
BNHA: My Angel

The beginning was in Qingqing, China. The manifestation of the superpowers which will be soon known as' Quirks'. The society, which grew accustomed to the supernatural, became one of superhuman what's with more than 80% of its population having special abilities. To maintain order within such society, heroes stepped into the spotlight, bringing forth a new profession that wasn't but a dream in the past. Now, trying to find themselves within such world, Shirogane Sora and Seijin Yuu, two high schoolers who thrive to become heroes one day, aim for the most famous diligent school, UA's, hero course. With one trying recklessly to uncover the mysteries shrouding a loved one's loss and the other fixating on protecting their friend no matter the cost, they didn't expect to be shoved out to action too soon... Copyright Disclaimer: ~Boku no Hero Academia's characters and plot belong to Horikoshi Kohei. I only own my characters and the plot twists added to fit them in. Note that this story is weekly updated. A note for all potential readers; this story is drafted till the end of season 6, so hopefully there will be no hiatus OwO

M0M0KA · アニメ·コミックス
82 Chs

Work Study

" You shouldn't do them." Everyone gaped at their teacher's words the next morning.

"What!" Almost the whole building swayed with their shouts of disapproval. The staff meeting about the work-study was concluded with most teachers going against that decision.

" Why introduce it in the first place if you're going to refuse!" Whisper bellowed.

" But thinking about why we ended up in the dorms, I guess that makes sense..." Kaminari was toying around with Ojiro's tail as he mentioned that.

Bakugo stood up, gloating that they deserved it. But his rejoicing didn't last for long because Aizawa stated that they would be allowed to join hero agencies with good track records of accepting work-study students. Sora hummed thoughtfully, her eyes tracing over to the roof, pondering on her options. She wasn't going to miss that chance after all.

Yuu and Uraraka changed looks, both wondering if they could rejoin Gunhead's agency again.

When recess came, Todoroki went over to her desk. " Shirogane." She looked up at him, already having a feeling about what he was going to tell her. " About the work-study, are you going back to Endeavor's agency?"

" Actually, no. I've given it some thought and... I think I might try some other place. Though that may take a while." She didn't have a reason to go back after all. She got what she wanted there. And Endeavor himself wouldn't accept her so long as she wasn't of value. At first, he accepted her because he thought she might be a good opponent for his son and push him to use his flames. But now it doesn't seem she was needed. " Plus, I don't think I can handle that place without you there."

" Sorry... I shouldn't have failed my exam..."

" You take everything seriously." Sora sweat dropped."Don't bother about it, really."

" Well, guess you made the right call after all." Sora blinked at him." Lately, he has been more disturbed after All Might retired. I doubt he would even accept any work studies for a while now."

Sora merely nodded. She could understand the man's frustration. He longed to surpass All Might, by whatever means it took. For his goal to be suddenly snatched away from him the way it happened, it was kinda unfair to him...


The week went by rather heavily. It was ladened with work and training and it seemed to pass relatively slowly. When the weekend finally came, it was a welcomed change. Sora woke up late that morning, having had her fill of sleep. She joined Yuu, Kirishima and Tokyami for breakfast, all of whom preferred to sleep in that morning as well. " Good morning." She greeted sitting next to her best friend.

Standing next to their table were both Kaminari and Mineta who were lazily brushing their teeth. " Morning." They all answered.

" A day off, huh?" Kaminari murmured, toothbrush stuck in his mouth.

" It felt like ages since we had a proper rest." Yuu raised his mug of coffee just as Midoriya rushed past them, shouting a rather hurried greeting.

" Take it easy, man..." Mineta called tiredly after him but the boy was already beyond the gate by that time. From the window, they could see Bakugo and Todoroki walking away as well for their provisional hero license training. Sora looked after them, inwardly wishing the white and red-haired boy good luck. And by the way Bakugo was yelling and fuming, almost threatening to blow anything near him, she knew he would be needing lots and lots of luck.

Just as Sora held the spoon of cornflakes to her mouth, she snapped when she heard a loud explosion outside and the ground shook underneath her feet. Seems the threat was carried.

" That airhead won't ever change." Whisper tutted. "Just when I thought he was going to get calmer after his punishment."

" It's a surprise they're still allowing him to take the exam after that racket with Midoriya," Kirishima stated, helping himself to a sausage.

"We're having a study session with Yao-momo today. You guys wanna come?" Kaminari asked them.

"Sorry." Kirishima looked back at the two sitting across from him. " We're going to study with Seijin and Shirogane today. I need to get some real work done on Present Mic's assignment."

" And Seijin promised to help us with the alchemy project," Tokoyami added, munching on his toast while the purple head nodded.

