
Bleach : The Onigami

The Shinigami With The Horns Of The Devil Himself, The Onigami. "The Onigami Captain has arrived!!" "Who the hell gave me that name?!" "Captain, your horns have grown too large again, would you like me to saw them down?" "Fuck you!" "Are you a Hollow or a Shinigami?" "Do you want to be killed with a Cero or Kido?" What happens when a commoner gets reborn in a not-so-common world? Let's see what happens

Wushu_Drunken_Hobo · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

The Figure Who Spoke After A Million Years


Seimei was suddenly pulled into his inner world, as he, Yoruichi and Kisuke were talking about Aizen.

"You fucking idiot!"

Mushashi swore at Seimei as he looked in front of him.

Seimei was sitting awkwardly, with sweat dripping down his forehead.

"The perk you had for transmigrating here was your future knowledge but you decided to reveal that?! How idiotic could you be!?"

Mushashi's voice was filled with anger and annoyance. It wasn't for some useless reason too.

"I know… But you know, its Yoruichi and Kisuke so maybe it wasn't that ba-"

"Shut up! Don't make useless excuses!"

Mushashi spat down as he smacked Seimei.

"You idiot!"

As insults kept uncharacteristically spewing out of Mushashi's mouth, Seimei sat down and obediently accepted them.

After all, it was as though his IQ had been forcefully lowered. Revealing that he could see the future was never a good idea, but Seimei had done just that.

'Did The Fool use his power on me or something…' Seimei muttered, trying to justify himself for his actions.

"Sigh. Well, what has been done, has been done. Now, we need to make a plan to somehow solve this situation." Mushashi sighed as he sat down, "The only good thing you did was that you said your eyes helped you see the future and not that it was an innate ability."

He looked at Seimei as he seriously spoke.

"The only way you can get away from this situation is with one method."

"What's the method?" Seimei asked, he looked at Mushashi's rough face reflected within his eyes.

"Destroy your eyes." Mushashi spoke seriously, "You've said that your eyes helped you see the future, as such if you destroy your eyes then it'll give you a way to escape being asked about the future."

Seimei's eyebrows had jumped and he had already started sweating nervously. "Well, won't I go blind then?" He spoke.

"No." Mushashi spoke.

"Now that he has awakened, you won't go blind."


"Hey, what happened to you?" Yoruichi spoke as she waved her hands in front of Seimei's face.

"Ah yes, sorry. I zoned out."

Seimei shook his head as he replied to Yoruichi.

"Its fine, it was just for a few seconds anyway. Anyway, how did you know about Aizen?" She curiously asked.

Kisuke nodded from the side. To his knowledge which was told to him by Yoruichi, Seimei had graduated from the academy in just a year and he'd immediately been thrown into the outside world.

There weren't any chances for him to meet Aizen.

"I'd heard about him when I was still in the academy. He was teased by the students as the 5th Division's most boring person. Your description of him matched well so I guessed." Seimei 'calmly' replied.

Yoruichi and Kisuke nodded as they decided not to pursue the matter forward.

"Since such an uninteresting person dared to invite you out for tea, then wouldn't that make him an interesting person instead?" Kisuke suddenly interjected.


Yoruichi laughed as she shook her head.

'Knowing Aizen, he probably invited Yoruichi to either learn about her personality or to gain her trust, acting like a friendly Shinigami.' Seimei inwardly shook his head as he sipped his tea.

He wondered about the words of Mushashi, and wondered how he could try to blind himself.

He could try to injure himself with the help of a hollow, but it couldn't be any ordinary one.

It had to be a Menos Grande. Otherwise, it'd seem to fake for him to blind himself because of a mere normal hollow with almost no intelligence at all.

'1 problem with so many solutions but none that seem believable, sigh…'

"Well, did you bring the thing?" Kisuke asked Yoruichi.

Yoruichi finished her tea and brought out a black piece of paper.

"Yeah. I thought it'd take a few days but my little brother was in the Soul Society so I told him to go back and bring it for me."

