
Chapter 21: Arriving at the Dahl Headlands

Raime: "So have you agreed to come with me to New Haven?"

T.K: "So long as you kept yar' end of the bargin' and make it so I can kill that son o' a bitch myself!"

Raime: "Don't worry, it's a deal."

Laura: "Can we go now? It stinks here!"

T.K: "You got a big mouth young lass, how about this? Want some candy?"

Laura: "Hmmm, Okay!~"

T.K: Baha handed Laura a small red wrapped candy, the same ones from the DLC that gives enhanced powers, except these don't do that...at least I hope not...last thing I need is a hyper active Nephilim jumping everywhere and wreaking havoc.

I had came here to convince T.K. Baja, I'll call him T.K. for short, to come with us to New Haven for his own safety.

I know that T.K. Will be killed by a bunch of assassins for his T.K. Wave gun blueprints.

Taht was why I convinced him to come with me, so he doesn't die. He agreed only when I told him I'd bring the Skag, Scar, to him alive so he can kill Scar himself.

I wanted to kill good old Mothrakk, the Blister. But I decided not to as I had an inexperienced child, and a blind old man.

T.K: "Oi! No trash talkin' me while your narrating!"

Raime: "What the Hell, how the F-...did you know?!"

T.K: "Watch your mouth around the kid! I know all boy! Don't you think I don't know nothin'!"

Laura: "What are you two talking about?"



We finally left the Arid Badlands and made our way to the Dahl Headland.

It had taken roughly few hours of teleporting the three of us, since that was faster, and I had revealed before that I can teleport with the excuse of using a "device".

I would have used the Fast Travel Station to get us to the Dahl Headlands, heck we should be going to New Haven right now.

But I needed to do some things before going to New Haven.

One of them was I was teaching Laura how to fight.

We took only a few dozen minutes breaks so that my Siren Energy reserves can regenerate.

During that time, i had been strict dad mode.

She would die if she didn't learn to fight, so that's exactly what I did.

I thought her the true meaning of having a strict father, she said her biological father had abandoned her after r.a.p.i.n.g. her mother, I swear I'll kill the man if I find him.

I had beaten Laura until she was bleeding and had broken bones.

Due to her newfound Nephilim physiology, she was also capable of handling immense levels of pain and damage like it was nothing much.

It did hurt for her, but only to the level of it feeling like she had been hit by a wooden bo-saff, when in reality, I had used a sledgehammer and beat her with it.

I had broken her bones, arms, legs, back, spine, cracked her skull, suffocated her and stabbed, cut and shot her all over.

She didn't scream in pain, but instead would complain and shout at me to stop hitting her in auditable irritation.

She said it felt like getting smacked with a hard object, getting a stubbed toe, felt something like stitches you'd sometimes get when you run or move, getting a paper cut when I used my sword to slash at her, and as If she had gotten pricked by a pin or needle whenever I shot at her with a gun.

I knew this would happen, and it made me feel no guilt in doing so whatsoever.

If I used magical weaponry however, then I definitely would, since it would feel like the real thing then, and I had no intention in doing so in our training sessions.

Her injuries would heal rapidly, but not instantaneously, her bones however would snap back on the spot, so that was the exception to her regeneration.

I also ripped out her eyes to force her to fight me blind, as she would cheat and undo the blindfold.

Her eyes would grow back every 20 minutes.

She didn't hate me for brutally teaching her like this, but instead she was happy and would smile when I did so.

I can only assume that this was a result of the additions to her personality from the Nephilim Soul she had her own fused with.

The Nephilim were a battle hungry race, Laura was partially a battle maniac now, but she still preferred girl stuff then fighting.

I made sure that T.K. wasn't around when I trained her and set up sensors to make sure he was safe. I did this so he wouldn't bother me and complain about the training I was giving Laura.

In fact, she was the one that asked me on how to fight when we had just left the Village, and before the Atlas Raid on the Village.

I told her that Pandora would be dangerous, but it seems she remembers my fight against the Sandstalker and wanted to learn to fight.

Since she was told what happened to her mother, she wasn't able to remember it, she had the drive to kill the Sandstalker that killed her.

She had given it a name so she could definitely it from all the rest whenever it is mentioned so she can vent her hate and vengeance towards it then the species itself.

And so it was called Storm Terror.

I told her about my harsh training and what I'd do and she agreed to everything when I told her about the powers of her new Nephilim body.

If she is happy taking my brutal training sessions then I will continue to do so.

This continued until we reached Lucky's Outpost.

She didn't learn much in those hours if training, but she did get an idea of it instead of waking her arms around.

Seems like she doesn't want me to break her bones into dust anymore that she forced herself to learn the basic moves of a beginner.

I looked around and found Lucky on his chair in the toilet prison.

We just stared at each other, then I retracted my head back and out of his view without saying a word to each other for a solid 3 minutes straight.


After that...odd encounter with Lucky, I now know that the others had already gone through here. They should have defeated Mad Mel, if they didn't, then they are doing taht as of this moment, but I doubt it.

I left T.K. with Lucky, and left to get some bait for a certain big fellow.

I teleported and grabbed the bait instantly, then I went back to the outpost, got Laura, and blinked to a massive arena.

That's right!

Skagzilla fight time babies!!!!!!!!!!

ill be doing a voting poll about Angel's appearance tomorrow so keep eye out on that. ill explain more tomorrow when i post it.

Knight_Rikucreators' thoughts