
Bloody Ciara : reincarnated Medusa

Medusa was a woman who had come to this world to rule and conquer but seen to be among the smallest and weakest ,as the snakes were not allowed to rule made it hard for her amd after her dear she came back to take over fully this time with force . will she succeed or be killed again?

mercyBecky · ファンタジー
31 Chs


Ciara kept smashing every flower vase she had in her room, burning with rage . she just couldn't take out all the anger she felt inside and it's been three days, still Amber is not home .

The guards had been on her way so she couldn't get out of the palace and her mother knew that no matter what happens she wouldn't let the beast in her out .

She had nothing else to destroy, she heared the sound of a horse galloping and that caught her attention so she looked outside.

Ciara happily pushed the door open and ran out like a child.

seeing the horse and it's rider the palace gate were opened by the guards at the gate . immediately Amber cane down Ciara jumped on her causing her to stagger backward and the both giggled like little children.

" I'm home " she said to Ciara, " and am fine " she added quickly to stop Ciara from checking her body to see if she was hurt.

" no you are not" her eyebrows creased.

" I am " she argued.

" no you are not" a frown settled on her face .

" why do you think so "

" cause you are looking dead , did you loose blood cause it shows" she continued checking.

" Ciara am hungry and if you continue this I wouldn't make it to my room before collapsing" finally she stopped and the turned to find Lilith,Lucina and king Sylvester waiting to welcome her home .

" welcome" Lilith hugged her happily but comported herself.

" welcome home " it was Lucina.

" it's a good thing you are home again" the king nodded." let's all go in " he said and they followed.

*. *. *. *. *( while she wasn't yet released)

He didn't know why he felt this way but he thought he wasn't doing the right thing. He will go back every minute to check on her and he was already feeling restless.

Amber looked like someone who will be dieing soon, her coughs were heavy and blood dripped from her nose.

Every cough was accompanied with blood , dark red blood and he couldn't watch her suffer this anymore.

He left immediately but still wasn't able to get her off his mind completely and it frustrated him , why was she making him feel like a sinner when she wasn't the first person he was doing this to.

Trever thought of taking himself to an isolated area but when he tried teleporting himself there, he found himself standing Infront of her that was when he finally decided to let her go.

First he removed the chain used to bound her then he quickly held her so she wouldn't fall cause she was already unconscious. whatever Curtis added to that herbs must be very dangerous. he gathered her gently into his am and teleported her to the other side of the cave were a bed was .

Laying her down ,he called someone to make food for Amber who looked pale and skinny .

Amber felt what she was lying on and it was so soft , she didn't feel like standing cause it's been awhile since she slept on a bed but how did she get home . she reluctantly opened her eyes to see if she was truly home as she thought , well she wasn't him still in that cave but were was this place .

she tried standing up but had no strength to , she was so weak to her bones . Amber coughed out blood again.

" are you okay ? " a voice asked . she lifted her head to see who it was .

Trever held food in one hand and in the other was brewed herbs then someone walked in holding water.

Amber stared at him for awhile before nodding weakly as she slowly sat up. " here eat this " he gave her the food but she didn't collect it immediately.

" won't you eat ? " he stared at her.

" how am I sure that this food is not poisoned ? " she questioned him .

" because if I wanted you to die I would have left you were you were and not bring you here or even give you any food . I'm not sure you will be able to see tomorrow" he stopped when she coughed out blood. " and wouldn't had made herbs to cure you so would you eat " she didn't respond.

seeing that she wasn't responding. he picked up the gold spoon,filled it with porridge then blew it before placing it Infront of her lips .

Her lips trembled as she opened her mouth to collect the food .He fed her for awhile before he brought the herbs he had carried earlier for her to drink.

" another herb to make me weak " she said with a serious face.

" no , to cure the weakness and cough " he was calm.

" I don't trust you "

" you don't have to but getting well is all you need now so just take it" .


comment your thoughts pls 🙏🥺 do.