
Blue dragon

You cannot withstand the storm, for I am the storm. This is the tale of a blue dragon causing upheaval in another world.

reader_on_world · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Dragon Skull

On the way back to the central court, Yongrong informed the other young dragons that their outing was a stealthy one, insisting on secrecy. He had initially planned not to mention it to avoid trouble, but realized the young, boastful dragons would spread their tale of beating the teenage dragons across the Rhino Peninsula if not cautioned. Quis might overlook their adventure, but if other young dragons or the clan leader found out, punishment would be inevitable, possibly relegating them to labor in the abandoned fortresses.

After repeatedly warning them, Yongrong separated from the young dragons, returning to his nest to feign sleep. Before heading to the Rhino Peninsula, Hel had expressed concerns that the trolls might be using them to execute their chieftain, questioning the loyalty of the Bloodfang Tribe and fearing deceit.

This posed a real dilemma for dragons, who excel in conquest and destruction rather than governance. Mere intimidation and fear could not effectively bind subjugated tribes for long, leading to deception, flattery, or even betrayal. Dragons prefer developing their own progeny, relying on their strong reproductive capabilities and longevity to establish families whose descendants serve as their support.

Even the most infamous dragons seldom control more than five tribes, beyond which loyalty cannot be guaranteed. However, Yongrong's situation was unique; he possessed the "Dragon Skull." In his cold, silent dream, the massive dragon skull, aglow, dispelled the fog, revealing itself before him.

Yongrong's first observation was the Chain of Authority on the skull's left side, showing a vague troll outline, a promising start that allowed him to draw power from the chain, compensating for the blue dragon's genetic shortcomings compared to red dragons.

On the other side, the Threads of Fate for Posa, Belron, and Hel were clearly defined, strengthening their bond with Yongrong. As these dragons grew stronger, they provided more arcane energy to Yongrong, helping him maintain his status within the competitive dragon society.

Unexpectedly, the Lines of Hatred above the skull also revealed a figure, initially thought to be Xileris, given Yongrong had only offended him so far. However, upon closer inspection, Yongrong concluded this dragon was different, resembling a black dragon rather than the robust Xileris, suggesting a strong, hated enemy.

Yongrong wondered if this could be an expelled dragon, now surviving with deep animosity towards everyone in the clan. Yet, the existence of a potential foe did not unsettle him; he was content, knowing the expelled dragon posed no threat, even outside Dragonfort's protection.

The Lines of Hatred filled a gap on the skull, hinting at a potential balance within the triangular dynamics. At the first balance, the Dragon Skull granted Yongrong the "Rapid Growth" mark, leaving him eager for what might come next.

After examining the Dragon Skull, Yongrong didn't slack off; he meditated and trained in his nest until feeding time before returning to the central court.

Belron, excited to see Yongrong, whispered if Quis had tacitly approved their adventure, noting their absence must have been noticed by the young dragons, yet no punishment had come. Yongrong, realizing the young dragons' curiosity and restlessness, outlined conditions for future outings: staying within Dragonfort's territory, avoiding clan hunting and grazing lands, keeping a low profile, and returning upon his call.

As food was delivered, Yongrong received a whole cow, while Belron got half. Feeling particularly hungry, Yongrong devoured his share and eyed Belron's, who reluctantly offered it up. Quis had mentioned the clan governed over ten tribes, but sustaining the fortress's daily consumption, especially the voracious young dragons, was becoming increasingly challenging, contributing to the absence of new hatchlings and stirring thoughts in Yongrong about the need for better husbandry and cultivation practices.