
Only Wild

'Trust no one.'

[You are out of Blood Time]

Blinking once, twice, thrice, Max tardily opened his eyes fully and he envisioned — through complete darkness and through the floating notification on his iris — in some distance away from him, the vertical bars of a cage.

[Blood Time: 00h: 00m: 00s remaining]

Flashly following the former message of the system, he found his head strangely becoming heavier. Then, he saw a monstrous silhouette on the other side appearing out of the cage.

[Your Blood Lust is blossoming]

Diverting his eyes away from the silhouette and to the ground he lied on, he clutched his dirty hair in his fists. A transformation was taking place in him and his head was turning heavier because of it.

A stage of the transformation was reached that caused his fangs to slowly grow longer, his claws to grow even longer and his pupils to become smaller. His heart pumped the little blood in him faster with greater speed, his nose involuntarily sniffed the air deeply, searching for any traces of blood.

[You need to hunt for human blood]

Releasing an animalistically reverberating voice through his throat, Max instinctively activated Spider Vision.

[Warning: You are losing control over your human side]

[Warning: You are extremely low on health]

[Warning: You should stay away from any creature you can harm]

He searched through the vision, and searched, and searched, and searched for anything resembling a human: All he saw were nothing like humans, they were more like Vampires as their eyes flashed red inside darkness continuously similar to his own.

Every flash indicated a blood craving pulse.

[You need to control yourself]

Max roared as he stood up. Ready, he ran towards the monster shape silhouette on the other side.

The new chains around his limbs, and the long blood draining pipes plugged to his back, aggressively yanked him back to the ground with clanking sounds of chains. As thick saliva drooled down to his neck, he roared again in pain and wildness.

Max's voice said it all: Love, sadness, trust, betrayal, failure, wildness, pain, pain, and more emotional pain of a broken man.

The beings with red flashing eyes answered his roar with similar spine-chilling voices. Their voices echoed what horrors they have become before now becoming worser than that, their blood drained from their bodies. No human could hear such a nightmairish, unified voices of hungry Vampires without assuming what they could do or what they could look like.

[Wild Diurnal Vampire Slave Transformation: 2%... 9%... 23%...]

Max ran again towards the monstrous silhouette, only to be brought back to the ground harder by the chains. He stood up and did the same thing again, and again, and again continuously....

[Warning: You are now 100% wild]

[Vampire Status]

[Health: -25/100]

[Blood Lust Stat: 97/100]

[Blood Time: 00h: 00m: 00s remaining]

[Blood Lust: Untamed]

[Evolutionary Stage: (Wild) Diurnal Vampire (Slave)]

This kind of transformation normally happen whensoever any kind of Vampire was out of blood. In this form, all of them were excessively wild and more dangerous depending on their evolutionary stage. The higher the stage, the higher the damages they could do.

Starting from the lowest of the evolutionary stage to the highest goes as the Nocturnal Vampires being at the bottom, followed by the Diurnal Vampires, the Regular Vampires, the Real Vampires, and lastly the Terminal Vampires.

Even though Max had turned into a Wild Vampire, he wasn't that dangerous than if he were to be at the higher stages of evolution.

And it wasn't like Max could evolve anytime sooner since for every higher evolution to occur, he needed to drink more blood of different living humans than he did in the previous stage. Where could he get all that blood in Royalty Pack?

Tired of been running and yanked back to the ground, Max sat on the cold floor, threateningly bearing his grown salivered fangs at the fearsome silhouette looking at him outside his cage.

The silhouette's upper, hairy limbs moved as it opened the chained cage. Pushing the door to the side, it walked in towards the Wild Vampire. Max roared terrifyingly, then he became blurry, aiming an attack at the creature for disturbing his absent peace.

The creature waited patiently. At the right time, very heartlessly, he sent Max flying back with a powerful blow.

[You need to control yourself]

[Health: -30/100]

Max cried as he ran again;

The creature blew him back effortlessly.

[Health: -35/100]

And again.

[Health: -40/100]

And again.



[Health: -45/100]



[Health: -50/100]

As the puncher continued the assault, a voice informed through his mind:

«Sir Cameron, I have the human with me.»

Cameron responded through the wolf mind-link as he easily landed a more deadly blow:

«Bring him down here.»

Smelling a feared, violently shivering human passing in between their respective cages, some of the Wild Vampires became literally crazier telling from the increased voices of roars mixed with cries. The frail human's mouth had a dirty garment tying it up, shivering and aggressively pushed now and then in order to keep moving forward by a grim Royal Force.

Seeing a Wild Vampire in a close cage beginning to scream, Cameron knew they had arrived. He commanded the Royal Force:

«You should wait to carry his dead body before Hazel comes.»

«I will be waiting.»


[Health: -75/100]

Cameron left Max readying to make another futule crazy move, his pacing all majestic. The vertical bars of the cage divided the air between him and the shivering human standing outside. He was in his Hunch form but nevertheless he looked to be in the Mighty form in the eyes of the helpless human being.

After some while, Cameron smoothly shifted into the human form, his outfits still neat and clean, before coldly asking the human, "Are you scared of death?"

Cameron gently swung the door open and gave way for the two visitors to come in.

"Please I have a family depending on me. They need me to take care of them." The pitiful appearing beared man cried. "I'm not telling anyone you exist. I promise you I will behave as if I saw nothing about your lives. It is a promise I swear to keep."

Sounding touched, "I am sorry about your family, but you really need to die to save his life." Cameron paused and looked at Max. "He too looks sorry... and slightly a kind of only wild..."

The shivering Max glanced at Max, seeing nothing as such as sorry other than a fearsome wild animal with red eyes.

With a sigh, "The Absolute Law says it," Cameron said and smiled. "I'm not the one who says it. Any of you humans who knows about us should either become one of us or dies. And The Law particularly wants you dead as you serve the Royals." explained Cameron.

Said the human while glancing again at Max's glowing red eyes, "Let me return to my family safe."

In a blink of an eye, Cameron roughly grabbed the human by his left arm and threw him at Max.

I was upset regarding Penelope and now, there's Cam... forget it. Please keep supporting the book by all means

Jaxmaacreators' thoughts