
Back To School…Okay, On With Life

"We're here to see Izuku Midoryia, Kisuma Aoni and Tenya Iida." I said to the lady at the front desk.

The three ended up in the hospital after the incident with the Hero Killer. Shoto and I were called in by the chief of police. Apparently, he needed to talk to us about a few things before we all went back to UA.

"Do you think Tenya-kun is doing alright?" Shoto asked as we walked through the hallways of the hospital.

"I don't know." I answered bluntly. "I can't determine something like that with just intelligence."

"Yuno-kun." Shoto halted in walking. "What happened? I can't say you were the one responsible for Stain's death. I only saw the body and you standing over him. What did I miss?"

I didn't answer. Now, how was I supposed to tell him I killed Stain while having a tantrum. That doesn't exactly put a good status on my reputation. And, although Shoto understand things that other people don't, he still doesn't like the topic of murder.

"I snapped." I sighed. "He found a way to piss me off, and he used it against me. I guess rumors are jumping around about myself and my parents. Not something I appreciate."

"Snapped? That doesn't sound like you at all."

"Doesn't happen often, let's just say that. Either way, killing him wasn't the only option. I just used my anger as an excuse."

I opened the door into the room and saw Tenya, Izuku and Kisu sitting on their beds. Gran Torino and Manual were also inside, along with the chief of police…who looked like a dog.

"There you are." Gran Torino shook his head. "I've got a lot of complaints for you kids. But before that, this is Kenji Tsuragamae, the Hosu chief of police. He has a few things to say, himself."

"Yes, I do, woof!" The tall man with the head of a dog barked. "You're all part of UA, yes? Regarding the Hero Killer, he's no longer alive. That is how we found him. There were four knives on his body in total. Two in his arms, one in his back and one sticking out the back of his head. As student of UA, I'm sure you already know that when superpowers were becoming the norm, the police attached high importance to leadership and standards and made sure Quirks were not used as weapons. And then, the profession of 'hero' emerged to fill that gap, woof."

Well, you certainly don't do a good job with that. Look at how many people use their Quirks as weapons. You really suck at your job, at least sometimes.

"For an individual's use of force and power that can easily kill others—" He continued on. "Actions that normally would be appropriate to denounce— to be accepted officially is thanks to early heroes who followed the ethics and rules of the profession, woof. Even up against the Hero Killer, for uncertified individuals to cause injury with their Quirks without specific instructions from their guardians or supervisors is a clear violation of the rules. The five of you and the pro heroes of whom you were training under mist receive strict punishment."

"Wait a minute," Shoto said with frustrated tone. "If Yuno-kun and Izuku-kun hadn't stepped in, then Kisu-Chan and Tenya-san could've died. Nobody even realized the Hero Killer appeared. Are you saying we should've followed the rules and watched people get killed?"

"W- w- wait a minute, Shoto-kun!" Izuku stopped Shoto from raging.

"Are you saying that as long as everything turns out all right, it's okay to bend the rules?"

"Tch, isn't it a hero's job to save people?!"

"And this is why you're not a full fledged hero yet. Goodness, what are you being taught by UA, woof?"

Shoto growled and started walking toward Kenji, ready to punch the dog all the way to the moon. Unfortunately for him, Gran Torino stopped him before he could do anything. "Hold on, hear him out until the end."

"That was the official opinion of the police." Kenji rubbed his nose. "And the punishment and such would only happen if this were all made public, woof. If this were made public,you would probably be applauded by the public, but you would not be able to escape punishment. On the other hand, this is a bit underhanded, but if it is not made public, the stab wounds would be identified as the job of the shadow duo saving the day, since they are known for their sharp support items, and it would end there. Thankfully, there were very few witnesses. This violation would be crushed there, woof. But this would also mean that no one would know about your hood judgement or achievements. Which do you prefer? Personally, I don't want to be the one to find fault with promising young ones because of one big mistake, woof."

