
Blood: Journey Through The Omniverse

Koyomi is an elder man that was summoned before a very powerful individual; one that we all know and love; sooo... Do you love taking enthusiastic walks? He asked. What awaits old man Koyomi & his rather unique Patreon the man who would be known as the old demon from nowhere in this wacky, action pack, yes harem don't question it adventure. (A/N): The world will be one giant world consisting of multiple animes and games, for example, Aot, Demon Slayer, Db Xenoverse, Halo, Doom, slime, One Piece, Scp Chinese branch & normal branch, WoD, overlord, and many many more.

Iam_hastur · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

The cheats

Koyomi look onward at the cart and coffin that Seras brought in, on the cart itself was a metallic container with water in it; to be perfectly honest the container was metallic but it look extremely familiar.

However, there was a small towel covering something else on that cart. Albeit he couldn't see what it was; however Canon Alucard look back at me as have Seras a head pat.

"You did well Seras, stay put you will be needed soon."

"... Y-Y-Yes master."

Sears said blushing either out of excitement or embarrassment, meanwhile, Alucard look over toward Koyomi and said.

"Koyomi Espada, please come forward."

Koyomi took deep breaths as he got up from the throne where he was seated, and walked towards Alucard.

He then took the container containing the mysterious water and said.

"Koyomi are you familiar with SCP- 006?"

"... SCP- 006... Wait isn't that?"

"Yes your thoughts are correct, this right here is one of your cheat items, I can't make you a vampire seeing that you're not a virgin; however using my omnipresence and omniscient I went over to SCP universe to get you a container of SCP-006 the fountain of youth."

When Koyomi heard this he was happy; he didn't know what cheats or gifts Alucard would have given him but this was exactly what he needed. With his old and feeble body surviving in the world he had in store for him would have been hard.

SCP-006 is a fountain located somewhere in Russia, but as the name states its water can heal multiple cells while regenerating new ones within the body while also instantly eliminating any pathogens. This of course would return anyone to a younger state.

However, Alucard began to explain further.

"As you know SCP-006 returns your youth to anyone that drinks from it; however this isn't a normal SCP-006, this is an augmented version of SCP-006, you see I use the dark magic and groundbreaking technology of the Hellsing organization to create this beautiful elixir of life here, it's mix with my blood albeit extremely diluted; the water itself rejected my blood at first but after months of experimentation I was able to create this esoteric version of SCP-006, with this you will have immortal youth, so death by natural causes is impossible, also this water should restore eighty years of life, so you should have the appearance of a twenty-six-year-old, with some vampiric traits, although you will still be a human; but with enhanced strength, speed, and durability, at your weakest, you will be at least two times faster than Shinobu from Demon slayer, while having the lifting strength of +100 average man, with that much strength you have a grip strength of 5000+ lbs more or less, and a lifting power of 7 tones give or take."

Canon Alucard explained, leaving Koyomi amazed, it wasn't the most overpowered cheat to begin an isekai journey with, especially in a world full of Gods that can create and destroy universes and multiverse constructs with mere thoughts alone.

But it was still better than nothing and for that he was grateful.

Alucard then open the lid of the container and gave it to Koyomi and said.

"Drink you're not getting any younger after all."

"Hehe. Your right."

With that said Koyomi took the metal container from Alucard that contain the miraculous water of SCP-006 now enhanced through dark magic, science, and vampiric blood.

Koyomi gave Alucard one last look, as he closed his eyes, and drank the substance of the water, making sure to not spill a drop.

And after he drank it, he could feel his body burning up as hot smoke began to; exit his pores, and he felt his bones breaking and regenerating. His loose skin began to tighten once more, as his old feeble body began to revert to its younger days.


Koyomi shouted in pain gritting his teeth and trying to withstand the suffering as his body was burning, tearing, breaking, and healing at the same time.

A gritting sound could be heard all over his body. Eventually, after two minutes of suffering, he drop to the ground naked as his clothes were torn off due to the increase in muscle mass.

At this moment Koyomi was breathing intensely, but he soon felt energized as he slowly got up and look at his muscular hands.

He was honestly shocked at the change, meanwhile, Canon Alucard said.

"You look great, tell me how does it feel to be twenty-six again?"

"I-Its amazing, unbelievable even, my back pain, even my cataract is gone, I don't tell you weak at all if anything I feel good, too good to be honest."

