
Chapter 8

I got outside to find a black Roll Royce car waiting for me, a man dressed in a white uniform walked up to me and greeted me with his head bowed lightly.

"Senorita Aurora?" His spanish accent so thick, I nodded and he led me to the car and opened the door for me.

I sent a quick text to Arturo and marìa telling them about my whereabouts incase anthing happens because I don't really trust saùl and his mysterious intentions.

We reached a beautiful building that had bright golden lights streaming out the window illuminating the streets and the driver helped me get down and led me inside.

The place scented so heavenly like the mixture of different expensive perfumes, colognes and the food being cooked and served, atmosphere cool and I loved it.

From observation I could tell only the rich could afford it here. The place wasn't full and was neatly and orderly arranged.

"Senorita take the elevator to the third floor" he told me. I looked at him with a strange look but did it anyway.

Throughout the elevator ride I kept wondering why he chose the last floor of the restaurant, well i wasn't scared because I had my weapons with me.

The elevator dung and slid opened and I walked out, my heels clicking on the expensive red carpet, the chairs were arranged neatly and beautifully but only 3 couples were seated. Everywhere was dark with only blue and red club lights bleeding out its source of illumination.

I caught sight of a figure sitting at the far end of the place and I immediately recognized who it was.

I adjusted my dress and walked to where he was and immediately he sensed my presence and looked up at me with those alluring cloudy grey eyes that appears quite fake.

His smirk appeared and he got up with his hand stretched out for me which I took and let him kiss the back of my palm, he pulled my chair out for me and I sat down.

The moment he sat down out eyes locked. "Glad you made it senõrita" i just nodded and locked my hands under my chin.

"Signore saùl why have you asked me out to dinner if I may know" I straightened my spine and stared at him in the eyes.

"Let's drop the formalities Aurora, I couldn't let a beauty like you offer me just coffee, you deserve the treat besides not every business clients Saùl Lombardi gets to give a dinner treat" he spoke with pride but that wasn't what caught my attention, the name Lombardi did.

Could he be one of the Lombardis or just a regular man that bears the name. I folded my arms on the table and stared at him trying to analyze something.

"Lombardi? Hm your name sounds so familiar saùl" i hid my suspicions and just stared him and he gave that arrogant smirk.

"Of course diamante, it sounds familiar after all I am Saùl Lombardi son of carloú Lombardi, i have been known since I was born" Carloù Lombardi i took note of the name, my ears peeked up in interest and I wanted to hear more to see if I'll get any useful information from him.

Javier is our biggest foe but I've never seen his face, well no one has ever cause it is hidden behind his mask. The only feature of him which is prominent are his eyes.

They are a deep everest green shade and that isn't something Saúl possesses but still he can me an under cover spy.

"Ever since you were born?"

"Yes Aurora, my grandfather and dad were well known in chicago, you can also say all over the world" he explained.

"Then how do you bear a Spanish first name and last name?" I asked curiously. He smirked and stared at me in the eyes.

"I can see we're curious huh?"

I shrugged and stared back at him. "You can't blame me Saùl, you're one interesting man".

"I am a Spanish descendant but you can say I've lived here all my life"

"Then how do you still have the accent and you're really fluent in the language?" He chuckled lightly and soon all emotions drained from his face.

"Seems like you're interrogating me like you suspect I'm a criminal?" He looked at me with no emotions on his face and I just smiled to cover my real intentions.

"Sorry if you feel that way I was just curious" i feigned innocence.

"It's okay diamante, enough about me let's talk about you, how did you get to such great length in a short time, I mean I just heard about this company a month ago and look where you are, you've managed to get me to make a deal and invest in your company whereas people who have their companies for over 15 years are still trying to get to make a deal with me" i was quiet for awhile so I could digest the question and choose my words carefully.

"I believe when you have a certain goal and you put in all your best, you'll be to achieve it no matter the time.

I've been planning this for a long time but I never just had enough capital, once I got the money and start I needed I started immediately and voila I am here" he smirked in pride and somewhat admiration?


We spoke for a while and finally decided to order our food. "Saliburg steak and sex on the beach"

"Hmm" he hummed making me look up at him. "Is there something wrong with that?" He shook his head

"No I'm just surprised you didn't ask for salad without cream, fruits or bitter lemon drinks like the other ladies" he replied causing me to roll my eyes.

"I'm not trying to impress anybody besides why should I eat grass when I can eat lots of amazing food like this" I answered him and honestly I really don't see a reason why ladies eat those food they do, I get they want to look fit for their modeling career but still they can eat such good food and workout they'll still look fit for their job.

In the past, I went through alot that made me the monster i am today but my food was always there for me. He just stared at me and I broke the stare then we started eating. After dinner we had little talks until he decided to take me home.


On our way I got a text from Gioia about matilda being paranoid of coming to chicago and how she's getting out of control. I replied back telling her to try and not let them know else all my plans will be ruined.

"Aurora your address" his voice cut my thoughts and i looked at him.

"And why should I? you could be a murderer for all I know" I sat back and watched him intensely. He released a deep chuckle that made my pussy get warm at the vibrating sound.

"You are really an interesting one diamante, you had dinner with a murderer few moments ago and we're in the same car, look diamante if I wanted to kill you I'd have done that a long time ago don't you think so?" He raised a perfect brow at me and I chose to ignore him because he was right.

I gave him the address and not too long we arrived at my house. He escorted me up to my porch.

"Thanks for dinner saùl" he nodded with a smirk and leaned in causing my heart beat to race faster.

"Mi placer diamante" he whispered over my neck and I nodded moving back a bit trying to get away from his piercing stare and intoxicating presence.

He held my waist when he noticed I was about to fall down and pulled me up causing me to land on his chest. He kissed my cheek and leaned his face leaving just few inches between our lips.

"Buenas Noches diamante"he whispered and pulled away.

I stood dumb founded for the first time, staring at his retreating figure, I just shook my head and got into the house, i went to my room to freshen up.

I got comfortable in a light blue silk Night gown and switched the lights off. I took my phone from the night stand and texted Arturo to investigate on Saùl Lombardi, i need to know who he is actually. He could be the Lombardi for all I know.

I connected the charger to my phone and relaxed on the bed pulling the duvet up my body and closed my eyes, the last thing I remembered was a shade of cloudy grey eyes that lived rent free in my head.