

join Harry as he adventures through canon so that he can live in peace and debauchery

freakofntur · 書籍·文学
10 Chs


the next chapter might be a while away. I need motivation, so I can be convinced through comments(paragraph or otherwise). I would really appreciate some memes or comments instead of power stone

although I know I have made it difficult in last couple of chapters by making one of your hands too busy, and you too tired😎. but please, comments over power stone. power stone gives popularity to the fic so other people can see it too while comments make me want to write more.


As I get out of simulated sea, I can feel two snakes climb up my body. these are nagmani(oldest among my snakes-King cobra in snake form), and bai kon(3rd oldest among my snakes- flying snake in snake form).I ask Sophia if she will join me, but other snakes have already covered her body and are slithering around her pleasure spots. she didn't even register my voice in her pleasure.

nagmani whome I met in India, was already cultivating before I met her. she was 2000 year old and was grand daughter of orignal cursed women who got this curse. but their family performed a ritual that allowed those of their blood to talk to snakes.I guess that makes her voldemort's (and probably mine) ancestor. also, it seems that the curse and ritual blessing were separated past a generation. her son and his bloodline got the blessing, while her daughter and her bloodline got stuck with the curse.

because she still had childern and their human descendants who talked to her and took her advice, she could retain humanity. her descendants later explored into tantrik magic and other yoga related magic and shared their knowledge. she discovered a few poses that with a single magical parent would ensure birth of a magical child, and also increase chances of both non-magical parents producing magical children.

these poses became basis upon which she bases her cultivation. her cultivation required her to claim a male and perform a ritual with him once. until the male's death, they could understand her(but not the language) and perform dual cultivation, all of benifits of which went to her and male losses his life force(not magic). by absorbing hundreds of bound male's life force, she condensed it into center of her crown in her king cobra form. ever since, she named herself nagmani (snake gem).

using the Gem as focus she could perform magic again, but not without using it. understanding the importance of such a thing, she consumed it, so it could not be stolen, but she couldn't perform magic at same level again, she could only increase her already powerful ritual's and cultivation's power and weakly perform some internal magics like occulmancy and physical enchantment. her cultivation increased in power such that now it could now absorb magic using gem as focus. her ritual can now temporarily turn her human if she sacrifices her male partner's humanity (free will), making him her slave and hence nothing more than a cultivation pill. partners without free will are dull companions though.

hence she had taken to hunting males, and spending nights in her human form, bedding any willing female, having grown bored of male company after turning so many of them into slaves. her legend spread around as a witch that hunted males. her following among females grew due to her use of Tantric magic. they became worshippers of the pleasure goddess who surpassed any male lover, but still later turned into snake to compensate for her lack of penis.

when sirius and I landed in India and heard rumours of a witch that hunts males, on a trip from a village boy, we decided to solve this case. we had already done plenty of hero-ing in our adventure by that time(2 years ago) and were curious about such witch/creature. after talking to some snakes around, I came across her in human form, right after performing a ritual on a poor guy, who seemed dazed and barely conscious.

I knew she had a snake form and human form, from taking to nearby snakes, so I tried to talk to her and complement her beauty in parsel-toung. she was surprised and greeted me back in parsel-toung.by the time an hour passes we were both entangled in lust and kinship. after some time, near dawn, she is forced back into her snake form and is depressed that I will shun her, instead I turned into my snake form and continued the sex with both of us in snake form, her as King cobra and me as anaconda. due to size different, it looked like a queen worshipping her god. after we wake up from our sex induced coma, she tells me her story while we are cuddling in snake form.

later I asked her to perform her ritual on me she said no. she said that it turns males into thrall, but I suggested that we could interrupt it any time, it might cause some magical backlash, but nothing either of us are unfamiliar with. afterall miscasting a spell is very real and familiar possibility, especial when I try to use emotions to empower them without qi supporting me. with qi and my own dual cultivation (derived from veela coming of age ritual) , we could override the ritual and nagmani's cultivation such that qi could control it and learn it. after learning and inculcating her cultivation and ritual, my dual cultivation became much more efficient .

instead of just increasing quality of life force and magic, like it did before, it can now be used to increase quantity of magic and life force by absorbing from a partner. this would be a problem, but qi can possess us during our dual cultivating and hence we could take magic from her magic sources(plants) as well. in exchange every time i dual cultivate in such a way, I purify energy in qi , and hence her sources (plants). it has increased quality of plants by a massive amount. potions made using such ingredients always over perform, which means you have to take less of it for same effect.