"Years of fatigue, damage, and age gone just like that, this is too good, weird I can even see a lot better compared to before in this dark room, even the smell of wine and blood; I can smell it clearly in this room, and best of all my little brother... Haha... It's been a while since I saw him so full of energy, being old truly shriveled up those parts especially if you aren't using them."

At these words, Seras, Alucard, and TFS began to laugh at Koyomi's lewd and harmless remark toward himself.

Meanwhile, Alucard points his finger at Koyomi, and he felt all the dirt and sweat, even the build-up mock from his body disappeared cleaning him of the filth.

Clothes then began to form on him, till eventually he was now dressed in a charcoal suit, consisting of a white work shirt which was tucked neatly into his brown trousers, he had polished leather black boots on, a large black bow around his neck, and a grey trench coat around him.

He looks like Alucard but with a different color scheme.

Finally, Alucard summoned a full-body mirror just to show Koyomi how he looks and impressed he was, he indeed looks like himself in his late twenties albeit instead of the black hair he used to have; his hair was milky white, he had red crimson eyes, and his skin was pale.

"I look good; really good, this is the healthiest I have been in my entire life."

"Well to be honest you don't look like a main character, as you are not as handsome as me but you're not ugly either, you are above average, but below immaculate."

TFS commented laughing and chuckling to himself.

But Cannon Alucard said

"Hahaha... Well, im glad you like it, now then on to our second and third gifts."

With those words said, Alucard began to remove the towel from the cart as he said.

"I can't grant wishes but I can less you to them, Koyomi I presume you know what this is?"

Alucard announces picking a spherical device with a screen on it, and a large button on the top.

Koyomi's eyes instantly open up in surprise when he saw the device, as he knows exactly what the device was.

"That's the dragon radar?"

"Indeed, with this, you can locate the dragon balls of that world, and make a wish, remember all versions of the Shen Long exist there, and yes the super dragon balls can also be tracked with this, but those dragon balls would require a lot of power to get, I made it so you summon and unsummon this radar at will, as it is a part of you now, and it's indestructible as well."

Koyomi's hand began to shake as he reach for it, this radar was beyond broken, and yet here it is; now in his possession truly a cheat item.

When his hand holds it he clicks the button on top of the screen, and it came on showing mostly green with some outlines and radar tracking.

"Oh my God; I feel like a kid again, no I feel... Honestly, I don't know how to describe this feeling, I have the power of Zalama on my side now, that's all I can say, thank you so much Alucard."

"You still have two more gifts though."

"Wait. For real, am... With all honesty im satisfied with just this, you don't have to keep spoiling me; at this rate, I might become an SCP myself, hell if the foundation found out I know where every dragon balls in existence are they would want to contain and use me for world ending events."

'... Hmm, that would be entertaining, ah yes Koyomi running from the O5 council, hehehe... I have an idea.'

TFS Alucard said to himself, secretly texting Prime Rick.

Meanwhile, Canon Alucard laugh and said.

"Hahaha... This isn't too much; the world you are about to enter overall cosmology is insane, this is just me making sure you don't die on the first week at the very least."

"Well, im grateful... Tell me what the next gift is."

Alucard then took off his Fedora and from it, he took out a sack, and toss it toward Koyomi who caught it, as he said.

"That's right those are last-minute pick me up; it's a bag containing sixty-four Senzu beans, trust me you will need it, you never know when you will encounter near death, but with the Senzu beans you will be healed good as new."

At this point, Koyomi didn't question it, but the Senzu beans were very much needed. And finally, Alucard said.

"With we finally reach our last gift."

Koyomi wasn't a fool he looked at the coffin and so did everyone else.

Alucard then announce.

"You are the bird of Hermes."

Upon saying this, a dark aura started to radiate from the black coffin as a Pentagon star was glowing blood red on it.

From there the coffin opens up slowly as a hand pushes the door aside, white gloves with the similar pentagon seals of Alucard himself. And then the entire floor began to be filled with a blood-shadow-like substance. Many red eyes could be seen in said substance.

It wasn't long before Koyomi saw what was in the coffin, a petite girl, with a black office shit, and a white best on top of it, she wears white shoes, a red tie, followed by a white trench coat, and to top it off a fuzzy white cap. Her skin was pale and her hair was black as it was long and straight, her eyes were blood red just like his, albeit they look like they had no life in them, as she had a stoic expression showing zero emotions.

Canon Alucard then said.

"Koyomi meet Girlycard V2. Her name is Helena."