
Hero Killer: Stain(2)

"You acknowledge his actions, huh?" I asked as I shrugged. "Well, you're own actions say something else. Either way, why would you kill him when he doesn't know any better? He's so young and stupid. Hell, even I can be dumb in ways that you wouldn't understand."

"What are you going on about?" Stain gripped the handle of his knife. "I have nothing to do with you and you have nothing to do with me."

"Well, I guess you can say that I could relate to your feelings." I shrugged and closed my eyes nonchalantly while putting my hands in my pockets. "Although, I'm more discreet about what I do."

"Oh," Stain's eyes widened a little. "You're the one behind those past murders, huh? You're a little young to be committing such crimes."

"Aren't we all?"

I glanced over behind Stain at Izuku, who was still paralyzed and in his hand and knees. His eyes were full of shock, fear and worry. No one knows what I've done before I transferred to class A, so it's only natural that he's concerned or scared. I figured that Tenya was feeling the same way about me, which wouldn't surprise me.

"I am the one behind he mask of all those murders. I kill those who are selfish and attention seeking, those who drown themselves in fame, popularity and money. The difference between my murders and your own murders is I know who to kill." I glared at Stain, causing him to step a few inches back with his sword ready. "I guess we aren't very similar after all."

Stain growled and came rushing at me, swinging his sword back and holding the knife in front of him. I grabbed my own knife from my belt and held it up to protect me from the sharp blade. There's no way I'd let anyone besides myself cut me with a knife.

Our blades made a clanging sound when they made contact. I noticed Stain's sword wasn't in his hand anymore. I flinched and immediately kicked Stain in the abdomen, making him flinch back as the sword landed between us.

"You have good friends, boy." Stain said as he looked at me with eyes full of fury. I assume he was talking to Tenya since he wasn't looking at me. Suddenly, a knife came zooming toward me. It zoomed by so fast, it cut my cheek as I dodged to the side.

"Alright," I asked while wiping away some of the blood, smearing it across my cheek. "You've pissed me off." The blood on my fingers started to float around me like rain drops that were stopped mid air. "Is this how you always are when you fight?" I pulled on my tie and loosened it. "I was already mad, and you've provoked me even further."

A grin appeared on Stain's face. Of course he was trying to provoke me. My Quirk may have to do with self harm, but it's not like it feels good to cut myself.

"Heh," Stain closed his eyes, chuckling to himself. "You're mad? Funny, because I'm mad as well. Either way, if you don't go home, kid, then I'll have no choice but to send you to the hospital. And you won't have fun."

"Shut up." I said while holding my knife above Stain's head, causing him to flinch and freeze where he was. "Shut up already. Move and you die. Make a sound and you die. You try to attack and you die. You see," I let the point of the knife push against Stain's head. "This is what happens when you make a fellow murderer or assassin mad. You die."

"That look…" Tenya muttered to Izuku. "Those eyes.. they're full of hatred and anger. It's terrifying."

"You really are something else, you damn brat…" Stain said with a rather cocky tone. I glared at him, raising the knife into the air. Slamming the knife back down, the knife impaled Stain's shoulder. I let go of the knife and reached for another one from the pack on my waist.

"Am I?" I asked while holding the knife near his head. "Be careful with what you say. Continue to provoke me and it'll be your other arm. If you keep talking, I might even reach your vitals."

"Tch," Stain scoffed. "I've seen you. Now, I remember. You were the big shot during that stupid Sports Festival. Then first and only son of the shadow duo, Kage and Yurei. Interesting."

I flinched when Stain mentioned those names. I grit my teeth and raised the knife. This guy was really pissing me off. I stabbed his other arm, causing him to wince from the pain. Leaving the knife there like the other, I reached for another one in my pack.

"Yuno-kun!" Kisu yelled. "You can't just do this in front of first years like them! That's not a sma-"

"Shut up." I cut her off, still glaring at Stain. "I'll do whatever the hell I want. It's not like anything or anyone would be able to stop me either way."