Seimei smiled as he remembered the little brother of Yoruichi, Yushiro Shihoin.

He was indeed a very large sis-con, so it'd make sense that he'd find the artifact needed by Yoruichi in a very short time.

"So, explain how this works." Seimei spoke as he looked at the piece of paper.

"Right. You just need to enter some of your Reiryoku and verbally speak out what the contract is about. This will activate the paper and an unknown Kidō will be casted on the ones whose Reishi signature is on the paper."

Kisuke and Seimei nodded as they looked at the black piece of paper.

It was like a piece of skin, except with black colored veins moving from two sides of the paper.

"The Shihoin clan uses these of subordinate clans. The one used at the start was a stronger version of this. They usually last for several generations and have very severe side-effects."

Kisuke took ahold of the piece of paper and scanned it with his eyes. He tried to look around the paper and scanned it with his reishi from the outside.

"Couldn't get anything, sigh." He spoke with a sigh.

"If it was that easy to dismantle then it wouldn't be a secret artifact of the Shihoin now, would it?" Seimei replied to Kisuke's saddened words.

Yoruichi nodded as she yawned.

"Well, when will you be doing this?" She said, a slight hint of lethargy in her words.

"Let's do it now. Are you fine with that?" Kisuke stood up, as he looked at Seimei.

Seimei nodded, he too wanted to get this over with. He'd made a dumb mistake and now had to pay it off by having to take part in this contract.

"Grab a side of the paper each and put your reishi in it until the two collide."

Seimei and Kisuke nodded as they started to enter their reishi in.

Two shades of red started filling up the paper's veins. As the reishi veins collided.

The paper slowly started disintegrating as it turned into small black shreds.

It turned into a small skull as the reishi kept within the paper was devoured by the skull.

Yoruichi cut her finger and dropped a drop of blood on the skull. She muttered out a chant as her voice echoed throughout the room.

"As a member of the Shihoin house, I oversee this contract with my blood as the medium."

The skull's mouth opened wide, two pieces of paper shooting out of it.

"Write the contents of the contract into the paper and throw it in the fire."

Seimei condensed reishi and started writing.

'I shall never hurt Shihoin Yoruichi or Urahara Kisuke and the Soul Society by using my future knowledge gained from my eyes.'

Urahara did the same thing and started writing as well.

'I shall never share the information about Hitotsu Seimei having information about certain events from the future or the past that he knows to anyone except Shihoin Yoruichi until he hurts the Soul Society, I or Shihoin Yoruichi.'

The two faced the contracts towards each other and read each other's contracts.

Then they faced it to Yoruichi. She too, read them as the three nodded to each other.

They threw it into the skull as it burned into ashes.

The skull split into 3 halves as it went inside the chest of each of the three.

A symbol was made on the centre of each of the three's chest's.

It was a simple small skull.

'Why is everything skull themed?' Seimei thought to himself.

But the three's skulls were of different themes.

"Well, that's it." Yoruichi nodded as she sat down.

"Does that mean that I'm no longer suspicious?" Seimei sighed as he sat down as well. He started making another cup of tea and placed it in front of the two.

Kisuke had opened up his shihakusho and was examining the skull on his chest.

The skull had cuts on it that were stitched together, similar to the reconstruction done by his Bankai, Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame.

"Interesting…" Kisuke spoke as he touched the skull. He felt a certain closeness to the skull.

'Isn't that…?' Seimei looked at the skull. It was definitely the reconstruction of reality that could be made by Benihime Aratame.

Seimei opened up his shihakusho and checked his chest.

"I have one too." Seimei spoke.

His skull had horns on it, like the ones on the head of a oni. They were slender and came off of the skull's forehead. It had a katana in its mouth with a black liquid dripped off of it.

"Interesting… So interesting…" Kisuke kept repeating on and on.

"Hey! What's up with mine?" Yoruichi spoke out.

Her skull had lightning marks on it. The lightning converged into cat shaped ears on top of the skull.

"A cat?" Seimei spoke out.

