
Chapter 5. My Parents 1

"Our child is a witch" she heard her mother sweet voice sobbing.

"Honey, comfort yourself. Let's reach the priest house first" her dad replied stirring the wheels with a strange look on. She sat at the back without saying a word. Her parents had left her brother at home, it was not wise for him to know now.

Reaching the church, she opened the door peeking inside first before entering. She walked slowly creating a big gap between them.

"She's a messenger sent my God to help his people" the priest said."She the choose one, you must be very honored to have such a gift in your home"

"She got magic" mum stammered.

"No, my dear. Is not magic or any occult stuff, is a gift my the holy spirit. She can perform all sorts of miracles. But you got to be careful child the way is not always easy and feeled with many trials. You must be strong my girl" the priest concluded with a smile. He prayed and blessed her telling her not to worry at what the future might hold.

"This is not ordinary...no one will believe that story. How can we have a child that perform miracle" her father has asked.

"It is not ordinary to the human world but ordinary to the spiritual" he stated.

"This is crazy" mum sobbed staring at her in a frightening manner.

"Go home and take good care of the lord Chosen"the priest smiled at her. She sat at the bench scared wondering why she had to be different from others children.

"Come let's go home"

I woke up realising I was the only one in the hall. I felt tears trailing off my eyes. I bowed my head down crying

"She's a witch" a voice said

"A demon" another pointed out

"She's impure" came another

"Go away from us"

"She's different from us"

I kept on hearing the loud voices in my head . What's the need of having power when the blessing of gift becomes a curse. What's worse than killing your own family with your hands

"Purity!" I heard the door opened but didn't raise her head up,I already knew it was Sister Markson.

"Purity!" She called again. I quickly cleaned my tears from my face and raised my head up staring at her concern face.

"Yes ma'am"

"What's wrong?" She asked

"Everything had never being right" I cleaned the tears threatening to fall.

"Who hurt you child? What happened?" She asked pulling me to a hug

"Nobody... Am fine" I replied

"You are crying, you look so plain. Have you been crying since " she said staring at me.

"Forget you ever saw me crying I'll be in my room" I replied pulling off about to leave when her voice stopped me.

"You've not eaten"

"I'll go over to the cateferia now" I said shutting the door. I could hear Mrs Markson sighing I know she must be bothered but she shouldn't because everyone that have ever cared for me ended up being killed by me.

" I don't wanna get adopted" I heard one of the girls saying from inside the room. I opened the door walking towards my bed

"Me too" the other supported

"Even if I get adopted it must be from a wealthy home. I can't imagine ending up in a poor man house"the blonde hair girl scoffed.

They were all busy arranging their clothes in their bags, folding each piece neat. Tomorrow some lucky children were going to be adopted. I was never concerned or scared, because I know nobody is gonna adopted someone like me. I wonder what's

gonna feel like having a new home. Well, that will be bad, really bad. I shudder qt the thought of that.

"That's true but we don't get to choose" one of the girls said. I laid on bed staring at the ceiling listening to the girls chatters. I sighed and decided to join the conversation.

"Can't imagine myself getting a foster rich dad who uses children for money cutting their parts slowly with a big knife or someone who gets pleasure cutting children skin leaving huge terrible scars on it, getting pleasure for each scream you make or tears running down your cute horrified face or turn you to a harlot." The girls stared quietly watching in fright as she said each word. They were aware of those things happening but nobody wanted that.

"I rather not imagine that" one of them stuttered.

"That will be horrible."

I sighed again joining the others arranging my clothes. I place the one I'll wear tomorrow at the top so it will be easy for me to get it without scathering the clothes again.

"Hey" a gentle voice called I raised my face to see who it was. And surprisedly it was the girl that was humiliated today.

"Hi" I responded

"I ...I just want to say thanks for what happened today... during class" she said counting her nails as it there the most important thing that mattered.

"I just got fed up with his behavior" I replied

"That was very brave" one of the girls said.

"Just doing what I thought was right" I said


After the adopting session, I went to the bathroom to wash my face. I know sooner or later am going to get adopted but am not gonna leave yet. You, might wonder why but I think have not cause a lot of havoc here and Sister Janet seems happy these days which is very bad. I stared at the reflection on the mirror, I wonder if that innocent girl over there was me. The mirror started cracking on its own about to shatter "Bing!!!" The sound of the bell interrupted me, I quickly washed my face heading for the grand kitchen. It was time for the baking class where some of the children who were interested in the art of baking were taught while the others learnt barbing or shoe making. I headed straight to the kitchen, it was very big containing over one thousand children. The kitchen was only used whenever we had classes like this. We were always divided into four of five pairs. And today my group were preparing pizza roll, strawberry budding and a lemonade.

"Purity" sister Mary called immediately I entered the kitchen." You're late for my class"

"No, am not" I immediately rewinded the clock hand backwards using my mind. I guess this power is helpful after all. I gave her one of my innocent smile.

"Oh" she stared suprisely at the clock then me "come join the others"

Sister Olivia helped Sister Mary in arranging the ingredients for us and pairing us in groups.

"Sarah, Purity, David , Joseph and Philip you guys are in one group"

"Okay ma'am " we replied sorting out the ingredients.