Nagmani joined our entourage and always encouraged me to look for other cursed women to help. we could only help those who retain some humanity and remember they were once human, otherwise we had no fast way of distinguishing them other than knowing, those cursed with this curse don't age. that's how I met Bai Kon

Bai Kon was from a wizarding family in China 800 years ago and knew since birth what curse follows daughters of her family line. she know she couldn't do magic in such form and hence ignored such practice, instead she was attracted by kung-fu and it's philosophy of learning from nature(in her case snakes) and applying in different parts of your life(including self defence). she dedicated herself to art of snake kung-fu so much that she could hypnotise herself that she is snake.

before she actually turned to snake, she is said to have used only her martial arts and through it some internal enchantment magic that she encountered in her experimenting with what she knew about chi/ki. such was her mastery and self hypnosis, that's she retained these skills in her snake form. I'm this form, she could now hypnotise herself too think she is human.

this kept her dedicated to her art and devoted her immortal snake life to imitate human(nature) in all forms of life. she cooked her meals before eating them(even in snake form). she found ways to use her tail and mouth as a human would his hand to achive all that a human can. her human style Kung-fu that she developed in her snake form( humans have snake kung-fu, snakes have human Kung fu).

she later in Stroke of boredom, decided to overwatch her former monastary as an unseen gaurdian.

learning different interpretations of nature(animals) in King-fu by humans, she decided to inculcate their move into her own human Kung fu. later even going so far as to go hunting a tiger in India, to observe them and test herself in a fight against superior foe and perfect, her tiger style(in snake form) and hypothetical tiger style (for humans) that she could only perform in her imagination, that also only due to her self hypnosis that she is human. this hypothetical Kung fu will help her develope her Kung-fu.

that's how I met her, I was on a national park, a sanctuary for tigers who are already on endangered species list in the early 90's. when tigers started getting beaten by what seems to be a bare handed human from their physical examination. but I know the difference between a punch/kick by human and a snake slapping it's tail to simulate it, after all, I had my own chunni moments when I first turned into animagus snake. just like I try to still use dive attack in my raven form. anyways, nagmani recognised such signs as well and we started searching for such ferocious martial snake.

after all even with our physical enhancements, we still couldn't slap as hard as she did to those tigers, that was obvious from their bruising. I can reach near that strength with my ginormous size in anaconda form, but just that fact speaks for get skills,as from bruises on tigers, we could see that she was about as big as nagmani. once we encountered her,I invited her to join us in our travels. she seemed hesitant to trust me, but seeing nagmani by my side, and considering she couldn't talk to anyone else, she decided to treat along so long as she can continue to increase her skills. that night i had a threesome with them both as well as me in our snake forms, my anaconda form easily taking in both the king cobra and flying snake

as I think of two years I've spent with these two together I can't help but feel pride. I got a teacher for Tantric magic and yoga, who had been practising such magic and helping other parsel-toung wizards with their own magic. while also getting a Kung fu teacher with unparalleled mastery of its philosophy and practice. as I enter our training area/arena. I start out by doing some warm up and stretching, using two snakes as props for exercise. once that is done, nagmani wraps herself around my torso forming cross (x) in my abbs. as she starts slythering,I can feel her Tantric magic connect is as qi deepens this connection. while bai kon wraps around my chest. with her mouth in a way that she can change directions of coming on my left or right hand from behind my back.