"Indeed. That does slightly suit you." Kisuke replied to Yoruichi.

"I don't like it!" Yoruichi frowned slightly.

Kisuke and Seimei smiled.

She frowned and sighed.

"Well, whatever."

Seimei smiled as the memories of Yoruichi's Raiju Senkei form. As a young man, he'd naturally loved that form.

'Perhaps I'll get to see it one day.' He thought.


"So, when can you take care of these?" Seimei pointed at his forehead which had small black horns growing on them.

They'd grown a few millimeters longer than what it was before.

"Like I said, we need to get you to my laboratory in the Soul Society." Kisuke replied to Seimei, as he looked at the horns.

"But why do you want to cut them off?" Yoruichi suddenly asked.

"Oh yes. Why do you even want to cut them off?" Kisuke asked the same question as well.

"Well. I don't want to have horns on my forehead?" Seimei replied, "I don't want think normal Shinigami would have horns on their foreheads, right?" he continued.

"Not really. I don't think the Soul Society would really care. After all, we're Gods of Death, why'd we care about horns?"

Kisuke nodded as well, agreeing with Yoruichi's statement.

"You're right…" Seimei replied after thinking about it for a while.

He didn't know why he wanted to cut his horns off. Until he realized something.

'My previous human thought process had made me think that I was still a human. A human would never have horns. I haven't accepted the fact that I'm a Shinigami now, and no longer a human.'

Suddenly it clicked within him.

He still thought that he was a human in the "Bleach" world.

"I am a Shinigami. I am no longer a human."

Suddenly, there was a burst of reishi inside his body.

The reishi within the environment was pulled into Seimei's body.

"If this explosion occurs then it'll be really bad, Kisuke!" Yoruichi shouted out.

Kisuke pulled out his Zanpakuto and opened a Senkaimon right below Seimei.

Seimei was transported back into the Soul Society, inside Kisuke's secret underground base.


Inside the inner world of Seimei, two familiar figures sat in front of each other.

"Seems he finally realized it?" Mushashi spoke out.

There was a young man in front of him. He had a rebellious face, round with bright eyes, apathetic eyes and well-kept hair. He had blond hair, the kind that reached his forehead.

He wore old clothes, that seemed not from the world around him. They were as though from a western civilization, somewhere not from this world.

"So, you have finally awakened."

"He accepted himself, as such, I have awoken. He shall grow stronger and so shall I grow inside him."

"It is unavoidable it seems?"

"It is unavoidable. You know it, the black one does and so shall he need to learn and accept."

"Very well. Perhaps I should congratulate on your birth?" Mushashi had spoken in a very cynical tone.

"No need. My birth is not one that you should be celebrating. You know why I was born."

"Perhaps so… He shall know you're here soon enough."

The young man looked directly at Mushashi, his rebellious face having a slight smirk.

"So, what? I am here and that's all that matters.

After all, aren't I in his head, the boy who was sent to a foreign land to fight very dangerous fights and was a lonely person?"

"Yes." Mushashi spoke.

Just then, a rough figure entered in from the front door.

"Look who's here. It's the blonde grunt."

The young man frowned at the man, as he spat out.

"I'm not a blonde grunt.

I'm Thorfinn."



A sudden explosion ran out from within the space. A young man walked out. He looked 15 or 16 years old, with flawless white skin, perhaps a little too pale. His hair was pitch black, like the night sky or the abyss of a black hole.

Perhaps the most striking part of his appearance were the two long horns that grew out from his forehead. They were jet black and grew straight out from his forehead.

But there was something wrong.

His eyes were missing.

In the place of his eyes, were 2 holes.


A voice could be heard within the blackness. It was like a thick ink, draping everything around it. A figure with no hands and legs looked at a certain as his mouth moved after a million years.

"I, Spirit King, name you The Onigami."

School's started again, so i probably won't be uploading regularly for a few months. I'll still try to upload but expect months long hiatus's. I still hope you support me.

Wushu_Drunken_Hobocreators' thoughts