As Mineta was pondering on what side dish to have, Sora looked back at both boys." You guys didn't find any work-study agencies yet?"

" I've sent a mail to Forth Kind-san, still awaiting his response." Kirishima lowered his fork. " But I ought to consider other agencies as well, you know, in case."

Tokoyami shrugged but said nothing.

Sora was yet unable to get a response from any of the agencies she contacted while Yuu was awaiting a mail from Gunhead. " This is tough." She sighed plunging another spoonful of cornflakes into her mouth.


That afternoon, they all gathered around Midoriya as soon as he got back from Nighteye's agency, asking him about how it had been and whether or not he was accepted. They all congratulated him after hearing the awesome story of how he stamped the paper. " That really sounds like an interesting first day, nonetheless." Sora pointed. 

" And now Midoriya-san is the first of our class to get a work-study." Yuu joined in, looking at the greenhead standing beside him.

"For someone who didn't get any invitation after the sports festival, that's really an improvement," Whisper told him encouragingly.

" The school said Gunhead hasn't had enough interns, so we can't go there," Uraraka said looking at Yuu and both sighed deeply. It wasn't going well with either Asui or Kirishima.

Sora couldn't help but feel left behind. Maybe she ought to have tried Endeavor after all. It wasn't until Aizawa suddenly spoke up that they noticed he was there. " Pros who accept students even after knowing the risks are the real thing.". His eyes landed on Tokoyami leaning on the wall away from them." Tokoyami, you've got an invitation for a work-study from one of those real pros. It's from Hawks, who works in Kyushu."

" Hawks?!" While everyone was expressing their surprise, she turned to Yuu and cocked her head to the side and the purple head immediately answered.

" He's is the Hero billboard chart's number three. Well, he will be soon number two actually."

" Hee, Tokoyami-kun is lucky to have an invitation from this hero." She smiled at the other boy before Aizawa's eyes swept towards them.

" Also Kirishima and Seijin, Amajiki from the Big Three wants to see you." Everyone turned to them as they pointed at themselves, totally bewildered." Also, Hado wants to talk to Uraraka, Shirogane, and Asui. Go see them tomorrow or something and hear them out. That's all." And their teacher disappeared behind the door with nothing more to say.

The five of them were agitated after hearing that, maybe it had something to do with work-study. " I can't wait till tomorrow. I'm going to the third-year dorm right now!" Kirishima declared loudly. " Let's go, Seijin!"

" W-Wait!" He dragged the poor boy as he passed him on his way out.

" Ochaco-chan, Sora-chan, let's go too." Asui stood up.

" Right, I wouldn't be able to sleep before I know what Hado-san wants from us." Sora followed her.

" Yeah!" Uraraka sprang to her feet and ran to the door to catch up with the two boys.


To their bewilderment, both their seniors really wanted to talk about work-study offers that night. "We were really interested in your potential," said Hado as they came to talk to her. They apparently wanted to recommend them to their respective agencies. And so, they agreed to head out the day after the next.

Their meeting with the pro heroes was nothing like Midoriya's. Both Ryukyu and Fat Gum had seen them in action before and with Amajiki and Hado's recommendation, the contract was sealed almost immediately.

So far, Sora didn't feel anything different from the internship. The whole day was spent patrolling the neighborhoods around the agency. Only when night had fallen and chaos arose that Sora realized the difference. They were asked to act alongside the heroes, not to stand behind and help with the evacuation.

When two gigantic people decided to embark on a Godzilla fight that night, Ryukyu was quick to take in the situation and issue her orders to them. The plan was devised almost instantly and Hado, having more experience than them, took the vanguard without wasting any moment.

Using her spiraling surge, she managed to knock them off balance. Sora looked in awe at her. She even considered where they were going to fall. She then could see what the Big Three were really capable of.

" Sora-chan!" Asui's call pulled her back to the battlefield and all three of them rushed to support the older girl.

" Feather Blades!" Sora plucked out a handful of feathers from her wings and launched them at the giant with the dinosaur head. It cut through his skin and forced him to keel over.

" Meteor Fafrotskies!" Uraraka and Asui rained debris and chunks of rocks at the other one, putting him down.

It didn't take long before the police caught up with them, finding the two villains floored and unconscious.

" That was great!" Hado trudged over to them with a broad smile on her face as if defeating two giants was a trifle for her." Yeah, that was really great! Were you nervous?"

Uraraka heaved a breath of relief. For the whole time, she really seemed tense. After all, she didn't get to partake in a fight during her internship. But she did really well despite that. " I was able to do what I was supposed to!"

" Ribbit, I was calmer than I thought I'd be." Added Asui.

