
Bloodlines Unveiled: Chronicles of Darkness

Nightshade26 · ファンタジー
60 Chs

Chapter 11: The Secret Gathering

Victor followed the tavern manager through a series of narrow corridors, their footsteps echoing softly off the wooden floor. The manager stopped in front of an unassuming door and glanced back at Victor.

"Through here," he said quietly, pushing the door open.

Victor stepped inside, finding himself in a dimly lit hallway. The manager led him down a flight of stairs to a heavy, reinforced door. With a quick glance around to ensure they were alone, the manager produced a key and unlocked the door, revealing a hidden passageway that descended further into the earth.

"This leads to a secret chamber beneath the tavern," the manager explained. "The nobles gather there for their... indulgences. They wear masks to conceal their identities and enjoy the entertainment provided."

Victor nodded, understanding the need for discretion. As they reached the bottom of the stairs, the passage opened into a lavish underground hall. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a warm, golden light over the room. The scent of exotic perfumes filled the air, mingling with the sound of soft music played by unseen musicians.

Nobles clad in luxurious attire and wearing ornate masks roamed the hall, their laughter and conversations blending into a symphony of decadence. Beautiful women danced gracefully, their movements enchanting, while others served drinks and delicacies to the masked guests.

Victor felt eyes on him as he entered, his presence commanding attention even in such a grand setting. The women serving and dancing whispered amongst themselves, their eyes lingering on him with admiration and curiosity. To avoid drawing undue attention, Victor took a mask offered by the manager and slipped it over his face. The mask was crafted from black leather, simple yet elegant, and it helped him blend into the crowd.

"Stay close," the manager whispered, leading Victor through the throng of revelers. "Davrick is here somewhere. We need to find him."

As they moved deeper into the hall, Victor's keen senses picked up snippets of conversations. The nobles spoke of politics, wealth, and power, their true identities hidden behind their masks. Victor's sharp eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of their target.

They approached a secluded corner where a group of masked nobles had gathered, their voices hushed. One of them, a tall man with an air of authority, caught Victor's attention. The man's mask was more elaborate than the others, adorned with gold filigree and gemstones.

"That's Davrick," the manager murmured, nodding towards the man. "He's the one we need to take down."

Victor observed Davrick carefully, noting the way the other nobles deferred to him. There was a palpable aura of power around him, a confidence born from years of unchecked authority. Victor's mind raced, formulating a plan.

"Keep him occupied," Victor instructed the manager. "I need to get close enough to end this."

The manager nodded and approached Davrick, engaging him in conversation. Victor used the distraction to his advantage, weaving through the crowd with practiced ease. As he drew nearer, he caught snippets of Davrick's voice—smooth, charismatic, and dripping with arrogance.

Victor's hand tightened around the hilt of his hidden blade. He waited for the perfect moment, his mind focused and clear. As he moved, he felt the eyes of the dancers and servers on him, their admiration mingled with a sense of anticipation.

One of the dancers, a striking woman with raven-black hair, approached him. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity as she reached out to touch his arm. "You must be new here," she said, her voice soft and alluring. "I've never seen someone like you before."

Victor nodded, maintaining his composure. "Just passing through."

The dancer smiled, her eyes lingering on his face. "Well, enjoy your stay. And be careful—this place is full of secrets."

With that, she drifted away, leaving Victor to focus on his task. He moved closer to Davrick, who was now laughing at something the manager had said. Victor's heart pounded in his chest as he prepared to strike.

But before he could act, a sudden commotion erupted near the entrance of the hall. The music stopped, and the revelers turned to see what was happening. Victor's instincts screamed danger, and he tensed, ready for anything.

Two figures emerged from the shadows, their presence imposing and menacing. They wore dark cloaks and masks, but their eyes gleamed with a malevolent light. Victor recognized the look immediately—these were no ordinary intruders. They were hunters, but of a different kind.

The taller of the two spoke, his voice echoing through the hall. "We know there's a traitor among you. Show yourself, or we will bring this place down."

Panic rippled through the crowd, and Davrick's confident demeanor faltered. Victor saw his chance. He moved swiftly, his blade flashing as he struck. Davrick barely had time to react before the blade found its mark, piercing his heart.

Davrick gasped, his eyes widening in shock. "You... how...?"

Victor leaned in, his voice a cold whisper. "For the people of Stonebridge."

With that, he withdrew the blade, letting Davrick collapse to the floor. The hall erupted into chaos, the nobles scrambling to escape the intruders. Victor turned to face the newcomers, his eyes narrowed.

The taller hunter stepped forward, his mask glinting in the light. "Well done, Victor Darkthorn. But our business here is not finished."

Victor's mind raced, assessing the situation. He had no choice but to confront these new adversaries. His hand tightened around his weapon as he prepared for the fight ahead.