I start practising some Kung fu forms while bai kon follows my movement, directing it and correcting if I do something wrong. as I'm feeling the pleasure from Tantric magic, it allows my subconscious to take over my physical form as it follows bai kon in the excersize and martial arts while I enter my mind where nagmani's human form is waiting upon me. we start fucking even in this dream like place and the Tantric magic overflows from outside to inside here. as my mind becomes magic rich, mind arts become easier and my raven form is strengthened and my brain and mind function is enhanced , I even gain muscle memory faster and encode it in subconscious level. hence why I practice martial arts while I do so.

we continue this for an hour before come out of the trance. all three of use are sweaty and it is making sensation of their slythering around me even more pleasurable. I cast a bath spell on us and go towards kitchen/potions lab , to get breakfast with my snake companions wrapped around my both shoulders. I meet Sophia there and kiss her in greeting. as we do so, both the snakes around me snuggle into her cheeks in endearment, while she returns her love by kissing their heads.

we are greeted by blushing form of my house elf maids. all four of them too beautiful to be true. they look like animated 3d characters rather than humans, but that is intentional. only one house elf in ship looks human,bell. bell has the subservience of house elf , but most house elf couldn't know what to do unless instructed(due to them being dumb), while bell has a sense of initiative that makes her better and superior to others. we found her in America, before we bought our hotels, where he was performing in a club for her master. due to interactions with so many adults, who don't mind fucking an unusually tall house elf if they are high/drunk enough.

such was how i found myself at age 12 , drunk and in bed with her, dual cultivating with her under qi's influence made her face similar to what I saw when I was drunk, hence making her a little more beautiful and taller. once I talked with her, I realised that she sung last night for club in English and she can speak fluently, which is unusual for house Elf.i immediately bought her off her owner for a queens ransom, after all, she made him a lot of money.

every since she has been my personal maid and due to our regular dual cultivation, and her house elf magic wanting to serve her master best, kept turning her more beautiful and tall until she looked like a human model. she had been tasked with finding potential house elves who have been trained to take orders from her as if they were from me. considering how they could barely speak broken English before recruitment, their beauty turned towards uncanny valley. ( term in VFX where something like barbie, something that is animated, but very close to looking real.) they look like dolls with maid uniforms.

as I take my seat, food appears before me as 2 of my house maids teleport on my arms, changing there size a bit too sit on my arm rest, with bowls of flavoured warm milk that my snakes start drinking from. two elves help out others as they come in and settle. I give a first bump to sirius as he passes me by to take his seat. another house maid materialises on his lap and starts feeding him. same happens with Sophia as she is fed by a house maid elf.

as I'm about to dig in, bell appears on my lap feeding me something sweet directly from her mouth. . Last year she started experimenting with food that could be fed mouth to mouth after watching a bird do it to its chicks. she had been trying different recipes to see how her saliva changes the taste to better suit my taste. once she disconnects our kiss, she opens her uniform to give me access to her breast. she pulls me in as I start sucking in her nipple while pinching the other one. I taste heaven as milk leaves her breast.

due her house elf magic and subservience, every time we cultivate, her body adapts different ways to serve me and my kinks. breast feeding is just one of them which is elevated by our cultivation to taste like my favourite thing(like love potions), because my favourite food is ever changing, I get different taste in milk every time, sometimes even between 2 gulps in same session due to me having had enough of initial flavour. as I remove myself from her breast, I see that both Sophia and Sirius are busy getting entertained by their own house maids.

two maid who have been rubbing themselves in my arms while feeding my snakes vanish their bowls as snakes are full. they turn their attention to me and disappear, only to reappear , each attached to my leg, rubbing their clit on it as they open my zipper. I help them by directly vanishing my pants and underwear to give them full access. I pull bell up on my chest with her legs around my head and clit in my face as I start to eat her out. while two maids team up to give me blow job. due to specifics of bells cultivation, her bodily fluids are tasty to me and they are healthy to me due to influence of qi in dual cultivation. once I drink her orgasm, we settle down a little as she starts feeding me actual food as well. while Bell's fluids are nutritious to me, they are not filling, so I enjoy as bell feeds me food.

this room right now has a remote viewing simulation (by qi) which shows outside view to us as if we were sitting on the deck. and as I'm about to get up from finishing my food, I see the scenery of mountains give way to a dark castle I know to be Hogwarts. Man..., this tournament thing is really going to be a bitch to my rutine.


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stones of you feel like it, but really I much prefer a paragraph comment over a power stone

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I have 2 other books one both si

-one piece

-warhammer fantasy (total war)

freakofnturcreators' thoughts