"Either way," Manual closed his eyes and hung his head, small and dramatic tear appearing in his eyes. "We will need to take responsibility for being negligent in our supervisory duties."

Tenya's serious face softened as he sighed. He walked toward Manual and bowed in apology. "I'm truly sorry for the trouble I've caused."

"Yeah. You did cause a lot of trouble. Don't ever do that again!"

"Hai(yes)! I won't!"

"I- I'm sorry as well." Izuku apologize.

"Hehe, yeah." Kisu rubbed the back of her head. "Same here. I didn't do anything about Tenya even though I saw him run off. Sorry."

"Because of the unfairness of adults," Kenji said before bowing. "You will not be able to receive praise you would probably have gotten, but at least, as someone who also protects peace, I can say thank you."

"Mm," Shoto rolled his eyes. "You could have started with that next time."

I sighed to myself, thinking about the tantrum I had. I basically killed Stain because of my tantrum. In all reality, I shouldn't have done that. I should of just stayed calm and called heroes nearby.


"That was a total waste of time!" Kisu complained, curling her fingers like claws. "Who comes in and says stuff like that?! Bending the rules, people dying. What the hell, man?!"

"Would you quit it?" I smacked her across the head. "Things are already annoying as it is."

"Oh, you're completely fine! You keep your hands to yourself!"

I rolled my eyes and stood up off of Kisu's bed. It's been two days since the Hero Killer incident, and five days since the internships. We'd be going back to UA tomorrow.

"I'm leaving now." I said as I pulled my hood up. "If you need anything, just call me."

I left the room and pulled my phone out. I looked through my contacts. Now that I think about it, I never texted the class group chat. I never even looked at it. Goes to show that I don't care for the class.

I saw my parents number in my list of contacts. Just seeing their names or number angered me. I could feel my blood boiling. I dropped the phone, feeling my hands shake. I could hear my own heartbeat growing louder as my vision began to blur slowly. Why was I thinking about them of all people?

"You're still here?" Shoto's voice broke me of my trance. "I thought you left already. Are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost."

"What are you talking about?" I asked while grabbing my phone and shutting it off. "I was just texting someone and I dropped my phone. That's all."

"You know," Shoto gave me a look of slight concern. "Sometimes, you're really bad at lying."

"I know."

"Then what? I don't know if I'm missing something here, but you look…anxious or even scared. You're never like that, at least, I've never seen you like that."

I sighed to myself as Shoto took a few steps and stood by my side. I guess he could pay attention when he really wants to.

"I told you about my parents, right?" I asked as I pulled out my wallet.

"Vaguely." He answered as we found our way out of the hospital. "You've mentioned a few things, but they don't exactly add up."

"Yeah. It makes sense that you would say that." I opened my wallet and looked through the different pictures I had. "When I was a really young kid, I was Quirkless. And for that reason, I was hated, abused, depressed, all of that shit."

"Quirkless. I know that." Shoto said as he thought. "That doesn't explain why you now have a Quirk, or rather, Quirks."

"Only when I turned twelve, did I get a Quirk. I didn't manifest it. It was given to me by someone. Even when I did possess a Quirk, my parents still hated me. They despised me for my very existence. For them, I was jus an experiment. Sort of like your situation, I was meant to surpass All Might since they couldn't. But I was a failed experiment." I pulled out a picture of my parents, making me feel a feeling that I haven't felt for a long time.

"That's such a harsh way to put it."

"It's nothing but true. I was pushed to different limits. I was forced to practice everything, strength, endurance, speed, it was complete torture. There was never a day where I could have a day of peace."

I gave the photo to Shoto. It was picture of my self, Kage and Yurei. That day, we were taking a family photo. I wasn't allowed to wear anything that showed my injuries and wounds. After all, my parents didn't want to be held for charges like that.

"There's not a hint of emotion in your expression." Shoto said as he squinted at the photo.

