
BNHA: My Angel

The beginning was in Qingqing, China. The manifestation of the superpowers which will be soon known as' Quirks'. The society, which grew accustomed to the supernatural, became one of superhuman what's with more than 80% of its population having special abilities. To maintain order within such society, heroes stepped into the spotlight, bringing forth a new profession that wasn't but a dream in the past. Now, trying to find themselves within such world, Shirogane Sora and Seijin Yuu, two high schoolers who thrive to become heroes one day, aim for the most famous diligent school, UA's, hero course. With one trying recklessly to uncover the mysteries shrouding a loved one's loss and the other fixating on protecting their friend no matter the cost, they didn't expect to be shoved out to action too soon... Copyright Disclaimer: ~Boku no Hero Academia's characters and plot belong to Horikoshi Kohei. I only own my characters and the plot twists added to fit them in. Note that this story is weekly updated. A note for all potential readers; this story is drafted till the end of season 6, so hopefully there will be no hiatus OwO

M0M0KA · アニメ·コミックス
95 Chs

Vs Bakugo

Sora rubbed her now bandaged arms. The wounds Dark Shadow caused ended up being quite deep. She was thankful Recovery Girl could heal her that far without sacrificing much stamina.

All that is left is Kirishima and Bakugo's match. Whoever wins will be my opponent. As soon as she reached the box, she could see Kirishima fall to the ground in a strong explosion. " It already ended?" She said settling in her seat next to Yuu.

" This one lingered more than the rest if you ask me," Yuu stated.

" Anyway, that means that your next opponent will be..." Whisper trailed.

Sora gulped as it downed on her. "... Bakugo-kun, huh?" She laughed awkwardly. " Yuu, if I die, take care of my soul."

" Not that again." Whisper sighed.

" Do your best, Sora-chan." Uraraka inclined her head to look at the red-eyed girl.

" Even if you tell me." She sweated.

" You made it to the best four, right? You can do it. Just give him some of your karate moves," she said waving her fist in the air rather excitedly.

I would love it if it was as simple as that. Sora gave a halfhearted laugh.

" Oh, by the way? Is Midoriya-kun still in the infirmary? And Iida-kun?"

" Iida is getting ready for his match against Todoroki," said Ojiro.

" Midoriya-chan didn't come yet," added Asui.

" I see..." She looked back at the arena, her heart drumming. Please Iida-kun, hold our match as back as possible.

However, her wish didn't come true. The match began just when Midoriya joined them. And it started with Todoroki cornering Iida with ice before attacking. Iida managed to dodge using a long jump, and with his Recipro Burst, he managed to land a hit on Todoroki after he made him unbalanced.

" That must hurt." Winced Whisper.

While still recovering from the hard hit, Todoroki tried to freeze him but Iida dodged again, grasped Todoroki by his shirt and rushed to the white boundary. Yet, he halted when his mufflers were plugged with ice before he was totally frozen.

" Iida-kun is immobilized! Todoroki-kun wins!" Midnight announced.

Sora felt sorry seeing her friend's frustrated face. But she didn't have much time to solace him. It was her turn next and she had to hurry down to the entrance. Her friends wished her good luck as she left the Box.


On her way to the arena, her heart was beating louder than her footsteps. She could swear even Bakugo could hear it. It wasn't just because of whom she was against. She hadn't much time to recover her energy, she would be reaching her limit sooner. And after reaching so far, it would be frustrating to lose.

They both entered within the lines, Bakugo's face sullen as ever while hers was kinda sweaty, stress visible in her eyes as she met Bakugo's cold ones. Even if he stood there still, he looked as intimidating as always.

" Deku-kun, what do you think of this match?" Uraraka asked.

Midoriya placed a finger on his chin as he started murmuring. " From what I've seen so far from Shirogane-san, her physical strength matches that of Kacchan. Still, his Quirk is the real problem here. It will be hard to immobilize him or make him give up so her only choice is to push him out. Yet that's rather hard with Kacchan's skills. Dragging the match too much isn't a good option for her too, she said she has a limit to how much she can use her Quirk while Kacchan's gets stronger by the minute in a fight."

The boy continued to murmur under everyone's bewildered looks before Whisper gave him a chop on the head. " You're noisy!"

" Go Bakugo! Blow her shirt like with Uraraka!"

Jiro's ear bud plunged into Mineta's ear, shutting him up.

" Start!"

Bakugo pelted forward with a strong eruption. " I know your Quirk, feather head! Flying away won't help you this time!"

Sora recoiled at his onslaught and guarded. Bakugo launched a counter-explosion against her. " You can't do much against my explosions with your enhanced strength."

However, when the smoke cleaned, they were surprised to see she wrapped herself within her large wings. A scorched mark on her left one around where Bakugo attacked.

" It's the same as the combat training!" Ashido pointed.

" She didn't read it, she knew from the start he was coming at her from her left side!" Yuu's eyes were wide in surprise at that while it seemed to enrage Bakugo further.

Thank you, Uraraka. Your match was helpful. She winced in pain. Although she guarded her body, still her wings got hurt. It wouldn't matter since the damaged feathers would be growing instantly, but the pain was going to last for a while.

" I figured you would come at me to prevent me from bringing out my wings. But this is the third time the same plan is applied, I had to get ready beforehand." She forced a smile.

Bakugo's smirk widened. " Let's see how much your wings can take!" He started throwing his blasts left and right at her, trying to push her out, but she stubbornly resisted.

" It was a good idea to defend against his attacks with wings but... What now?" Whisper sweated.

