go home instead I fly into the building and into the secret room. I pull out some paint I left near the building and paint the words "" I know your secret Doctor Wells or should I say Eobard.""

Then I go back home and finish my Turkey and Mashed potatoes with Gravy. I also set my Armament to max as I relax. The morning after I go to work and do my mundane job, I also see the newly engaged couple sitting together talking with Iris still looking a little distraught about Barry's recent confession. I walk over with their drinks and put them on the table, by the way I took Lucci's name because I look exactly like him and that includes his actual handsomeness which is good for talking to people as they enter conversations more casually when I look like this. That info isn't important it's just exposition, I mean I was just admiring myself that's what I ment. Anywayyyyy

" Hello here is your coffees' also congratulations I heard you two are engaged." I say as I walk away, I hear a thank you from Eddie and a mumbled thanks from Iris. I smirked and got back to work only to see Barry come in and try and ignore Iris, I'm not gonna lie I almost laughed out loud hard. However I stayed professional and took his order and as I wrote Barry on the cup I realized it was 5:20 and my shift ends in 10 which means I can fuck around a little. So I make sure Barry sees me and what I look like for a second so he can get a vague description when he tells Wells and the team. Then I write The Flash on the underside of the cup just to fuck with him then I make his drink and bring it to him with my head down so he can't see my face ( Shitty plan I know but honestly I'm too strong and too fast to be threatened by anyone until maybe Savitor in the suit and the Thinker) I then made sure I wrote check the bottom of the cup on the inside of the napkin and then I walked away and clocked out I watched from the window for a minute before I left to see Barry freak a little and look around only to not be able to find me.