
Bloody Ciara : reincarnated Medusa

Medusa was a woman who had come to this world to rule and conquer but seen to be among the smallest and weakest ,as the snakes were not allowed to rule made it hard for her amd after her dear she came back to take over fully this time with force . will she succeed or be killed again?

mercyBecky · Fantasy
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31 Chs


When she had finished drinking the brewed herbs that was given to her and was done with the food she laid back to rest so she could recover the lost strength.

Trever picked up a book from the table to read and there was silence, the kind of silence she wasn't used to .

" who are you ? " she sat up.

" who do you think i am " he didn't raise his head from the book he was reading.

" I mean , what kingdom are you from ? "

" the kingdom you went to make peace with " he flipped to the other side of the page to continue reading.

" did they ask you to come after us ?"

" your questions are becoming too much " he finally raised his head " but i will answer this , no . they did not " he returned his attention to the book. " no more questions" he shut her up knowing that she was about to ask again .

" why ? " she wanted to know more , she wasn't satisfied yet .

" that another question"

" okay , just this one . are you one of the soldiers in that kingdom ?"

" am a prince , one of the princes in the kingdom" her eyes widened.

" oh," she laid back to sleep . that was the only way she will stop asking questions so she forced herself to sleep.

Staring at her peaceful face he called someone, " search for a place that she'll be able to bath " the young boy bowed before disappearing after a while he came back .

" master, I found a place not too far from here, It's a river .

" do snakes swim ? " he closed the book he had been reading.

" they do and some live in water "

" tell me more" he stared at the boy with keen interest ." like a history".

He took a deep breath before he continued , " Long ago ,the way humans were tired of dragons ruling them was the same way snakes also got tired of the dragons ruling them. so most of them moved into water to live there with the help of a witch but these water snakes aren't as strong as the ones living here on land . because some powers were taken from them"

" how did you know all this "

" my father made a research cause he was interested in knowing everything about snakes and dragons"

" you may leave "he nodded and the boy Left.

When she woke up , she felt strengthened and suddenly she missed Ciara . " would you let me go ? " she asked .

" I don't know , might " he turned to face he ," I might not " he smirked.

" killing me now is not an option" she climbed down the bed gingerly.

" neither would letting you go be an option'' he turned to pick his sword. " you know what " .

She frowned , " what ? " .

" you stink , you should bath " he stretched his hand forward. '' just hold my hands " he wasn't sure if she would but she did .

Amber breath in the fresh air, finally she was outside . her heart leaped for joy at the sight of trees.she would have love to explore but she couldn't.

" aren't you bathing "

" will I undress while you're here or don't you know ladies needs privacy''

" don't even think of escaping cause you don't know your way around here and am watching" he disappeared and she quickly undressed.

She shivered when she got into the water , her eyes was closed as she lowered herself into the water taking a deep.

He sat on a tree not too far from where she bathing , he tried not looking her direction but he did so he left immediately back to the cave .

" your father asks to see you " Curtis walked in .

" why ? "

" wants to tell you how you're a big disappointment to him and the entire kingdom" he chewed the grape fruit he picked from a plate " maybe " he added.

" okay, you should leave " he said to Curtis.

" you should have this first " he gave him an envelope.

" from who ? " he collected the envelope but didn't open it.

" unknown" Curtis vanished.

He stared at the letter trying to decide if he should open it or not. he finally dropped the letter and left to get Amber who was done bathing.

" you will be going home today " he gave her her sword.

" you changed your mind"

" I did " before she could speak again she found herself outside at same spot were her horse was shot with the arrow.

" how do I get home ? " she frowned .

" with that " he pointed at her horse who came galloping and stopped.

The person riding the horse came down and he helped her up , " would I be seeing you again ? " she wanted to see him again cause she had lot of questions to ask.

" I don't know , bye "

" would you come for Medusa's wedding"

" you might not see her again after that day if I come "

" am inviting, see you there " he stood back to watch her till she was gone.


sorry 😔 for the late update school had been taking most of my times and I had to prepare for upcoming test .

But pls 🙏 do comment your thoughts. they are my motivation to keep writing. thanks 😊.