"I hit a nerve, didn't I?" Stain grinned at me, blood dripping down his arms. "You know, there's been rumors jumping around about them. Police are suspicious of them, though, they can't do anything against the heroes. I'm guessing you played a crucial role in their life."

I raised the knife and stabbed the left side of Stain's upper back. Blood splashed onto my face, He sure knows how to piss people off, that's for sure. I was losing it. The fact that he has to mention my so called parents irritates the hell out of me.

"What do you know?" I asked while holding yet another knife. "I have more information on you then any other person. You don't have any info on me. You only know me from from rumors."

"Why don't you shut up? Your voice is starting to annoy me. You're really getting in my way." Stain said, making me real pissed.

I raised the knife and growled, I seriously wanted to kill this guy. He's been such a nuisance. I wonder why I even got myself into this situation. I could've just let Tenya die, but no, I had to jump in. I had to, I couldn't let someone like Izuku die. I'd be more pissed then I am now, which wouldn't be good for the people around me.

"Damattero( shut the hell up)!" I demanded, while bringing the knife down, aiming for the back of Stain's head.

"Yuno-kun!" Izuku tried stopping me and pushed off the ground, activating his Quirk and reached for my knife.

Blood splashed across the walls. That was it, I killed him. Izuku sat next to the body, helpless to do anything. I dropped the knife and wiped the blood off my face. I felt nice after killing someone like him. I take back all those things I said about him, being so noble in his intentions. If he kept talking, he would've had me wrapped around his little finger, that son of a bitch.

"Yuno-kun!" Izuku broke me of my thoughts while grabbing my wrist, halting me from walking away. "Why would you kill him? We could've taken him out without killing him."

"'We?'" I echoed while looking down at his grasp on my wrist. "Well, what do you want? An apology?"

I heard Tenya and Kisu shuffle a bit as I asked this. I guess the paralysis had disappeared since Stain was now dead.

"Baka yaro(asshole)!" Kisu said while raising her hand to smack me.

"Excuse me?" I asked, pulling my wrist away from Izuku, then grabbing Kisu's wrist. "Sorry, but you don't get to call me that right now."

"Yuno-kun!" I heard a voice echo through the alley. It was Shoto. "What the hell happened?"

"The Hero Killer…" Tenya answered quietly. "He's dead. Yuno-kun…killed him."

"You killed him?! What- I don't understand why you would go so far. You told me he wasn't someone you would kill. You said his intentions were true."

I turned around to see Shoto on n his hero costume. He looked at me with concern and fear. I shot back a look that might have scared him, since there was still blood on my face.

"Yuno-kun, are you-"

"That was my kill, Tsumuyuki-san!" Another voice came into play. A dry hand grabbed me by the neck.

"Yuno-kun!" Izuku reached out for me.

"Stay the hell away, you idiot."

I saw blackish purple mist start to engulf me. The last thing I saw was Shoto running toward me while Izuku and Tenya stood there confused. Everything went dark afterwards.






"Oh, it's you." I said with a bored tone as I stood up and dusted my shirt.

It was Tomura and his little "club." What did they name themselves? After some video game. League of Villains, that's it. How cute, if you think about it, it almost spells love when you use the first letter of each word. I guess it could be a dangerous name too, if you really think about the background each of them have.

"Tsumuyuki-san, that was my kill you just took." Tomura growled at me from the chair he was sitting on. "What the hell was that anyway?"

"What do you want, Tomura-kun?" I asked as Spinner and Twice sent glares at me. Again with the tough crowd, man. The only one who didn't send me such a look was Toya. I thought he was done with this already. "I'm on a schedule, and I'm really pissed right now. I'll seriously kill you if I'm provoked any further."

"Your pissed?" Tomura hissed at me. "I was going to kill him myself. He came by and injured me out of nowhere."

"Jeez, you get your revenge from something so trivial? That's childish."

