

join Harry as he adventures through canon so that he can live in peace and debauchery

freakofntur · 書籍·文学
10 Chs

Not your typical wizard tower

I've been working on a big project with sirius. it is a yacht, size of a RV that can shrink down to size of pick up truck. his work with his bike will help make this thing fly. I plan to make a moving home inside it, that can take a few shapes to blend in with muggles with style. with expansion magic(like in wizarding tent).

I've had sirius learn all these magic with me to get someone to complete against. although he beats me on all practical spells (although I don't use wand), I still master theory faster and it is reflected when I allow qi to stop cultivation and possess me. in that form I have more control over magic and considering that all materials used in construction of yacht is wood from magical trees that absorbed my blood, I can cast the spell much better. but I have him do it because I've masterd a new form of collaborative casting.

due to how close me and Sirius have become in these days, he has helped me master my legimancy and occulmancy even though he is a beginner as well, he acts like my sound board and has great resources in such fields (like books) as lord black. due to these lessons our bond has grown and he trusts me enough that, when he is willing and in close proximity to me, I can have qi possess him instead of me. she still derives her magic from me, but it allows me to pass my magic and intent through serious, adding his considerable magic and will power to any spell cast in such a way. an advantage of such casting is that we can cover for each other's mistake during casting and adding considerable power to any spell cast in this fashion.

downside is that it takes time to cast like a ritual would and it takes more people to cast it. perfect for when you want to set up a permanent effect. in his dog form, it makes abjuration magic even more easy to cast and powerful due to innate nature of dog to be loyal and protective. but In that form we can't use his considerable magic strength.

after this discovery, I've been trying to get Sirius to try to cast magic in his dog form to access even his magical strength in our collaborative casting. he can easily cast magic by willing it under possession of qi, but without possession padfoot seems to be just an intelligent dog. after practicing a single, simple abjuration spell (blade ward) that reducing any physical damage taken by transfiguring clothes to be as if they were steel armour until he could cast it without wand.

this spell is more versatile than protego(shield) spell for personal protection but less for area of effect and defending allies. it is great because once you master it, you can even use your body hair, and later even skin to form the protective layer. once he could cast it without wand and silently ,he learnt to cast it under possession for less magic than even a Squib would have. at that point he could cast this spell in his dog form without possession, but a much weaker version of it. while without possession he could strengthen his fur to absorb a lot of damage, under possession, he could literally turn his fur into a armour made for dog, without sacrificing agility while increasing his momentum and strength due to weight and reinforcement from armour.

but this opened the gateway for world's first animagus form that could perform magic. sticking to protective magic, Sirius choose to learn protego with such mastery later so that he could protect Harry even from distance. by the time we accomplished all this and build the yacht ourselves, me by actively using cultivation without qi to gain temporary superhuman strength, while qi possess sirius gives him super strength. I was already 10 and a half years old , only 6 months away from Hogwarts (don't wanna go to school😭).

Due to his possession,by my blood magic, for symbolism, it would be as if two of me hand made the yacht. carpentry and shipbuilding skills were easy to learn with legimancy. I even went as far as to use specific japanese wood crafting techniques so that I don't have to use nails or glue, only my blood drained magical wood interlocking with each other to provide stable and strong joints.

once we learner the theory and memory of muggle artisans, we could replicate muscle memory if we were under possession of qi. hence why sirius could accomplish do much while under qi's possession while I had to practice with and without it to learn and intricate such skills for future endeavours. I've always loved building stuff, mostly with legos but now that I know wood crafting, I've delved into the art and made a few luxury art piece. while sirius only performs those skills under qi's possession as he sees no inherent value in internalising and actually learning these skills.

the yacht ends up looking like a wooden hybrid of super car and pick up truck , size of an RV. it shrinks down to size of a car/pick up truck. it is so sleek that in it's car size, if it were not wooden, people would think it is some limited edition Aston Martin. we have dedicated small space at cockpit as captains quarters(that's me), underneath open deck , using back loading point as balcony is first mates room (sirius). and under rest of the deck, even where engine and other mechanical parts would be is hollow so as to magically broaden it. I wish to make this place into a magical green house that I will bath in my blood to act as magic battery for the yacht.

qi and I have also worked on other fungus to develope a magical bio-luminescent algae that we will use to paint the yacht with. there fungi will absorb the sunlight to produce magic and life energy while in Sun, distributing it through all surfaces of yacht covered in this algae, then either I or qi can order it to light up. this with its property to use light emitted by itself as if sunlight makes it very efficient light system, specially for greenhouse. with a full coat of this thing in a room, my qi can even simulate individual algae to be different colour and hence act as a tv screen, simulating any environment, atleast visually. this also works as an on-demand camouflage. by default I've set it to black so that it absorbs most sunlight.

once everything is set up, me and Sirius (possessed) performed our collaboration ritual magic to expand space for greenhouse to be enormous. on our command, nearby trees and plants(all bathed in my blood for three years) up-rooted themselves of off the black Island(Black family's private island) and literally walk inside our expanded room, and settle themselves as per our instructions.

in these years, I've learnt to talk to these plants that I control, but I can only do this under possession of qi. this has helped me learn which plants get along well and which don't. I felt like a wedding planner setting up tables So that relatives and friends that hate each other are not on the same table when I set up the plan for their placement in green house.

the greenhouse had a lounge area where kitchen/potions lab was situated with most controlled ventilation and it's walls are ferns(controlled by qi or me similarly to algae for paint and camouflage). this area is can be accessed from my and Sirius's bedroom, hence connecting them, but also from ships deck. this was the only part of expanded area visible any outsider which corresponds exactly to layout of ship, hence, anyone that didn't cross the fern walls of this area, won't know of the expanded space.

but this all was to stressing for sirius. once plants took their place to form furniture and greenhouse for the whole yacht, he sat down on knees, tried. I takes possession of qi and we go about connecting a piece of her through protein charm to place a protective barrier on the surface of the ship, following the algae, covering every surface, this barrier protected me and my privacy, just like it did at privet drive as spherical barrier when cast by Dumbledore. I don't know the spell or how to cast it, but qi has spent most her life in that form, even when I integrated her into myself, she used it as bases for my cultivation, to protect me from divination magic.

she easily takes over all plants and algae to act as an AI to control the ship. just like a wizarding portrait is an impression of wizard , she sets up a few specialised impressions of herself for various task like maintaining the greenhouse, controlling lights, controlling air conditioning, etc. she controls these impressions through proteen charm, but they can function by themselves and exert control over their domain once everything is set up she binds herself to me again, letting other AI run the ship, being powered by magical plants.

finally, I feel like a wizard with a wizard tower

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I have 2 other books one both si

-one piece

-warhammer fantasy (total war)

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