
Chapter 7

Third person pov

Everyone gathered in front of the accident scene.

Journalists, fire service, ambulance, FBI's and other security agencies were present. The sudden fire outbreak that happened the previous night drew attention of the people to witness what had happened.

The fire agency had stopped the angry burning fire already and different medical crew went inside to check if anyone got hurt and they discovered there was someone inside but his body was burnt to ashes already, no piece of his flesh remained. The whole house was burnt down making it hard for them to detect if it was an accident or a murder case.

The police looked everywhere for even the slightest clue but nothing but a teenage girl observed something on the floor and quickly called the attention of the police .

They discovered that there were droplets of blood that trailed down to the garage, the captain called his other members to investigate the arena but nothing was found.

Few hours later everyone existed the building and a caution tape was put around the building.

All through the investigation, she parked her white Range rover car guarded with heavily tinted glasses at the far end watching from a distance.

She shook her head a little with a smirk on her dark red colored lips cause deep down she knows no matter how much they investigate on the matter, she can never be caught cause she left no trail of evidence behind. She pulled her shades back on and left for her meeting.


The moment she stepped in her company her employees quickly organized themselves and went back to their work. Arturo and marìa walked beside her holding all her stuff while she strode with confidence and power.

Everyone worships her and no one dare look into those dark violet-grey eyes which can get you hypnotize and lead to one's death. Everyone who knows Claudia knows danger.

Her long black silver heels clicked on the clean expensive white marble tiles. Everyone bowing their head as she passed by with fear written all over their faces.

She got to the conference room and immediately everyone got up to greet her.

A stiff was all it took for them to have their seats again. She looked around to realize the person was tardy and that's a major disqualification for her to cancel the deal they are yet to make.

Immediately her eyes met a nervous and confused marìa, her intense gaze passing out her unsaid words.

Marìa quickly went over to her side. "I don't know why he isn't here signora I'll go and give him a call right away" she turned to leave.

Claudia's POV

The door opened and there stood a tall, well built gentle man dressed in a black suit, a black button up shirt made of a fine satin material, the top buttons left opened revealing his hard and well toned chest, an expensive silver looking chain dangled from his neck, an expensive suede shoe probably purchased from a high ranked store kissed his feet.

Two well built males dressed in black stood at the door and a lady dressed in a white skirt and a black halter neck top matched with a pair of white stilettos stood behind him a little holding a file in her hands.

He strode with power and confidence making my employees stand bowing in fear and respect while I sat down with my legs crossed twirling slightly on my chair.

He finally got to where I was and our eyes locked, he had the most alluring pair of cloudy grey eyes that could pierce right through anyone's soul.

I got up from my chair and regretted because my heels weren't even making me tall to reach his height, he was tall and intimidating but of course no one can intimidate Claudia marchessi.

He held his hand out for a handshake and I just stared at it then back at his handsome face, finally i took his hand in mine loving how soft it was, the cold metal of his rings colliding with mine.

I released his hand and we both sat down still staring at each other with heated gaze.

Seemed like everyone noticed the tension and Arturo decided to break the staring contest and heated tension. We began the meeting and once in a while we glanced at each other.

Something about him screamed danger, he looked oddly familiar and his presence felt odd. The meeting finally ended and everyone left except the both of us.

"Ms marchessi" he finally spoke, his voice smooth like caramel yet husky and fucking deep.

"Mr Simonè" he smirked and shook his head. "Simonè is my right..my personal assistant, I thought this company wasn't a big shot and that's why I wanted to send him but I found out your company is well reputed and known in America so I chose to come".

I stared at him letting his words sink in. "So you are trying to say any company that isn't at your level isn't worth your presence" he smirked and nodded.

"Smart one there senorita" he let his spanish accent roll out and it blended perfectly with his sexy voice. "Aurora" I gave him my middle name.

"Saúl" he introduced, he looked quite familiar but I couldn't place where I knew him from.

"Let me lead you out and treat you with coffee signorè" he shook his head

"I'd prefer having dinner with a damsel like you" I gave no reply as I stared blankly at him. "Dinner by 8 I'll send my driver to pick you up" without giving me a room for reply he left my office.

I went back to my office and settled on the sofa with my legs crossed as I thought about the man that left not long ago, I don't know why I have a strong and odd feeling about him which I want to figure out.


After lots of thoughts I decided to accept his dinner date so I could get to know more of the mysterious guy that intrigued my spirit.

I dressed in a maroon handless gown that hugged my figure like a second skin and a pair of black strapped heels.

I let my hair flow down my back and wore a gothic makeup, I put my jewelries on and carried a black diamond clutch and left my office.

When I made up my mind to go out with saúl I told marìa to get me an outfit for the date and I freshened up in my office.