" Working as a team helps overcome the nervousness of our first work." Sora smiled at her.

" As expected of these recommended by Nejire, you three are great at this." Ryukyu commended them and Sora felt her face growing hot. She was excited. She was happy. She didn't want to stop there. She felt she could take any threat having done her first job as a hero ever.

"Thank you for taking us on." All three girls bowed thankfully at Ryukyu. Now I won't be left behind.

"Even if you're still students," Began the pro hero." Now that you're here for a work-study, you're a legitimate part of our forces! You seem like you'll be able to play an active role on that matter."

Sora blinked, feeling both curious and thrilled at the same time. That matter? What could it be?

Ryukyu was already explaining by then. " A request team up from All Might's former sidekick, Nighteye."

It was where Midoriya was having his work study. So we will be working together then. But Sora was more interested in knowing about the reason they were teaming up.

According to Ryukyu, it was about the investigation and siege of designated the villain group, Shie Hassaikai. The League of Villains is suspected to be connected to the mission.

Sora's heart gave a loud thud it seemed strange no one else noticed. The League of Villains, the only lead she ever had of her father. Seems I'm lucky to be accepted here. She thought. It seemed like a farfetched coincidence, but for her, it was a sign. If she ever wanted to find anything about her father, she must seek the League of Villains...


Despite being dark already, people were filling in and out of the street profusely as though it was still daytime. Winding their way among the throngs of people was considerably easy despite being a group of four for two reasons. First, Fat Gum was making way for the three of them who trailed after him, second, people would rather stand by the side and look at them for they knew Fat Gum's agency and they were keen on seeing the new addition.

Yuu pulled his hood over his head. He never was good with attention and hated to be stared at. " Yeah, the hero agencies 'round here have been wantin' a fightin' type. Red Riot and Tsukai, you're perfect."

" I look forward to working with you!" Kirishima's voice sounded high over the chattering of the crowd.

" And our Yuu here will do his best too. You won't regret your choice, Fat Gum." Whisper announced proudly, ignoring Yuu's attempts at quieting him.

The purple head was recalling how rather than asking to join Fat Gum's agency, Kirishima went all out begging Amajiki to introduce them. Yuu clanged to Kirishima's shirt, trying to keep him from Amajiki who pressed tight against the wall. Whisper on the other hand burst into laughter as Kirishima cornered the older boy, almost kabe-doning him. It took a great deal to pull the red head from the older student. Yuu could tell Amajiki was still tormented by how Kirishima came at him relentlessly.

"If Tamaki could only do somethin' about his weak mind, he'd be a great talent," Fat exclaimed and Amajiki haunched over as though he was in pain.

" That pressure leads me to even lower lows..." He hid his face behind his hands, not wanting to look at anyone." It's always like this...! This man scouted me in order to torment me! It's power harassment! I want to go home!"

" What's wrong with him?" Whisper quirked his eyebrow in bewilderment at the older boy.

"Maybe he's trying to encourage you!" Cheered Kirishima." That's how it sounds to me, anyway."

Yuu couldn't help but glance sideways at their senior as he lowered his hands. " I can't be cheerful and positive like you or Mirio."

"Must everyone we meet be some kind of a strange phenomenon?" Whisper mumbled in Yuu's ear. " I began to think this world is 80% weirdos rather than people with superpowers."

" Stop it with the weirdo thing!" Yuu retorted. "They're all different in their unique ways."

" Jeez, okay, just relax." Whisper leaned back, holding his hands behind his head.

" It's a fight! Somebody, help!" As soon as they heard the shout, both Fat and Amajiki zapped past Yuu and Kirishima. Fat managed to restrain most of the villains who were running away, seemingly absorbing them into his own tummy.

One of them managed to slip through by turning himself into some kind of flat sheet. However, Amajiki got hold of him. The fingers of his right hand extended to become tentacles that tackled the escapee. The palm of his left hand shifted to a large clam and he clobbered the man with it.

His legs turned to those of some large bird and wings were protruding from underneath his cape as he held the older man in place. Yuu and Kirishima could do nothing, they watched as the villains were taken care of in a matter of seconds. This is... A hero... Yuu could feel the difference experience makes. He understood, more than ever, what Togata meant when he talked to them that day. In the time his mind had to take in the situation, Amajiki and Fat were already on the move. 

The crowd began cheering for the older boy. However, Yuu's attention shifted in another direction. He caught a strange movement, a glistening. His eyes widened in horror... A gun! " Get out of the way!" He tried to reach for Amajiki and push him away but he was too late. Amajiki was shot.