I felt my hands shaking again. Why was this feeling starting to appear now of all times? I felt like I was being chased or hunted. Knowing that my parents are still looking for me scared me. I don't want to go back to the state of being tortured. That's my fear in life. If I have to go back to my past life, I may as well kill myself.






"Hahahaha!" Eijiro and Hanta laughed. "Seriously? Seriously, Kats?!"

"Stop laughing," Katsuki growled as Hanta and Eijiro made fun of his slicked back hair Best Jeanist had made. "You damned extras! My hair's gotten used to it so it won't go back even after I wash it! Stop laughing, I'll kill you!"

"I'd like to see you try, Side Pete's Boy!" Hanta pointed.

"What's you say?!"

"Haha! It's back!"

Everyone changed to some degree in only one week. Ochaco was the one who made me laugh real hard inside. She was just standing in the middle of a classroom, punching the air and giving off a dark vibe. It's not like her so it was very, very funny.

"I don't know about you guys, but the ones who changed the most were those five!" Mina pointed mainly at Tenya, Izuku, Shoto, Kisu and me.

"Oh, yeah!" Hanta exclaimed as Matsuki held his collar. "The Hero Killer!"

"We're just glad you made it out alive, man!" Eijiro sighed.

"I heard that Kage and Yurei stepped in and saved you." Toru walked over toward us with the others. "Is that right?"

I side eyed Shoto and whistled innocently. If I had a way to avoid punishment from the police, I would use it. After all, I'm on their charts for arresting, they just don't know it yet.

"Stainy is kinda cool!" Toga smiled. "I bet his blood tasted sour, though. Yuck."

"I heard he died mid-battle." Mina put a finger to her chin. "Imagining someone like him attacking UA is scary."

"He might've been connected to that new villain group, the League Of Villains." Mashirao said. "It wouldn't be surprising since everything seems to be connected to them lately."

He's not wrong. The league has been doing some very interesting things. I'm not sure what exactly, but their plans sure are something else.


"Long time no see, boys and girls." All Might said with his hand balled in fist and resting on his hips. "For this time's hero basic training, since you've all just gotten back from internships, we'll have some fun with a rescue training race!"

"If we are doing rescue training, then shouldn't we do it at the USJ?!" Tenya raised an arm that was wrapped in bandages.

"That place is for rescuing in disasters. Remember what I said? That's right, I said, 'race!' This is Field Gamma!"

Tacky name you got there. The place was dense and filled with factories laid out like an intricate labyrinth. It was a little overkill if you ask me, that's just my opinion.

"Right, you'll be split into group of five. Two groups will have an additional person." All Might explained. "You'll go through the training one group at a time. When I send out a distress signal from somewhere inside, you will all start at once from the outskirts of the city. It's a race to see who will rescue me first! Of course, you'll have to keep damage to building to a minimum."

"Don't point at me!" Katsuki growled and looked away.

The first group was Izuku, Tenya, Mashirao, Mina, Hanta and Toga. The six of them started out somewhere on the perimeter of the city.

"Isn't Tenya-kun still injured?" Toru pointed at the large screen that allowed us to watch. "He should just watch. This group has all the people who have real good mobility."

"Perhaps," Momo started her session of reasoning and prediction. "Izuku-kun is at a slight disadvantage. Although, we still don't know how hood he really is."

"Oh, yeah." Tsuyu agreed. "And whenever he does do something, he always gets injured really badly."

"Anyway, who do you think will win?" Eijiro asked fellow classmates. "I think it'll be Hanta-kun, he's real good at swinging around. And there's a lot of stuff he can grab."

"Yeah," Kyoka sighed. "But Mashirao-san is there too. I think he'll get too All Might first."

"I think it'll be Mina-chan!" Denki pointed at the screen, then curled his hand into a fist. "She's really athletic. And Toga-chan, too. She super good at stuff like this. I saw her when I was interning with Mt. Lady. She'll win for sure!"

