
BNA: Mimic

A manipulative cynical former soldier gets sent to MHA/BNHA. What would he do? What would he change? How many people are going to die? New author, English is not my first language, but I will try my best. Criticisms are welcomed.

Herald_ · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs


(A/N): Hello guys, I'm making this update to let you all know that I finished editing. If you find yourself lost on any level, check the Aux Chapters since they will have pertinent information and the like.

The other important subject is that I have found myself in the infamous 'writer's block' and that coupled with having less time to write due to 'life' is fucking the story over. So here is the thing, I am going to put some stuff into a vote to see how I will proceed with the story.



Do you want me to be more detailed and provide more 'historical background' of the place MC visits (like top heroes, wars, politics, and other things)? If so vote below in what format.

--Do it in Chap (comment '+1')

--Do it in Aux Chap (comment '+1')

Or do you want me to leave it to y'all to figure out the socioeconomic world (by me leaving hints here and there)


Mc's Goals: If it wasn't clear already MC's goal is essentially grand scale 'societal change'. There are several ways to accomplish it with our MC personality and abilities.

The one I prefer and I most likely going to do is:

MC creates his own underworld organization with several departments and specializations in order to control the world from the shadows before taking it over publicly. (Think of it like how AFO was in his days) After all, MC is manipulative and calculating; he is aware of his flaws and limitations which make him even more dangerous. That option makes it possible for multiple 'plotlines', recruiting interesting people, and would be a lot more dynamic and interesting. It could even allow for many interesting POVs.

(Insert your ideas here)


I have an interesting idea, I have noticed at least in my case I get attached to characters the more they appear in the story. More so when they have interesting personalities and beliefs.

I have been playing with this idea for a few chapters making some of them more "Sheffield-centric/POV" and I come to like it a lot. Doing it that way provides me and the reader by extension a little break from MC, and opens a window to explore different aspects of the character's personalities, beliefs, and how their actions impact their surroundings.

I won't make MC not Mc of his own story, but doing these in moderation might provide (+tension, +comedy, +character insight) if done correctly.

(Comment your opinion here)


Now that it is clear that I want Mc to have some sort of an elite team here is the vote for characters joining. Some characters might join later due to 'plot' or their personalities. Example: Reyes is not interested in improving society his primary motivators are conflict and money. He might either need to have huge character 'development' or join out of money in the future.

(A/N: Even if you want them to join rn, I will wait until it makes sense characterwise for them to do so)


Reyes (comment "+1" if you want him to join)

Kurapika (comment "+1" if you want him to join)

Phantom (Comment "+1" if you want him to join)

Sheffield (Comment "+1" if you want her to join)


Quality of life:

*Do you want the story to include minor time skips and flashbacks (To avoid the dreaded 'filler' chapters that may provide some worldbuilding and minor character development but are somewhat boring)





* This novel tag is 'Harem' for a reason.

I want to make it diagetic and have each character I introduce have agency. I don't want the females to be objects for the MC to use and similarly not do the trope where the 'love interest" suddenly falls in love because of some bulshit action. I want each female character to be their 'own person' and not be defined only by MC's relationship with them. Also, other characters might get into relationships. This isn't an 'only Mc gets laid" kind of story.

For those that think MC cannot satisfy multiple women; let's just say he is a stamina freak (Not needing to sleep too much) and on top of that he is a 'Mimic' if you catch my drift. He hasn't been interested in women because of his lack of human form. Human mind=hormones; at this point MC could even be considered Asexual since he isn't sexually attracted to anything. (MC is straighter than an arrow)

This won't be a 'catch-them-all" kind of fic. Thou Mc might tap into that energy from time to time for 'no string attached partners'; but serious relationships vote bellow:

Make big Harem (10+) {comment '+1'}

Medium Harem (6-9) {comment '+1'}

Small Harem (1-5) {comment '+1'}


*Already begin introducing one of the love interests




That's all, and again I'm sorry for not being able to upload recently.

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Herald_creators' thoughts