go check out my other Borderlands Fanfic. "Borderlands: Multiverse of Madness"
hello guys sorry for the wait.
i will be uploading in the next few days, reason as for why i have been delayed on my other fics is explained in my recent notice chapter in Soulsborne Fic but i will post it down below as a "Copy and Paste" so dont get confused by it.
hello guys, I'm not dead.
if i don't post for 3 months on any of my fics, then i am dead, but only then.
now then...sorry for the wait, when i looked at when i last updated for this fic i was shocked. i am so very sorry for the long wait, i didn't think it would be this long.
why the long wait is because i was finishing the current Volume 1 and "Reunion Arc" for my Star Wars fic. i had to literally write 40,000 words in one week and now my keyboard exploded, i didn't actually break it, but you get what i mean.
i didn't want the uneasy feeling of dragging out the "Reunion Chapter" that my readers of Star Wars had been waiting and complaining heavily about me not getting to it fast enough and for taking so long.
Also, there is a character called Jack Stone in my Star Wars fic, this is an OC character contributed by a reader. his backstory is from Earth that got reincarnated into Bloodborne and then into my Star Wars fic.
Jack Stone will be in this fic in Volume 2 Bloodborne. it will go over his backstory.
my Soulsborne and Star Wars: Rise of Manadalore fanfics are connected like this.
i was going to do a chapter today, but i have a free day tommorrow so i will be making chapters tomorrow on Soulborne.
just like i had prioritised my Star Wars fic recently. i will now be Prioritising Soulsbore System and be releasing a lot of Chapters in order to catch up on my delay on chapters.
i would really like to see your comments down below to know you are still with me in this fic. if you have any questions regarding this fic or anything about it then go ahead and i will answer the in the comment section down below.
Additionally i will finally re-upload the pictures and images along with the chapters tomorrow.
i hope you are still waiting and are with me and haven't dropped this fic, see you tomorrow.