" Bro, run away!" The man standing in the middle of the crowd and pointing his gun at Amajiki shouted, pulling the trigger again. But this time Kirishima was ready as he stood like a shield to protect their senior. The bullet bounced off his hardened forehead.

" It hurts less than I thought it would..." Yuu quickly flicked his eyes at the older boy, he didn't seem to have any serious injury. Then what was that for? He didn't have time to mull over it. The man who seemed to be their boss was stumbling to his feet, ready to bounce away when Amajiki let go of him. Yuu called up Kyubi who held him in place by the tail of his now flat body before he could escape.

"You're not getting anywhere!" Yuu shouted after him. " Kyubi! Hold him still!" Kyubi growled threateningly as she looked down at the man writhing around as if he were a mouse with his tail stuck under the paw of a cat.

The other lackey scurried away, Kirishima gave chase after him while Amajiki attempted to capture him with his tentacles. However, they didn't come out. All Yuu could see were the small lumps at the end of his fingers. It couldn't be! The gears of his mind raced as everything clicked together.

Fat Gum attempted to go after Kirishima and leave the rest to Amajiki when the boy told him he couldn't use his Quirk anymore. " Is Eraser here or somethin'?"

Yuu took a glance at the captured villains. The one still struggling against Kyubi's grasp and the ones being handcuffed by the police. What was the reason of the fight again? He tried to recall what he heard them shout while they were running. "They're sellin' on my turf without permission!" He could hear the voice vividly in his mind. They were selling something... And the bullet they used on Amajiki-senpai... There's no doubt!

" Fat Gum" Yuu shouted at him." Please leave them to me and go after Kirishima-san! He might be in trouble!" Seeing the seriousness in Yuu's eyes, Fat Gum took a step towards the alley where Kirishima and the gangster disappeared.

" Very well! I'm dependin' on ya!" And he ran off. The horror in Yuu's eyes was missed by neither Whisper nor Amajiki.

" What are you thinking of?" Whisper asked him.

" Just look at them, look at their attire." Yuu pointed at the captured men." They're not some gangsters selling trifle things around and caught in a fight. They're trading with expensive things. And..." He looked at Amajiki who was holding his hand as though hoping his fingers would change any moment soon. " The fact that Amajiki-senpai lost his Quirk when he was hit. It only means one thing..."

Whisper was quick on the take-in. " They were selling Quirk drugs!"

" It won't be impossible for them to have some kind of trigger drugs as well!" He looked back at where Kirishima had gone. Please Fat Gum-san, please reach him in time.

It wasn't before long that a policeman approached both boys. Kyubi had already delivered the boss to them. " Thanks to you, we were saved! These guys are part of a team selling illegal drugs and items, so we'd been waiting for a chance like this."

" As I thought," Yuu muttered.

" So my Quirk couldn't activate because of one of those drugs as you said, first year." Amajiki glared at the boss, his hand rubbing where he had been shot.

" Die, stupid scum!" Amajiki was immediately turning against a wall, his head hanging low.

" You're kidding, he really was affected by that! This guy is worse than you, Yuu!" Whisper shrieked. " And you! " He turned to the white-haired man and jabbed a finger at him. " You're the one who will be rotting behind bars! You dunce!"

"Quit it! Whisper!" Yuu pulled the ghost away." What other drugs do you have with you? Does the other one have any triggers with him?" Judging by how quickly he was talking, Yuu was beyond worried. Why are they taking so long! Fat Gum is a pro after all! He shouldn't be troubled by that guy!

" Why should I tell you?" The boss smirked merrily as if he was savoring Yuu's distress. Whisper was growing red in color as he was enraged even more with his words.

Realizing that they weren't to get so much of an answer from them, they were led away while Yuu and Amajiki waited for the other two to come back...


Yuu breathed in relief when they both turned in the street again with Fat hauling the villain on his shoulder. Kirishima was in tatters, but he seemed fine and almost glowing with joy. They delivered the man to the police and stood by the river, discussing what happened.

Just as Yuu feared, the gangster had a trigger, a power-up drug along with him.

A policeman then called for fat, running towards them. He held a plastic bag with the remains of what he said was the gun used at the scene to shoot Amajiki. " Man, they wouldn't be able to tell anything from that junk. And the only bullet they had is the one already used." Whisper sighed while Yuu had his hand to his chin, thinking.

" Right, they can't but..." His eyes widened. " Fat-san, there's another bullet left there!"

Fat and the policeman looked at him. " The one that bounced off Kirishima-san's head. It should be whole and intact at the spot of the incident."

Fat nodded at the policeman who saluted him. "I'll look into it." And he ran off while they headed for the hospital to get Amajiki checked up. There's a lot to tell Sora tonight. Thought Yuu...