"What exactly did you do when you saw her, Denki Kaminari?" I looked over Denki and glared at him with my arms crossed.

"I didn't do anything! I know she's your girlfriend! I don't want to die, Y'know!"

"Hm, even if he's still injured," Ochaco rocked back and forth on her tailbone, curling her legs into her body. "I think it's going to be Tenya-kun."

As everyone made their predictions, All Might held a small remote into the air. He pushed the red button, sending the distress signal and allowing the group to start.

Hanta swung himself up into the air by grabbing into a pipe with his tape. To Eijiro's prediction, he started blabbering about how good Hanta's strategy was.

"Of course! In a place all jumbled together like this, it's standard practice to go up!"

"Which means Hanta-san has the advantage since he's good in the air, huh?" Meto said with his dupli-arms.

Hanta kept swinging through the air while Mina would slide on the pipe with her acid. Mashirao use his tail to speed himself up, Tenya zoomed across the ground with his engine. Toga didn't use her Quirk since she it doesn't work in this situation. Instead, she used that blood pack I made for her when we first met. She threw the small saber-like canisters up at a pipe, counting on the needles to support her weight and swung through the city.

"Dang, it's like the training ground was just made for Hanta-san." Rikido said as the screen showed that Hanta was in first place.

"Wait a sec!" Toru exclaimed. "Lookit Izuku-kun! He completely passed up Hanta-kun! Shouldn't he be breaking bones right now?"

"Those moves," Ochaco said in awe. "They're kinda like Kats'! He's moving like Katsuki-kun!"

Izuku was getting better with his Quirk. As long as he stayed calm and maintained the 5% he can use, he'll be just fine. He jumped off the top of a building and kept traveling toward All Might…only he tripped as felt.

"Huh?" He deadpanned as his foot missed the pipe. "A- ahhh!"

"Thank you for saving me!" All Might said while handing out a sash to Hanta. "And congratulations!"

"Hehe," Hanta chuckled while pointing a finger up to the sky. "Thanks!"

Even if Hanta came in first, everyone still improved since the begging gif the year. I only know this because I kept tabs on the entire class since they were the only ones who had come across villains, briefly.


"The first class in a while made me sweat." Yuga said as he wiped his forehead with a handkerchief as all the boys were changing in the locker room.

"I gotta work on my mobility." Eijiro said as he pulled off his hero costume. "I'm kinda jealous of guys like Hanta-kun and Kats."

"Hey, guys!" Denki caught everyone attention with his cheeks red and steam coming out of his nostrils. "I found a secret hole. It's probably thanks to the efforts of those who before us! Guess who's on the other side of this wall, that's right, the girls' locker room!"

"Stop this, Denki-san!" Tenya demanded. "Peeping is definitely a criminal act!"

"My little Denki is already a criminal act!" Denki tore the paper that covered the hole off the wall. "Momo-kun's ample boobs! Mina-chain's slender waist! Toru-chan's floating underwear! Ochaco-chan's fine Ochaco-body! Toga-chan's skinny legs! Tsuyu-chan's unexpected boobies-"

Before he could continue, Kyoka's earphone Jack came shooting out of the hole and stabbed Denki in the eye. Literally, stabbed. He had it coming. Now that I think about it, he didn't say anything about Kyoka and…did he just say that my fucking girlfriend is sexy?

"Denki-san," I said as I grabbed his ear. "What was that you said about Toga-chan?"

"Oh, crap!" Eijiro pointed at me. "I forgot you and Toga-chan are, like, a thing! Denki-kun's in real trouble now!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Denki waved his hands around.

"Stop invading in their privacy." I pulled Denki's ear. "You should know better, you idiot."

After that little fiasco, we went back to our classes and took care of the irritating pop quizzes the teachers always give us. I say this a lot but I don't see the point in all these pop quizzes. There's nothing to learn from it. It's always been basic calculus, it never changes.

