
Blue dragon

You cannot withstand the storm, for I am the storm. This is the tale of a blue dragon causing upheaval in another world.

reader_on_world · ファンタジー
42 Chs


Kazan roared, leading the charge with his inherently fierce nature, filled with a mad desire for slaughter. The red dragon surged forward, his steps thundering against the ground, unrestrained and unbridled in his power. This sense of reckless freedom was rare for the closely watched young dragons, and mere poacher slaughter wasn't enough for Kazan. He felt the evil dragon blood within him boiling for more.

As the red dragon's speed increased, he became like a rumbling chariot, accelerating towards Xileris. His scales shifted from dark red to blood red, growing brighter until they exploded into a burning domain.

Xileris howled, the mixed blue-green dragon's roar like a blade scraping against rock, sharp and piercing. He beat his wings to stir up a fierce wind, sending debris flying, while his mouth sparkled with electricity, unleashing thunder breath.

Meanwhile, the young dragons chose their opponents, with seven young dragons engaging six teenage dragons, mostly in one-on-one battles. As Yongrong spoke, they all advanced, initiating the attack.

Belron paused by Yongrong, eyeing the tangle between Kazan and a teenage dragon, "Xileris's control of electricity seems far inferior to yours."

"It's normal; he's of mixed heritage," Yongrong replied with a smile, nodding for Belron to proceed cautiously.

"Okay," Belron responded, deciding with Hel to gang up on a single opponent due to their slightly lesser strength.

Kaiso Roderick, who had not yet joined the fight, was looking around, hoping to defuse the situation. Unable to persuade any dragon, he was left facing Yongrong Akatosh, known among the young dragons as "Thunder Prison."

"Yongrong, I thought we were past our last encounter," Kaiso said, backing away instinctively, teeth bared and scales bristling, still haunted by Yongrong's breath.

"It's all in the past, I know," Yongrong grinned. "So, will you surrender?"

After a moment's hesitation, Kaiso growled, "Let's fight!" He knew yielding or standing aside would bring scorn and exclusion from his peers, a fate worse than physical defeat for a community-minded blue dragon.

Despite his reluctance and fear, Kaiso attacked Yongrong, only to be swiftly defeated. Yongrong easily overpowered the hesitant dragon, breaking his leg after a few exchanges and leaving him unable to stand.

However, the other young dragons faced tougher battles against the more experienced teenage dragons. Oser won with difficulty, and Hel and Belron managed a stalemate in their two-on-one. Posa and Aisaria were even being overpowered.

But this was a brawl, not a duel. Yongrong, having freed himself up, joined the fray, ensuring each teenage dragon was beaten into submission.

After dealing with Aisaria's opponent, Yongrong was ready to rest when Hel approached in distress, "Yongrong! You have to stop Kazan; he's gone mad! We can't hold him back!"

Yongrong, annoyed, flew towards the ongoing clash, with Aisaria and Posa following. They found Kazan and Xileris entangled in battle, with Oser nursing burns and warning against approaching the frenzied red dragon.

Yongrong caught up, witnessing Kazan's rampage. He used Xileris as a shield, destroying everything in his path, leaving a trail of destruction and a cloud of dust visible from afar.

Finally, Kazan slammed Xileris to the ground, overpowering the larger dragon with his sheer physical might. "You're nothing but a dog to me," he taunted, threatening to kill Xileris with no fear of family retribution.

As Kazan continued his brutal attack, Yongrong called out, attempting to halt the red dragon's fury. "Kazan, enough!" He forcibly turned Kazan's head to face him, questioning if he truly intended to kill.

Kazan's roar of defiance was met with Yongrong's stern rebuke. The anticipated breath duel never occurred; Kazan calmed down, eventually stepping away from Xileris.

"Kazan is trouble when there's none, and makes more when there is," Aisaria had said, a sentiment echoed by the onlooking young dragons, relieved by Yongrong's intervention.

Kazan warned against future interference, insisting on his need for battle and release. Yongrong, ignoring Kazan's protest, subtly reminded the teenage dragons of their shared secret, implying that no word of this conflict should spread outside their group.

Yongrong reassured Xileris, "This fight stays among us. Heal up, and when you're ready, feel free to challenge us again."

As they left the scene, Yongrong's actions cemented his leadership and the delicate balance of power and respect among the dragons, ensuring the survival of their complex social dynamics.