I still didn't recover totally but... Her grandmother's smiling face and Yuu's hard work during the cavalry battle flashed through her mind. I'm not losing here!

She spread her wings open rather forcefully, causing a strong wind that startled Bakugo for a moment. Using that very moment, she slapped her wings as strongly as she could, creating a wind pressure that threw him off his feet a foot away from her.

Now! It was all she needed to fly up in the air. Her wings were still shaking due to the damage she received, but she wasn't going to let it affect her.

" You think I won't reach you there!" Bakugo launched himself skywards and extended a hand at her. " Die!"

" I would rather not!" She used her left arm to brush his off and hit his abdomen with an open palm. He was sent backwards but managed to propel himself using his explosions.

" Tsk!" She gritted her teeth while feathers started growing the length of her forearm.

" I see. That's her plan." Midoriya snapped.

" What are you talking about?" Uraraka asked.

" She wants to push him outside," Whisper elaborated without taking his eyes from the duo as they kept exchanging blows. " Sora's physical strength is the same as Bakugo, so she can brush his attacks off easily using karate moves when she can predict them. However, what she really wants is for him to make a slip."

" Huh?" Kirishima blinked. " What do you mean a slip?"

" It's hard to tell where the bounds are when you're fighting midair. You may cross them while you're not paying attention," Explained Yuu. " She wanted to make it a midair battle against him because she realized it's her only way."

Sora twirled as to avoid another eruption before directing a roundhouse kick at the blond, but he managed to guard in time.

" Enough moving around! You're annoying!" He created a large explosion, covering them in fume. He used it as a diversion and managed to grasp her by the collar. Then with a strong burst, slammed her back on the ground. She coughed as she felt a sharp pain around her left side, she might have broken a few ribs.

" You don't think you could force me outta the bounds easily!" He smirked, reeling his free hand which was glowing in orange.

" I thought I could make it easier!" She flung her head forward, bunting the blond on the nose. He reeled his head, blood dripping down his nostrils.

" Ouch!" Whisper and Yuu winced much to everyone's surprise.

" We probably didn't mention it, but Sora had a quite hard head, both figuratively and literally," said Whisper.

In the moment of distraction, she hit him under the chin with her palm, pushing him away from her before twisting to stand to her feet. A little more! Her nails sharpened into claws as she went for the offense. She swung at the boy. Bakugo put a distance, slightly surprised by the sudden change in her pace.

" Is she opting for a close battle now?" Ojiro wondered.

" So it seems," said Yuu, his fists shaking as he clenched them tightly.

" Die!" Bakugo directed an explosion at her face but she ducked and immediately tweaked her torse, elbowing him in his stomach.

Bakugo fell backwards for a moment, his smirk never wavering. " Do you want to tell me her strength increased?"

Hurry up! She flipped her wings and she was right in front of him, her right arm reeled for an attack. Bakugo bolted up in the air with an explosion, covering her in smoke. All right! We're close to the line! If I tackle him while he's in midair with all my force-

As she swung her arm to get a clear sight and rounded, her eyes met with the other red pair while Bakugo was slowly falling head-first down. His smirk finally faded and was replaced with a rather stunned expression. He had his hands thrust out, apparently ready to blast her outside the line before the sight in front of him caught him off guard.

Sora could see her reflection in his eye for a moment. Her eyes were redder than usual and her pupils narrowed to that similar to a cat's. Her canines enlarged to small fangs and almost half of her face was covered in grey feathers. When did I?

No! Don't think about it! You're about to win! One attack...

Her eyes landed on the line a few inches away from them.

Only one attack Sora! Do it!

She willed her body to move, and she took a step forward, her eyes finding Bakugo's again, falling on her image once more.


" What... Am I?"...

At that moment, it wasn't Bakugo who was facing her, it was Yuu. Yuu's eyes were the ones widened in fear at her appearance.


She squeezed her eyes shut, stopping mid-way through her attempt to tackle him. Bakugo snapped off his trance and discharged a rather strong explosion from both hands. " Stun Grenade!"

There was a thick smock, no one could see for a moment. Almost a minute later the smoke cleared up, revealing a falling Sora with her upper body outside the line.

" Shirogane-san's out the bounds! Bakugo-kun wins!"

Yuu could only wear a sad expression as he looked at his friend laying there on the ground and covering her face with her arm. Seeing her frustrated the way she was made his heart sink deep in his chest. He genuinely believed she had a chance, for a moment there she seemed to have the upper hand.

Bakugo narrowed his eyes, rather frustrated at the girl as she finally sat up, her eyes back to normal while the feather on her face reduced, slightly bewildering him. " Bakugo-kun you're really strong. As expected, I couldn't beat you." Her forced smile pissed him.

" You! " He roared, fury rather visible on his face. " You didn't block it! You could have!" He marched on to her, explosions erupting from his hand.

" Bakugo-kun! Attacks outside the battle are prohibited!" Midnight shouted.

Sora struggled on her feet and offered him a smile. " Are you saying I lost on purpose? No way, no way. You were stronger than me, that's all." She could see it didn't satisfy him.

" With this, the final match will be between Todoroki and Bakugo!"

She was thankful for Mic when the boy peeled his eyes from her and glared at the other finalist. She used that chance to slip away and to the exit. Sorry Grandma... Sorry Yuu... She thought as she was safe in the shadow of the hall, hugging herself and sliding down the wall until she was crouching on the ground, her head hanging low. I hate it, I hate this... Her shoulders shook as she tightened her grasp on her own arms, her fingers digging into her flesh. Why can't I, get over it.

" You would never look at me with those eyes too, right... Yuu..."