
BNHA: Blind

BakuNoNii · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

What’s The Harm In It?

"Hurry it up," Katsuki said as he crossed his legs and dug his pinky finger in his ear. "I ain't got all day and I have to get home, damn it."

"Katsuki, is there ever a time where you're not so self-centered." Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "All I asked for is a few details on Izuku's childhood. As far as I'm aware, you two have been close ever since kidsrgarten, maybe longer. You're the only one who possibly answer the questions about Izuku and the league."

"Hah? What makes you think I can answer that question? I'm no psychic."

Aizawa eye twitched. Obviously, he understood Katsuki couldn't tell the future or answer any question thrown at him, but at this point, Katsuki was just being difficult.

"Fine, whatever." Katsuki said, ultimately surprising Aizawa.

"Go on," Aizawa answered, interlocking his fingers and resting his chin on top. "Enlighten me."


"Hey, Izu!" Toga jumped up and down. "While you locked yourself in your room all night, we watched the news on that old TV."

"Why are you talking to me about something I don't care about?" Izuku asked.

"Because you were there on the news again!" Toga continued jumping up and down. "They stated that you were missing and then they showed a video of your class at the USJ! It was so cool!"

Izuku stared at Toga like she was an idiot. In a way, she sort of was.

"Toga, would you shut up for once?" Kiyo said as he grabbed Toga's collar and dragged her out of the room.

"No, it's fine." Izuku raised a hand, asking them to wait. "What was on the news?"

"Nevermind that," Shigaraki crossed his arms. "The Sports Festival is coming up soon. This is a time to observe the school's Quirks."

"Ooh, do we get to watch the festival?" Toga asked, her eyes sparkling like stars.

"Correction, Izuku will be going to watch the festival."

"What?!" Both Toga and Kiyo yelled at Shigaraki. They wanted to watch the Sports Festival in person, but here they were, being told that they weren't allowed to go.

"Why am I the one who's going to watch it?" Izuku asked.

"Well, it's your class that's participating." Shigaraki shrugged. "Besides, it's probably so you good. People don't know who you are and there are only so many people who recognize you. You'll be wearing a disguise anyway."

"What disguise is this?"

Toga looked at Shigaraki. A sinister smile appeared on her face as she held up a red wig and a white jacket. Izuku immediately knew that things were going to get ugly.

(10 minutes later…)

"I already know this isn't going to work." Izuku said as he twisted a strand of hair from the wig. "My question is what color did you make this."

Kiyo held his stomach and covered his mouth. He couldn't help but laugh. Izuku did not look good in red hair. "You look so, heh, so freaking amazing."

"I don't think I want to know what color it is anymore…" Izuku said as he pulled the wig off his head."Why do I have to go watch? What if, by some miracle, someone recognizes me?"

"They won't recognize you," Kiyo continued snickering. "You look like a clown who lives like a house husband! Hahaha!"

"That's oddly specific. If I look that bad, then won't that draw attention?"

Izuku started to feel Toga's eyes on him. He didn't need to see her to tell that she was about to go stir crazy.

"Izuku, you look amazing! Don't pay attention to Kiyo. I love playing dress-up with you! You look so good in anaything you wear!"

Izuku threw the wig at Toga and took the white jacket off. "So the whole point of this was so you could play dress-up with me?"

"Isn't it time that you leave Izuku to his peace?" Kurogiri said as he put a few cups away in a cupboard below him. "And you wonder why he hides in his room all day."

Izuku shook his head, flailing his hair about. He put his hoodie on and pulled the hood up.

"I think I'll just go out for a bit or something." Izuku said, fidgeting with his gloved fingers.

"Where exactly?" Shigaraki asked.

"Let's just say UA is catching on."

Izuku slammed the door shut and left the building, leaving everyone confused. Catching on? What is UA catching on? Did they realize Izuku isn't just simply missing? No, the heroes aren't smart enough for that.

Izuku walked through the crowd of people, strolling through the city. Heading to UA, he thought about why he left again.

Why am I here, he thought to himself. Is it okay?

Seemed like Ghost had completely left him. Or maybe he was just jinxing himself and wanting Ghost to come back.

"What do you want?" Ghost said in Izuku's head.

I didn't know you were still here.

"What do you expect? Nobody ever overcomes fear and everybody has a regret of some sort. I can't just simply 'disappear.'"

Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.

"Ah, shut up. Heading to UA? I'll take over your entire body when you get there."

that's something you can do?

"Stupid, I am you. I can do it at any time."

If you do, can you please not be reckless. I don't want people to figure me out just yet.

"Who cares? They'll figure out sooner or later, right? I choose sooner."

I don't think that's a good idea. We've only started high school two months ago. Isn't that a little too soon?

"Are you don't asking question?"

Sorry. I'll leave you alone.

"Good. Now, keep your thoughts out of here. Write it down on paper or something."

Izuku looked up at the building in front of him. UA, once a place he dreamed of. Looking at it now, it's a little different then what he expected. Sure, he had seen UA before. On TV or when he'd stroll by just to get a good look at it. But now, well, it just looked like a place where moles would crawl out of. Maybe that's putting it a little harshly, but it's the only way he could think of it now that his point of view has changed.

There was a crowd in front of the gates of UA. The gates, for some reason, we're completely closed. We're they shutting the crowd out? It looked like the media, seeing that there were cameramen and others carrying a microphone and dressed efficiently.

Perhaps, they wanted to interview the teachers. There was talk about All Might among the crowd, maybe that's why they're here.

"Are you just going to stare at it?" Ghost asked.

I thought you wanted me to leave you alone.

"Ah, shut up. Don't play the technicality game with me. Go and destroy that gate."

Why would I do that?

"Give UA a warning. What harm can the media do? I think UA will think twice about the heroes they're making nowadays. Give them a warning not to underestimate you."

Izuku sighed, then pulled his hood lower so his face couldn't be see. He pushed through the crowd, trying to be sneaky. He reached the door and pulled his glove off. Double checking around, he saw that everyone was too busy throwing a tantrum to notice him. He tapped the gate, turning it gray and ultimately reducing it to nothing but ashes. Izuku carefully slipped away as the reporters pointed at the gate, gasping and murmuring in awe. This was there chance. They rushed through the now open gateway while Izuku walked away, smiling to himself like he had wanted to do that ever since he joined the league.

What harm could the media do?

GOD, THIS CHAPTER IS SO SHORT! I’m sorry for the short chapter, but it’s just been a little coo-coo with my family lately. Please, forgive me!

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