"That's all for class today." Mr. Aizawa said, interrupting my thoughts. "There's only a week until final exams. You're all studying properly, right? I'm sure you already know, but it won't just be a written exam. There's also a practical component. Make sure you train your minds and your bodies at the same time."

As soon as Aizawa closed the door, guess what, everything falls to chaos. This class sure is dramatic and destructive.

"Ahhh! I didn't study at all!" Denki and Mina exclaimed. "With the Sports Festival and the internships, I didn't study at all!" Sad for those two, Denki basically failed the midterm exam, only coming 22 out of 22th place while Mina came in 21/22th place.

"It's true," Fumikage, who placed at 14/22, agreed. "With all these back to back events, it's difficult, but…"

"For the midterms, we just started school." Rikido, who was 12 out of 22th place, said to Koji, who placed 11/22. "We didn't really cover much, so I didn't have much trouble with it. But with vents coming right after another, it'll be different with the finals."

"It'll be tough since there's also a practical part too." Toga sat on my desk. Surprisingly enough, she placed within the top ten, 9/22.

"How did you place in in the top ten?!" Kisu, who came in 20th place, pointed at Toga. "People like you are only likable if they're stupid!"

"I thought you were one of us, Toga-chan!" Mina whined.

"Kisu-chan, Mina-chan, Denki-kun!" Izuku said. I was kind of surprised that Izuku came in 5th, considering how ignorant he is. "Let's do our best! We all want to go to the training camp together, right?"

"Yes!" Tenya raised a stiff hand. He came in third, which isn't all that shocking. "As class rep, I have high hopes that you'll be moved to action!"

"It's pretty hard to fail if you just pay attention." Shoto, who came in 6th, said with a more bored tone.

"Be careful with your words!" Denki and Kisu hung their heads as a very gloomy vibe engulfed them.

"I could assist you two with the class lectures if you'd like. I would love to help!"


"Unfortunately, I can't help with the practical at all…"

Momo suddenly had that gloomy vibe as well. She was probably still bummed about her quick loss during the Sport Festival.

"I'm not one of those guys, but I could use some help as well." Kyoka walked over to Momo's desk. "I'm having trouble with quadratic functions."

"Me too!" Hanta put his hands together like he was praying. He came in 17th, a really sad place. "How are you at Classical Japanese?"

"Can I join too?" Mashirao walked over, looking disappointed even if he came 8th. "There's a lot of stuff I don't get."

Momo's eyes lit up after having many "huh's" come out of her mouth. She stood up put her seat, excited to be of use to her friends and classmates. "Yes, of course! The let us hold study session at my residence this weekend!"

"Huh, seriously?" Mina confirmed. "I can't wait to see your house!"

"In that case, I must tell mother and have her open up the hall!"


"What kind of tea are you all partial too?"


"In my family, we always drink Harrod's or Wedgewood, so if you have any preferences please let me know! Of course, you can rely on me to help study! I will definitely show you how I can help!"

"Heh," Eijiro, who came in 15th, snickered. "Look at the difference in virtue."

"I can do it too!" Katsuki growled. The douchebag came in 4th. Now that's a surprise. "Want me to beat it into you?!"

"Ah, Yuno-kun should join the study session!" Kisu pointed at me, catching my attention. "He got 1st out of 22 of us!"

"No." I closed the book I had dug my nose in. "I have other things to do, thanks. You can go study for the finals. While you all do that, I'm going to go do my own thing."

"Oh, that's not fair!" Mina rubbed his head. "You're so smart, it's like you have an Quirk that makes you smarter!"

I rolled my eyes. They're all so whiny. Before I left, Yuga, who came in 19th, started saying and asking why everyone was panicking. Meto, who was in 10th, jumped in and shot back a question, asking why Yuga wasn't cramming. What a dumb bunch. I guess I can't blame them since they're have the upper hand when it comes to smarts.

They should just study. It's that easy.