"Says you." Dabi scoffed. "You killed the Hero Killer over him just mentioning those shadow heroes. Your parents or something? If Tomura-san is childish, that also makes you child-"

"Well, what in the hell do you know?" I glared at Toya, giving off a cold aura that made him shudder. "Don't talk about them unless you want to die the same way the Hero Killer did."

Dabi crossed his arms and looked away, keeping his mouth shut. I was really on edge tonight. If I kept putting up with this, I would eventually go on a killing spree.

"Hurry up, Tomura. I don't have time for this." I demanded as the blood on my skin started to float. "If you just captured me for fun and games, then I'm leaving."

"Sit down, Yuno-san." A voice came from a device of some sort. "I'm the one responsible for your capture."

I flinched when he spoke again. I recognized the voice now. It was him from almost ten years ago. His name…he called himself All For One. He has the same voice as the ones I hear in my head. Those whispers…that son of a bitch.

"All For One, huh?" I let out a sigh to release my anger. "You're the one behind this? It must be fate that I've met you again."

"No, no. I simply wanted to bring you here. Tomura-kun has told me about your visits, I've listened whenever you were here."

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not planning on joining your little party. In fact, I decided that I would leave since we have no use of each other anymore."

I headed toward the door, trying to leave before I lash out again. I honestly don't want to be held for all these murders right now.

"Damn brat," Tomura growled. "Don't just walk awa-"

"It's fine, Tomura-kun." All For One interrupted. "Yuno-san lives in a different world then all of you. He's very different. He feels the need to leave because he doesn't want to kill anyone else. Leave him be for now."

"Tch, yes master."

I swear, I hate Tomura sometimes. He gets on my nerves with that attitude of his. Maybe I'll run it through his thick skull at some point. Everybody seems to be running their mouths and talking smack about me. Why is that, I wonder.


Such a drag. After leaving that dinky ass bar, Izuku and Kisu started freaking out. I guess they were still near the alleyway when the heroes arrived. And the Nomu's, they were taken out by Kage and Yurei. I was surprised when those shadow traveling assholes decided to jump in and save people. I wanted to murder people when I heard that from Gran Torino and the other heroes.

"You guys are lucky you got out unscathed." Gran Torino scolded me and Izuku. "You could've been seriously injured, or worse, killed!"

"Gomen nasai(I'm sorry)!" Izuku bowed over and over again.

I didn't answer Gran Torino. Instead, I just walked over to Stain's body. The heroes had put his corpse in a bag when they found him. I unzipped the bag and saw his face. It disgusted me to see such asshole. Clenching my fist, I zipped the bag up again and scoffed.

"Yuno-kun." Tenya put his uninjured hand on my shoulder. "What happened back there? Who were those people? Were they the League Of Villains? What did they want with y-"

"Stop asking questions." I said while clenching my fist. "I've told you before, I'm really pissed right now. Stay the hell away from me."

Tenya flinched and backed away a few steps. Ignoring the looks I got from the heroes, I walked away from the group. My question was why they cared so much about Stain's death. They all hated him to some degree. Seeing them be all, "he's dead, oh no. Why is he dead?" It makes me irritated that they say things like that.

"Yuno…Tsumuyuki…join them." That whisper appeared. "They need you…you know very well…they need you."

I scoffed and ruffled my hair. I wasn't about to deal with my parents, the questions, the whispers and the heroes. That's too much at once.

And Stain, questions about him would pile up. I don't want to be questioned about all that shit. He's already irritated the hell out of me. So, no, I'm not sticking around any longer.

"Hey, kid!" A hero called out to me. Some hero who calls himself Native. "Where are you going? We should get you to a hospital just in case."

"Stop talking to me." I refused. I was perfectly fine and it was obvious I was. Physically, I was fine, at least.

I put my hands in my pockets and started walking away. I could feel all eyes staring at me like I was crazy. Maybe they suspected I had something to do with Stain's death. Heh, they suspicions are correct. And I'd do it all over again.