
Bleach: Threads of Fate

An anime fan ends up reincarnated in the world of Bleach. While he hopes that a system or something like any other isekai will appear to help him, he will have to discover his own abilities for himself and decide what to do with his powers.

Moongetsu · ファンタジー
133 Chs

[New World Arc] Part 5: Lucky or Unlucky?

It was all dark and all I could hear was a voice that seemed far away but gradually became clearer.



Yato: 'It seems that someone is calling me. Is it some doctor?'

"...you can't stay here all day boy..."

Yato: 'Huh…? They're kicking me out of the hospital…?' - was the most I could think for still having my eyes closed.

"Kid, you can't sleep on the bus all day." The voice spoke more clearly now.

Yato: 'Wait…bus?'

Still a little confused I opened my eyes. It took a while for my vision to adjust to my surroundings, but the next thing I knew, I was still on the bus. The owner of the voice, the driver, was idly looking my way.

Driver: "You're a heavy sleeper huh, kid. You better hurry up or you might end up missing class." - Said the bus driver while looking at me.

I was still confused about waking up on the bus. It was as if that dream had no end. The driver's words reminded me that I was already quite late when I left the house, and if I fell asleep, I've probably missed most of today's classes. With that in mind I got up slowly. For some reason I felt extremely tired.

Yato: "Oh, thanks sir." - I tried to answer politely despite still looking sleepy. When I was about to get off the bus I noticed that the cat was gone.

Yato: "Sir, did you happen to see the red cat that got on the bus with me? He was right there beside me." - I asked the driver.

Driver: "Red cat? There weren't any cats in here. Could it be that you weren't dreaming?" asked the driver in a playful tone.

Although I don't think it wasn't what had happened, there was no way I could abandon everything and run after that cat. If he actually jumped out the window while I slept, the chances of me finding him would be slim.

Yato: 'I'd better go to school first and on the way back I'll try to look for the cat.' - I thought as I got off the bus.

When facing the school, I saw that many students were still heading there. This made me a little relieved as I wouldn't be the only one late.

Yato: 'At least I won't be the only one to get scolded.' - I thought.

As I didn't want to complicate my situation even more, I decided to go straight to the classroom, but as I didn't know where it was, I spent some time just walking around the school until I bumped into someone.

Yato: "I'm sorry about that." - In the panic I apologized without even seeing who it was.

When I looked at the woman I saw that she was the teacher of Ichigo's class in the anime.

Teacher: "Relax, it was no big deal. Are you all right?" - Asked the teacher while she smiled carefree.

Yato: "Yes, I just got distracted. I didn't sleep well and now besides being late I don't really know where my room is" - I said laughing a little embarrassed trying to alleviate the fact that I was late.

Teacher: "Late? What's your room?" - Asked the teacher a little confused.

Yato: "I'm in room 1-3." - I responded immediately.

Misato: "I can show you where the room is since I'll have to go there too. By the way, my name is Misato Ochi." - Said the woman extending her right hand.

Yato: "My name is… Yato. Yato Yasakani." - I replied a little embarrassed as I shook the teacher's hand.

'I hesitated to answer because for a moment I had forgotten my new name.'

Misato: "But tell me something, exactly how are you late?" - Asked the teacher.

Yato: "Well…to class?" - I answered in a dubious way.

Yato: 'Maybe the teacher hasn't seen the hour yet?'

Misato: "But your classes don't start until 6:30 a.m. don't they? Or are you in a club?" - She asked

Yato: "I didn't get to join any club"

The teacher looked at her wristwatch after my answer and slightly arched her eyebrows.

Misato: "Are you sure you've been sleeping well?" - she asked.

Yato: "I think so...?"

'Despite being quite tired all of a sudden...'

Misato: It's just that you're saying you're late, but it's still 6:25 a.m. Your classes haven't even started yet."

Yato: "...What?"