
Chapter 6. MY PARENTS 2

"Purity, you got to share with me" Hope said dragging the packet of biscuit from my hand.

"No, you ate your's yesterday and this is mine." Purity said holding the biscuit strong not ready to give up.

"Is my birthday so I can do whatever I like" he argued still dragging the biscuit with his sister.

Meanwhile in the bedroom,

"Am sure she's curse" her mum said. "Did you see what she did yesterday when there was no light. She heated up the food without even touching it."

"I know love is scaring bit she's still our child and there's nothing we can do about it" came dad.

"Is weird to have a daughter who can do things with her mind. Am freaking out, darling" mum complained bitterly.

"You have to calm down love, you've been crying since we left the priest place two weeks ago, your are really stressing your self" dad replied hugging her.

"She's my daughter Chris"

"She's our daughter" he corrected stressing the word 'OUR'.

"What do you think we should do, the power can become stronger as she grows up or what if it fade like go away. I want my daughter to be normal." Mum sobbed.

"The priest said her power is for good not bad, I don't believe she can cause any harm with it. Maybe while she's growing it might disappear" Dad said supporting her. He pulled her to his chest, stroking her hair gently. "It will be alright one day" He whispered.

I woke up tossing round the bed unable to sleep. I suddenly let out a loud scream, using my hand to scatter my hair like it will solve my problem but it didn't. I got more frustrated as I heard the door opening reviewing the house mistress Sister Bridget. The door slammed close causing some of the girls to wake up. Sister Bridget stared around the room then I eyes focused on me that was wide awake. She stared at me suspiciously.

"What's going on her Purity" She asked with a frown on.

"You can go back now Sister Bridget" I replied lying back on the bed covering my face with my bed spread.

"Purity" Sister Bridget called out again.

"Am not in the mood ma'am" I replied

"Am asking a question, who screamed" she asked one girl who was also awaken by my scream

"Purity ma'am" she said lightly

"Pur..." Her voice trailed off as I walked passed her heading to the door, shutting it loudly.

" Fuck" I yelled walking down the hallways towards the main door.

"Purity!!" Sister Janet called

"Is none of your business" I replied snapted

"How dare you child, come back here" she ordered.

"I don't obey your rules"

Sister Janet grabbed my hand forcefully pulling me as I was about to open the door. An unknown force pulled her away sending her flying across the hall. At that moment Sister Bridget opened the door her mouth forming an 'O', her face filled with surprise.

"LEAVE ME ALONE" I yelled ruining out.

"Sister Janet" Sister Bridget called running towards the woman lying flat on the floor.

"That child" she whispered in pain.

"I saw it too"Sister Bridget nodded in fright.

"She's a witch"Sister Janet murmured under her breath. She felt pain all over body and little trance of blood on her white skin.

"Don't say that ma'am, but how in heavens did she do that?"Sister Bridget asked no one in particular. She was very surprised and shocked.

"She's a witch, don't argue about that. I know for sure we need to get rid of her"she stammered Sister Bridget supported her to her feet. "That girl is possesses, you need to call the Bishop over tomorrow" she yelped in pain

"Sorry ma'am. I place a call tomorrow "


"Purity" I heard an unknown voice calling but decided not to answer. I held on strongly to the tree jumping off the fence. I landed on my feet and began walking to wherever my legs lead me. Outside the orphanage, was really quiet in was really late at night so I expected such.

"Purit!" I heard the voice again

"What's it" I asked turning back to my suprise no one was there."argh!" I groaned. I guess am now hearing some annoying ghost calling me.

"Purity child" this time it was more like a whisper.

"Show your self freak" I yelled annoyed.

Grinding my teeth in anger with my fist clench. I wasn't afraid just uncomfortable with someone calling my name purposely.

"Am already angry just don't make my situation worse cause am gonna kill you"

"Purity" this time the voice sounded like an old man. I turned to the direction were I heard the voice, there sat an old man sitting near a cloister staring at me deeply.

"What's it old timer" I asked "and how the hell did you know my name"

"Is me child" this time his voice didn't sound like an old man but that of a gentle young man but I was too angry to notice that.

I stared at the man's face then frowned, why not of course, why didn't I recognize it sooner. It was the man whom I met eight years ago back in Africa.


I remembered hopping down the road happily with a smile plasterd on my face.

"Child" a voice startled me. I stopped immediately looking for the owner but then no one was there.

"Who's there" I asked gently.

"Is me child" the voice replied. I turned and saw a young guy staring at me. There was something mysterious about his aura, his voice echoed when he talks and his face was not in a particular shape.

"Hi" I said waving at the man.

"Purity" now his voice sounded like an old man "The chosen child. I am your guardian in the path of life. I'll always be with you forever and teach you to walk in the good way. Now run along child for your destiny awaits" before I could processed what happened he was gone, like just gone without any trance. Suprisely, I was not afraid.

End of flash back

"You" I called stressing out the word.

"I see you remember now child" he stated with a smile on his face. "You shouldn't forget me for I am your guardian..."

"Enough with that crap while are you old, like so old" I asked

"I choose my form and I will always be by your side in times of danger"

"Thanks anyways I can protect myself without you" I cut walking pass him. I could see a smile on his face.

"The way is not always easy, surrounded with thorns on the paths but I know you'll find your way. Go home and forget about the past for the past bears no good bit destruction" he explained.

"The past makes us, is our orgin without the past we are nothing" I smirked. " and one more thing you don't look human to me" I paused talking some steps towards him than stopped three feets away from him. " so tell me what are you? And don't give me any dumb reply, wait are you like me cause I know fully well am not human and I keep wondering what kind of creature I am, you know werewolf, vampires and beginning to think am a witch cause of the magic I possess."

"Oh no child, you're not those things you mentioned. You're a child of goodness not evil. The answers you seek you already know " he said disappearing like last time leaving all by myself.

I scoffed rolling my eyes. What a jerk, I wonder who is him. I believe his just like me but can I really disappear. I thought as I walked down the road.